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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 48
Постоянный гость
Рега: 02.02.2013
Сообщения: 447

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Сен 30, 2024 4:12 pm    Заголовок сообщения: 18+ История без названия Ответить с цитатой

Короче, я предупредил. Тем, кому нет 18+, дальше не читать.

Текст и изображения сгенерированы нейросетью "perchance org".
В предыдущей группе запретили из-за "взрослой" тематики. Поэтому я хочу задать вам вопрос по этому творению:
А что здесь такого "взрослого"? И вообще, какой возрастной рейтинг у этой публикации? Отпишитесь в комментарии, и понравилось ли.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Еще разочек", - пробормотала Хана себе под нос, ее глаза блестели от возбуждения, когда она опустила руку в пенистую воду ванны. Ее маленькие бледные пальчики обхватили пластиковую бутылочку с пеной для ванн, внутри которой мягко плескалась неоново-розовая жидкость. Быстрым движением запястья она отвинтила колпачок и выдавила щедрую порцию в теплую, наполненную паром воду. Вода закружилась и заплясала, смешиваясь с пузырьками, которые уже лениво плавали на поверхности.

Откинувшись на спинку стула, она сделала глубокий вдох, а затем осторожно подула, и ее мягкое, теплое дыхание при взаимодействии с мыльной водой наполнилось ароматом мяты и ванили. Образовался гигантский пузырь, который слегка подрагивал, прежде чем стать более плотным. Он все рос и рос, изящный шар, в котором отражался мягкий свет свечей, расставленных по всей ванной. Пузырь расширялся, пока не коснулся краев ванны, где лопнул и разделился на два меньших. Эти новые пузырьки снова выросли, и каждый из них превратился в миниатюрную радужную вселенную.

Хана зачарованно наблюдала, как процесс повторяется, создавая завораживающий танец пузырьков. Они становились все больше, потом меньше, потом снова больше, пока вся ванна не превратилась в пенистое море пастельных тонов. Каждый хлопок эхом разносился по комнате, создавая симфонию света и звука, которая наполняла ее сердце детской радостью. Ее пальцы танцевали в воде, играя с пузырьками, которые росли и разделялись, ощущая мягкое сопротивление мыльной пленки на своей коже.

Внезапно она поняла, что пузырьки больше не ограничиваются ванной. Они начали взбираться по фарфоровым стенкам, добираясь до кафеля и крана, словно крошечные мыльные путешественники. Ахнув, она увидела, как они переливаются через край и начинают заселять пол ванной. Уровень воды в ванне падал по мере того, как все больше и больше пузырьков всплывало наружу, растекаясь по кафелю подобно пузырчатому одеялу.

Хана вскочила на ноги, ее мокрое полотенце слегка заскользило по скользкому полу. Пузырьки увеличивались в размерах, сливаясь друг с другом, образуя баррикаду из пузырьков между ней и дверью. По комнате разносились хлопки, каждый из которых распространял слабый аромат мяты и ванили. Она нервно рассмеялась, ситуация из забавной превратилась в слегка тревожную. Пузыри стали такими большими, что начали заполнять пространство между полом и потолком, а их подвижные поверхности отражали свет свечей, создавая калейдоскоп цветов.


Добавлено спустя 52 минуты 24 секунды:

P.S. Можно назвать "Хана и пузыри".

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 48
Постоянный гость
Рега: 02.02.2013
Сообщения: 447

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Сен 30, 2024 6:03 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

внимание! Нейросеть исполняет желания владельца вне зависимости от ваших намерений. Будьте осторожны!
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олух царя небесного

Пол: Пол:Муж

Желанный гость
Рега: 09.10.2019
Сообщения: 655
Откуда: .su

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Сен 30, 2024 8:22 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

По меркам интернета ничего "взрослого" здесь нет. По меркам некой "предыдущей группы" - не имею понятия.

Понравилось ли? Подобные нейросети полнейшая помойка. Таких картинок выше крыши. Дельные подобия ИИ (про хоть сколько-то "интеллектуальные" для ширпотреба ни разу не слышал) обкатываются на закрытых тестах и в более... эмм-м прикладных к реальности направлениях.

тормоз перестройки
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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 48
Постоянный гость
Рега: 02.02.2013
Сообщения: 447

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Окт 01, 2024 11:31 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Нагенерил вторую версию того же самого. Кому интересно - читайте.

In a quiet corner of the school, a young girl named Akari sat on a worn bench, her legs swinging back and forth as the last bell of the day rang out. Her heart felt as light as the dandelion seeds floating on the spring breeze. Today had been a good day. She had scored well on her math test, and her friends had invited her to their after-school hangout spot. Akari's eyes sparkled with excitement, her mind already racing to the adventures that awaited her.

The bathroom door squeaked open, and she stepped inside, eager to refresh herself before meeting her friends. The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a soft glow that danced with the shadows. The scent of soap and disinfectant filled her nostrils, a familiar and comforting smell that signaled a brief moment of solitude. Akari walked to the sink and turned the faucet, letting the cool water rush over her hands, washing away the school day's residue.

Her eyes fell on a peculiar bar of soap sitting on the edge, its vibrant colors swirling together like a miniature galaxy. Curiosity piqued, she picked it up, feeling the smoothness against her skin. It was unlike any soap she had ever seen before. The moment she touched it, a faint tingling sensation danced along her fingertips. A memory tickled her mind, a story of a magic girl who had once attended this school.

With a gentle touch, Akari lathered her hands with the mysterious soap, the colors swirling and mixing with the water. On a whim, she cupped her soapy hands together and blew. A bubble grew before her eyes, not just any bubble, but one that shimmered with an ethereal glow. The more she blew, the larger it grew, stretching out until it was as big as her head. She giggled in amazement as it floated in the air, a perfect sphere of iridescent wonder.

The tingling sensation grew stronger, and she could feel the power of the soap resonating with something deep within her. It was as if the bubble was alive, responding to her will, her desires. Akari's heart raced. Could it be true? Could this soap really grant wishes? The stories she had heard of the magic girl felt less like myth and more like a whisper of reality in this peculiar moment.

With wide eyes and parted lips, she whispered her wish to the bubble. "Please, grow bigger." The bubble quivered and responded, expanding steadily before her eyes, reaching towards the bathroom ceiling. The colors grew more vivid, a symphony of light playing across the delicate surface. It was mesmerizing, a thing of beauty that seemed to hold the very essence of her dreams and hopes within it.

Akari's curiosity grew stronger than her fear. She leaned closer and, with a gentle pucker of her lips, kissed the bubble. To her amazement, it split into two, each half growing larger and more vivid than the original. She giggled, her cheeks flushing with excitement. This was more than she could have ever imagined. With a newfound confidence, she blew into her palms once again, creating two more bubbles.

Her eyes widened as she watched the bubbles double in size, and then again, as if responding to an invisible rhythm. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. They grew so large that they touched the walls, bouncing off the tiles and filling the room with an otherworldly glow. The once empty bathroom now looked like a sea of floating planets, each one a different shade of the rainbow, reflecting the light in a dazzling display.

Akari felt a surge of excitement as she realized the extent of this magic. With a giggle, she leaned in and blows one of the larger bubbles, expecting another to split off. But instead, something unexpected happened. The bubble didn't just split; it grew, and grew, until it was almost too big to fit in the room. The walls groaned as if under pressure, and she took a step back, her heart racing.

Panic set in as more bubbles began to fill the space around her, popping and merging, creating an ever-expanding sea of color. She couldn't even move; the room was now full of bubbles, bobbing against each other with a faint squeaking sound. Her whispers grew to a soft gasp, "How do I stop it?" Her voice echoed off the tiles, lost in the symphony of popping bubbles.

Akari's instincts took over, and she reached for the door, her hand slipping on the wet handle. She managed to pull it open, the cold air of the hallway rushing in. The bubbles didn't stop growing, they seemed to be alive, responding to her every move. With a burst of courage, she squeezed through the narrowing gap, her heart pounding in her chest. The bubbles followed her out, floating through the doorway like a cloud of shimmering ghosts.

Her sneakers squeaked against the polished floor as she sprinted down the corridor, the bubbles in pursuit. The hallway grew brighter as the colors danced and chased her, casting a kaleidoscope of light on the walls. She could feel the tension in the air, the magic of the soap pushing the boundaries of what was possible. Other students stared in awe or confusion, some pointing, others running away, their voices a distant murmur.

The bubbles grew faster, their speed unmatched by Akari's. They began to surround her, popping and re-forming into new, larger ones that seemed to have a mind of their own. "How do I stop it?" she whispered again, her voice shaking with fear. The soap's power felt like a wild animal she hadn't tamed, and she was in its cage.

Just as Akari felt she would be engulfed by the rainbow deluge, a sudden gust of wind blew through the corridor, sending a chill down her spine. The bubbles paused for a brief moment, as if sensing a new presence. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a figure emerging from the shadows, dressed in a gleaming costume that shimmered like the bubbles themselves.

The figure was a girl, not much older than Akari, with a flowing cape and a crown of stars. Her eyes were as bright as the soap bubbles, and she moved with an unearthly grace. The magical girl! The one from the stories! Akari's heart leaped in her chest. She watched in amazement as the newcomer raised her hand, palm outstretched, and the bubbles rushed towards her like a tide drawn by the moon.

Each bubble popped against the magical girl's hand, the colors dissipating into glitter that fell to the floor, leaving no trace of the chaos that had been. The hallway grew brighter and quieter as the last of the bubbles met their end, their vibrant lives snuffed out with a series of soft pops. Akari felt a pang of regret, mixed with relief.

The magical girl looked at her, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "You've got the touch, don't you?" she said, her voice as soothing as a lullaby. Akari nodded, unable to find the words to explain the overwhelming feelings inside her. The magical girl took Akari's hand and led her back into the bathroom, the door clicking shut behind them.

In the enclosed space, she conjured another bubble, much larger than the ones Akari had created. It grew to envelop them both, the colors swirling around them like a tornado of light. Akari felt a strange comfort within the bubble, as if it were a cocoon designed to protect and nurture her. The magical girl stepped closer, her eyes filled with a warm, encouraging gaze.

"Don't be afraid," she whispered, and leaned in to kiss Akari softly on the forehead. The moment her lips touched Akari's skin, the soap film grew darker, the colors deepening into a midnight sky sprinkled with stardust. The room outside the bubble faded away, replaced by the serene beauty of the night sky. Akari's heart raced, but not from fear, instead, she felt a sudden surge of power, a connection to something ancient and profound.

The magical girl spoke gently, "Your wish is to become more than you are now, to explore the possibilities beyond the ordinary. The soap has granted your wish." Akari watched in awe as the remaining bubbles grew larger still, until they began to take the shape of humans, their forms transparent and shimmering. Each bubble-person looked different, each one a unique pattern of colors reflecting their own personality and essence.

The bubble-girls grew in numbers, filling the bathroom until there was barely room to move. They giggled and whispered, their voices echoing off the walls, a harmony of curiosity and excitement. They looked at Akari with wonder, their eyes wide with the same sense of discovery she felt in her heart. Some of them were delicate and graceful, while others were bold and vibrant, their shapes reminiscent of the diverse tapestry of her own hopes and dreams.

Akari took a deep breath and blew into the palm of her hand, creating a smaller bubble. She watched as it grew, absorbing the magic of the atmosphere around her. It was different this time; she could feel the energy coursing through her veins, a heady mix of wonder and power. The bubble grew until it was the size of a basketball, a deep blue with streaks of silver that reflected the light like a midnight lake.

With a flick of her wrist, she sent the bubble into the air, watching as it grew even larger. The other bubbles grew excited, popping and merging in a frenzy of color and light. The new bubble grew steadily, the pressure building around it as it filled with the essence of her wish. It grew and grew until it was the size of a car, the walls of the bathroom groaning with the effort to contain it. The magical girl nodded in approval, a knowing smile on her face.

Akari felt a strange kinship with these bubble-beings. They were extensions of her thoughts, her feelings made tangible. Each one she created was a piece of herself, a manifestation of her deepest desires. As she watched them, she realized that the bubbles didn't just reflect her own feelings; they contained a piece of the magic that the magical girl had used to stop the chaos. It was as if they were her own personal guardians, each one ready to protect her from the world outside.

Together, Akari and the magical girl continued to blow bubbles, the bathroom floor now a carpet of iridescent glow. Each one grew more complex, more intricate, with swirls and patterns that whispered secrets of the universe. They grew until they bumped against the ceiling, their surfaces rippling with the energy of their creation. Akari's heart raced as she felt a bond growing between her and these ethereal beings.

Suddenly, the walls of the bathroom bulged outwards, stretching and bending until the room was no longer a confined space. It had become a vast cavern of bubbles, each one capturing the light and reflecting it back in a symphony of colors. Akari gasped as she watched the floor drop away, leaving only the bubbles beneath her. The magical girl's hand was still in hers, and she felt a sudden weightlessness as they were both lifted off the ground by an unseen force.

The bubbles grew around them, enveloping them in their warm embrace. Each bubble expanded until it was large enough to hold the two girls, the walls stretching and reforming around them like living crystal. Akari felt the bubble she was in press against her, molding to her shape as if it were a second skin. The sensation was strange yet comforting, a cocoon of pure potential surrounding her.

The magical girl, whose name Akari hadn't yet learned, let out a laugh filled with pure joy. Her eyes sparkled with the light of a thousand stars, reflecting the ever-changing hues of the bubbles. "This is just the beginning!" she exclaimed, her voice resonating through the cavern of soap. "Your wish is boundless!"

With a graceful twirl, she released Akari's hand, the connection breaking like a string snapping. Instantly, the world around them contracted, the bubbles shrinking back to their original size, and the walls of the bathroom rushing back into place with a whoosh. The air grew thick with anticipation as the last of the magic dispersed, leaving them in the quiet, familiar bathroom stall.

The magical girl stepped back, her eyes filled with a knowing glint. "You have been granted a great gift," she said softly, her voice echoing in the now bubble-less room. "But with great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely." And with that, she turned and disappeared through the door, leaving Akari alone with the mystical soap.

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 48
Постоянный гость
Рега: 02.02.2013
Сообщения: 447

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Окт 03, 2024 5:54 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Текст и изобажения сгенерированы с помощью нейросети "perchance org".
Ну, я думаю, вы уже поняли, чем всё закончится... Приятного прочтения!

Аниме-девушка Тохо, студентка Лунной академии, зашла в библиотеку академии, чтобы подготовиться к промежуточному экзамену. "Чтобы сдать экзамен, вы должны выбрать тему, которая вам нравится", - сказал сэнсэй ранее.
Тохо подходит к библиотечной полке и замечает тонкую книгу между толстыми томами. Она берет ее.
"Хм-м... "Bubble magic". Интересно. И, думаю, неопасно".

Она попросила свою подругу Хану помочь ей подготовиться к экзамену. После обеда обе девочки идут в лабораторию проводить эксперименты.
"Пузыри?" - удивилась Хана.
"Не волнуйся. Это должно быть безопасно", - ответила Тохо.
"Каждый раз, когда ты это говоришь, я чувствую, что дрожу", - сказала Хана.

"Тебе следовало бы изучить теорию раньше", - сказала Хана.
"Это не сложно. Я думаю, я сделаю это позже", - ответила Тохо.

"Прежде всего, мы должны приготовить раствор". Тохо наполнила чашку водой, добавила шампунь, немного волшебных трав и ангельскую пыльцу.
Хана берет чашку и идет в центр лаборатории. Она рисует на полу большой магический знак. Тохо стоит позади, у стены.

"Теперь выдуй пузырь", - просит Тохо. Хана берет широкую стеклянную трубку и аккуратно дует в раствор. Она дует и дует, и через минуту выпускает в воздух большой пузырь.
Но, когда она подошла к границе магического знака, пузырь лопнул.

"О! - воскликнула Тохо, - я забыла произнести заклинание!"
Она открыла свою книгу и нашла упражнение.
"Заклинание номер 1. Сделать пузыри сильнее".

Затем Хана выдувает новый пузырь. И на этот раз все прошло успешно.
Обе девочки наблюдают за пузырем.
"Давайте посмотрим, насколько он прочен", - сказала Тохо. Хана берет катану и бьет по пузырю.
Но пузырь, вместо того, чтобы лопнуть, разделился на два пузырька первоначального размера.
"О..." - глаза Тохо открылись. "Это хорошо".

В воздухе плавают два одинаковых пузырька.
"Следующий шаг. Заклинание номер 2. Уменьшить пузырь".
Хана, затаив дыхание, наблюдала, как Тохо произносит заклинание, ее изящные пальцы вычерчивали точные узоры вокруг двух плавающих пузырьков. Магия кружилась вокруг них в нежном танце, заставляя пузырьки дрожать и сжиматься. Они стали такими маленькими, что стали почти невидимыми, напоминая танцующие в воздухе точки света.

Глядя на них, вы можете найти следующий отрывок. "Заклинание номер 3. Увеличьте пузырь".
Как только слова слетели с губ Тохо, два крошечных пузырька начали раздуваться. Они быстро росли, растягиваясь и расширяясь, пока не стали размером с дыню. Пузырьки приобрели более насыщенный цвет, а свет внутри них стал более интенсивным. Они парили в воздухе перед Ханой, и каждый из них отбрасывал мягкое сияние на ее черты, окрашивая их в синие и зеленые тона.

"Не интересно, - сказала Хана, - давайте сделаем еще".
Обе девочки взяли трубки и начали выдувать эти пузыри.
Затем они оставили магический знак, и Тохо несколько раз применила "заклинание номер 3".
Пузыри становились все больше и больше.
Внезапно Хана берет катану и начинает бить по пузырям, но пузыри не лопаются.
Они просто разделяются на два пузыря первоначального размера, и еще, и еще, и еще.

"Хватит, - смеясь, сказала Тохо. - Следующее заклинание... номер 5. Сделай пузыри разноцветными".
Теперь каждый пузырь был своего цвета. Один был красным, другой синим или желтым. В воздухе теперь плавали все цвета радуги. Две девочки с удивлением смотрели на них.

Воодушевленная успехом, Тохо решает продвинуться еще дальше. Она переворачивает страницу, чтобы прочитать последнее заклинание. "Lunatic mode", - читает она вслух. "А вот это должно быть интересно".
Заклинание требует сложной последовательности жестов и заклинаний. Она оглядывается через плечо на Хану, которая с энтузиазмом кивает, призывая ее продолжать. Сделав глубокий вдох и озорно улыбнувшись, Тохо начинает читать заклинание, ее руки сплетают в воздухе замысловатую магическую паутину.

В комнате воцаряется тишина, нарушаемая только ее пением. Разноцветные пузыри, которые когда-то мягко танцевали и подпрыгивали, теперь висят в воздухе, словно застыв во времени. Пламя свечей мерцает и растягивается по мере того, как волшебство усиливается. Глаза Ханы расширяются от изумления, и она делает шаг назад, хватаясь за край стола. Предвкушение становится ощутимым, воздух насыщен ароматом волшебства.

Как только последний слог слетает с губ Тохо, пузырьки оживают с жутковатой грацией, их движения набирают скорость, как у реки, несущейся по узкому ущелью. Они кружатся по комнате все быстрее и быстрее, оставляя за собой следы мерцающего света. Пол под их ногами вибрирует от энергии заклинания.

Пузырьки перелетают через границу магического знака, вырываясь за пределы, очерченные Ханой. Они наполняют лабораторию ослепительной гаммой цветов, отражаясь от стен, потолка и даже больших окон, выходящих на залитую светом территорию академии. Хана, с катаной в руке, бьет по пузырькам, пытаясь справиться с хаосом, но с каждым ее ударом они множатся с еще большей скоростью, смеясь над ее усилиями своими тихими хлопками и отскоками.

Ситуация выходит из-под контроля, поскольку пузыри становятся все больше и агрессивнее. Один из гигантских пузырей, клубящаяся масса красного и черного, устремляется к Хане. Она пытается увернуться, но он слишком быстр, заключая ее в свои блестящие объятия. Это отрывает ее от земли и с удивительной силой поднимает к потолку. Ее глаза в панике расширяются, когда она понимает, что попала в ловушку, и она зовет Тохо на помощь.

Тохо, не менее напуганная, бросается к стене, думая, что сможет убежать через дверь, но пузыри предвосхищают ее движение. Еще один гигантский пузырь, на этот раз ярко-синего цвета, преграждает ей путь. Она поворачивается, чтобы бежать в другую сторону, но пузырьки как будто окружают ее со всех сторон. Ее сердце бешено колотится, и она чувствует, как холодный пот страха выступает у нее на лбу.

Не успевает она опомниться, как на нее надвигаются еще два пузыря, один огненно-оранжевый, а другой темно-фиолетовый. Они окружают ее, на ощупь липкие, но удивительно твердые. Несмотря на все ее усилия, она отрывается от земли, и ее ноги болтаются в воздухе. Это ощущение одновременно дезориентирует и пугает, когда к ней присоединяется Хана в их пузырчатой клетке.

Воздух в лаборатории наполнен звуками их испуганного дыхания и какофонией лопающихся пузырьков. Пол, стены и потолок сливаются в одно цветовое пятно, поскольку пузырьки продолжают множиться и сталкиваться, испуская вспышки сверкающего света при каждом столкновении. Тохо отчаянно листает страницы своей книги в поисках контрзаклинания или способа положить конец этому хаосу, который она развязала.

Внезапно дверь в лабораторию распахивается, с громким стуком ударяясь о стену. В дверном проеме, очерченный мягким лунным светом, падающим из коридора, стоит фигура, которую Тохо и Хана сразу узнают. Это не кто иная, как их подруга и одноклассница, могущественная ледяная магиня Верданди. Она окидывает комнату пронзительным взглядом, наблюдая за происходящим со смесью шока и веселья.

- Что, во имя Луны, вы двое на этот раз натворили? - спрашивает она, и в ее голосе безошибочно угадываются нотки смеха.

Тохо и Хана, все еще запертые в своих пузырьковых тюрьмах, смотрят друг на друга широко раскрытыми глазами, прежде чем обратить свое внимание на вновь прибывшую. - В-Верданди! - пискнули они оба, их голоса были заглушены пузырьками.

Верданди входит в комнату, ее ботинки хрустят по осколкам стекла и лопнувшим пузырькам, разбросанным по полу. Она едва сдерживает смех, наблюдая за своими друзьями, оказавшимися в волшебном затруднительном положении. В драматическом порыве она поднимает руки и призывает свою ледяную магию. - Ледяное заклинание! - выкрикивает она, и ее слова эхом разносятся по хаотичной комнате.

В тот же миг воздух пронзает залп сверкающих ледяных стрел. Они летят прямо и метко, каждая из них попадает в пузырь со сверхъестественной точностью. Соприкасаясь, пузыри превращаются из неземных сфер в кристаллические скульптуры, застывшие во времени и подвешенные в воздухе. Температура в комнате мгновенно падает, оставляя после себя морозный холод. Какофония столкновений пузырьков воздуха сменяется внезапной тишиной, и единственным звуком становится слабое потрескивание замерзающих пузырьков.

Магия Верданди быстра и точна. Через несколько мгновений все пузырьки в комнате застывают, и хаотичное море красок становится безмолвным, ледяным свидетельством их безумия. Пузырьки, когда-то наполненные причудливостью и удивлением, теперь свисают, как ледяные люстры, и каждый из них свидетельствует о силе необузданного энтузиазма, встречающегося с неконтролируемой магией. Затем все пузыри с грохотом падают на пол и раскалываются.

По мере того, как девочки зависают в своих ледяных тюрьмах, тяжесть их положения становится все более очевидной. Щеки Тохо краснеют от смущения, а глаза Ханы прищуриваются от раздражения из-за липких остатков мыльного пузыря на ее школьной форме. Они смотрят друг на друга, затем на Верданди, которая едва сдерживает веселье.

- Что ж, - говорит Тохо слегка дрожащим голосом, - думаю, нам понадобится... разогревающее заклинание, чтобы разморозить это. Она листает страницы своей книги, надеясь найти быстрое решение их ледяного затруднения.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Английская версия того же самого.

Anime girl Touhou, a student of Lunar Academy, went into academy's library to prepare to intermediate exam. "To pass the exam, you should choose theme you like," - said sensei earlier.
Touhou come to library's shelf and noticed a thin book between thick tomes. She takes it.
"Hm-m... "Bubble magic". Interesting. And safe, I think."

She asked her girlfriend Hana to help her to prepare for exam. After dinner both girls go to lab room to do experiments.
"Bubbles?" - surprised Hana.
"Don't worry. It should be safe," - answered Touhou.
"Everytime you say that I feel myself trembling," - said Hana.

"You should study theory before," - said Hana.
"It's not hard. I think I'll do it later," - replied Touhou.

"First of all, we should make solution." Touhou filled a cup with water, added shampoo, some magical species and angelic dust.
Hana takes the cup and go to center of lab. She draw large magical sign on the floor. Touhou stand behind, at wall.

"Now blow a bubble," - ask Touhou. Hana takes wide glass tube and accurately blow into solution. She blow and blow, and a minute later released a large bubble into air.
But, when she went to border of magical sign, the bubble popped.

"Oh! - said Touhou, - I forget to do a spell!"
She opened her book and find excercise.
"Spell number 1. Make bubbles stronger."

Then Hana blows new bubble. And now it was succesfull.
Both girls watch the bubble.
"Let's see, how strong is it," - said Touhou. Hana takes katana and strikes the bubble.
But the bubble, instead of popping, divided into two bubbles of the original size.
"O..." - Touhou's eyes opened. "That's good."

Two equal bubbles float in the air.
"Next step. Spell number 2. Decrease the bubble."
Hana watched with bated breath as Touhou recited the incantation, her delicate fingers moving in precise patterns around the two floating bubbles. The magic swirled around them, a gentle dance that made the bubbles quiver and shrink. They became so small that they were almost invisible, mere pinpricks of light dancing in the air.

Loooking at them, Touhou find next excersize. "Spell number 3. Encrease the bubble."
As the words left Touhou's lips, the two tiny bubbles began to swell. They grew rapidly, stretching and expanding until they were both the size of melons. The bubbles took on a deeper, more vibrant color, and the light within grew more intense. They floated in the air before Hana, each one casting a soft glow on her features, painting her in hues of blue and green.

"Not interesting, - said Hana, - let's do more of them."
Both girls takes tubes and began blow these bubbles.
Then they left magic sign, and Touhou applied "spell number 3" several times.
Bubble grew larger and larger.
Suddenly Hana takes katana and begins hit bubbles, but bubbles didn't pop.
They just divided into two bubbles of original size, and more, and more, and more.

"Enough, - laughing, said Touhou. - Next spell... number 5. Make the bubbles colorful."
Every bubble now was of it's own color. One was red, other blue or yellow. All colors of rainbow were now floating in the air. Two girls looked at them with amusement.

Encouraged by the success, Touhou decides to take things up a notch. She turns the page to the last spell. "Lunatic Difficulty," she reads aloud. "Now, this should be interesting."
The spell requires a complex series of gestures and incantations. She glances over her shoulder at Hana, who nods enthusiastically, urging her to go ahead. With a deep breath and a mischievous smile, Touhou begins the incantation, her hands weaving an intricate web of magic in the air.

The room falls silent except for her chanting. The colorful bubbles, once dancing and bobbing gently, now hang in the air as if frozen in time. The candle flames flicker and stretch as the magic intensifies. Hana's eyes widen in amazement, and she takes a step back, gripping the edge of the table. The anticipation is palpable, the air thick with the scent of enchantment.

As the final syllable leaves Touhou's lips, the bubbles spring to life with an eerie grace, their movements gaining speed like a river rushing through a narrow gorge. They whirl around the room faster and faster, leaving trails of shimmering light in their wake. The floor beneath their feet vibrates with the energy of the spell.

The bubbles swarm over the magical sign's border, breaking free from the confines Hana had drawn. They fill the lab with a dazzling array of colors, bouncing off the walls, the ceiling, and even the large windows overlooking the moonlit academy grounds. Hana, with her katana in hand, swipes at the bubbles in an attempt to control the chaos, but with each strike, they multiply at a staggering rate, laughing at her efforts with their silent pops and rebounds.

The situation spirals out of control as the bubbles grow larger and more aggressive. One of the giant bubbles, a swirling mass of red and black, lunges towards Hana. She tries to dodge, but it's too quick, enveloping her in its glossy embrace. It lifts her off the ground, carrying her to the ceiling with surprising strength. Her eyes widen in panic as she realizes she's trapped, and she calls out to Touhou for help.

Touhou, equally terrified, sprints towards the wall, thinking she can escape through the door, but the bubbles anticipate her move. Another giant bubble, this one a vivid shade of electric blue, blocks her path. She turns to run the other way, but it's as if the bubbles are herding her, closing in from all sides. Her heart races, and she feels the cold sweat of fear dampen her forehead.

Before she knows it, two more bubbles, one a fiery orange and the other a deep purple, converge on her. They surround her, their touch sticky yet surprisingly firm. Despite her struggles, she's hoisted off the ground, her feet dangling in the air. The sensation is both disorienting and terrifying as she's joined by Hana in their bubble cage.

The air in the lab is thick with the sound of their panicked breaths and the cacophony of popping bubbles. The floor, walls, and ceiling are a blur of color as the bubbles continue to multiply and clash, releasing bursts of glittering light with each collision. Touhou desperately flips through the pages of her book, searching for a counter-spell or a way to end this chaos she's unleashed.

Suddenly, the door to the lab bursts open, slamming against the wall with a resounding thud. Standing in the doorway, a silhouette outlined by the soft glow of the moon from the corridor outside, is a figure that Touhou and Hana immediately recognize. It's none other than their friend and classmate, the powerful ice mage, Verdandi. Her piercing gaze sweeps the room, taking in the scene with a mix of shock and amusement.

"What in the name of the moon have you two done now?" she asks, her voice carrying an unmistakable note of laughter.

Touhou and Hana, still trapped in their bubble prisons, look at each other with wide eyes before turning their attention to the newcomer. "V-Verdandi!" they both squeak out, their voices muffled by the bubbles.

Verdandi steps into the room, her boots crunching against the shards of glass and popped bubbles scattered across the floor. She holds back her laughter, taking in the sight of her friends floating in their magical predicament. With a dramatic flair, she raises her hands and calls upon her ice magic. "Ice spell!" she cries out, her words echoing through the chaotic room.

At once, the air is pierced by a volley of gleaming ice arrows. They shoot straight and true, each one zeroing in on a bubble with uncanny accuracy. As they make contact, the bubbles transform from ethereal orbs to crystalline sculptures, frozen in time and suspended in the air. The temperature in the room drops instantly, leaving a frosty chill in its wake. The cacophony of bubble collisions is replaced by a sudden stillness, the only sound now being the faint crackling of the freezing bubbles.

Verdandi's magic is swift and precise. Within moments, every bubble in the room is frozen solid, the chaotic sea of color now a silent, icy exhibit of their folly. The bubbles, once filled with whimsy and wonder, now hang like chandeliers of ice, each one a testament to the power of unbridled enthusiasm meeting unchecked magic.

As the girls hang suspended in their frozen prisons, the weight of their situation sinks in. Touhou's cheeks redden with embarrassment, while Hana's eyes narrow in annoyance at the sticky residue of the bubble on her school uniform. They look to each other, then to Verdandi, who can barely contain her amusement.

"Well," Touhou says, her voice quivering slightly, "I guess we'll need a... a warm-up spell to defrost these." She flips through the pages of her book, hoping to find a quick solution to their icy predicament.

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 48
Постоянный гость
Рега: 02.02.2013
Сообщения: 447

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Окт 03, 2024 11:53 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Иллюстрации к рассказу сделаю как-нибудь позже, так как на это нужно много времени.
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Anime girl Anya went to bathroom in her house.

The bathroom, a small sanctuary of pristine white tiles and gleaming chrome fixtures, was filled with a soft glow from the vanity lights. A faint scent of lavender lingered in the air, hinting at the recent use of her favorite body wash. Anya's reflection danced in the steamed-up mirror as she approached the sink, her bright blue hair tied back in a neat ponytail, the strands sticking slightly to her damp forehead from the warmth of the running shower. She filled a plastic cup with warm water, the sound echoing faintly in the quiet space. With a practiced hand, she squirted a dollop of shampoo into the palm of her hand, the fruity scent momentarily overpowering the calming lavender.

The shampoo bubbled between her fingers as she worked it into a lather, the bubbles growing in size and number, their edges shimmering with the promise of cleanliness. Anya's eyes lit up with childlike excitement as she picked up a wide glass tube, one of her favorite bathroom gadgets. The tube was a recent purchase, a simple yet mesmerizing tool that allowed her to blow bubbles of shampoo to her heart's content. It had been a whimsical impulse buy, but one that had brought her surprising joy in the mundane routine of washing her hair. She dipped the tube into the cup, coating the opening with the frothy mixture.

Taking a deep breath, she pursed her lips and began to blow gently into the tube. The shampoo bubble grew larger and larger, stretching the glass until it looked ready to burst. Her eyes grew wide with concentration, the corners of her mouth turning up slightly in a silent smile. The bubble grew, a perfect sphere of iridescent blue, reflecting the light in a myriad of colors. The anticipation built as it grew, the thrill of the unknown as to how big it would become before it popped. Anya's hands trembled slightly as she carefully lifted the tube away from the water, the bubble floating freely in the air, a delicate balance of water, soap, and breath.

Her curiosity piqued, Anya leaned closer to the bubble, her breath warm against its surface. To her amazement, the bubble didn't pop when her lips met it. Instead, it grew larger, as if her kiss had imbued it with life. The sensation was odd, the bubble's film cool and slippery against her mouth. She pulled away, staring at the now twice-sized bubble in amazement. The edges rippled gently as it hovered in the air, untouched by gravity.

Without a second thought, Anya leaned back in and kissed the bubble once more, her heart racing with excitement. Again, it grew, ballooning outwards to almost comical proportions. She giggled, the sound echoing in the small bathroom. Each kiss seemed to fuel its expansion, turning the simple act of washing her hair into a magical experiment. The shampoo-filled bubble grew so large it filled the space between the sink and the mirror, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the walls and ceiling.

Her phone, discarded on the edge of the sink, buzzed with a notification. Anya snatched it up, her mind racing with the possibilities of what she had just discovered. She quickly snapped two photos of the floating wonder, the flash bouncing off the bubble's surface and briefly illuminating the room like a strobe light. The images captured the moment perfectly: the giant bubble, her own astonished expression, and the steamy haze of the room. She examined the photos with a mix of amazement and wonder, her eyes flitting between the screen and the real-life spectacle in front of her.

With a grin, she sent the photos to her friends in a group chat, her thumbs dancing over the screen as she typed: "You're not going to believe what just happened with Hana's shampoo!" The message sent.

Suddenly she remembered, that this shampoo was given by her girlfried Hana, a magician from Lunar Academy. "We collected remnants of our last experiment, - said Hana, - for future exercises. This is yours. Use for pleasure!"

Now she understanded everything. "May be, these bubbles will do my wills? I must to try." - she think. Her thoughts racing, Anya stepped closer to the giant bubble, her eyes narrowing in determination. "I want more magic shampoo," she murmured, as if speaking to an old friend. Inside bubble appears giant cup, filled with desired liquid. Then giant bubble popped, and Anya placed the giant cup on the floor, looking with amusement. "How good, that I made photos!" - she thinks.

Then she noticed, that the cup was very heavy due to it dimensions. Now she had lots of shampoo for her wishes. Suddenly she got a message from Hana: "You used the shampoo? Take care. It may be dangerous." She didn't answered, shaked by her discovery. "What I should do next?" - think Anya.

The surface of the shampoo in the giant cup was indeed strange. It flickered and shimmered, moving slightly back and forth as if alive. Anya stared at it, her curiosity piqued. "This must be due to the force of an ordinary girl's kiss," she murmured to herself, her mind racing with the implications. Could she manipulate this magical substance in other ways?

With newfound resolve, she took the tube once again. Her eyes focused and her cheeks slightly flushed with excitement, she took a deep breath and pursed her lips. The warm water and shampoo rushed into the tube, and she blew with all her might. The second bubble grew at a breathtaking pace, swelling to the size of a beach ball in a matter of seconds. The glass tube vibrated in her hand, and she could feel the power of the magic coursing through it. This bubble was denser, more robust than the first. It didn't waver or distort with her breath; it simply grew, steadily and surely, until it was as large as the first.

Releasing the tube, Anya watched the bubble ascend into the air. It was mesmerizing, the way the light played across its surface, painting a dance of colors like a miniature aurora borealis. The bubble was not content to simply float aimlessly; it had a mind of its own, stretching and contorting into an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of shapes. Sometimes it was a perfect sphere, then an elongated oval, then it would flatten out before snapping back into its original shape with a grace that defied physics. It was as if the bubble was alive, responding to the very beat of her heart.

The surface of bubble waves in pleasured manner. Anya, enchanted by it, looked at him with open mouth. She heard replies from her friends, may be, Hana, but couldn't tear away. She watched the bubble.

And then it happened. On the shimmering surface of the giant bubble, a series of lines began to form. They grew clearer and more distinct, and before she could even blink, they coalesced into the unmistakable image of a face. It was Hana's face, her girlfriend from the Lunar Academy, smiling back at her through the soapy film. The sight was so unexpected, so bizarre, that Anya's hand shot up to her mouth, her eyes wide with astonishment. The bubble bobbed gently in the air, Hana's features twisting and turning as the surface rippled. Her smile was playful, her eyes sparkling with mischief, as if she were enjoying the surprise she had set in motion.

The face grew larger, the features more lifelike, until it was the size of a small dinner plate. Anya stared in awe, her heart racing.

Without breaking eye contact with the bubble, she carefully reached for her phone with her free hand, her fingers trembling slightly. She snapped a quick photo of Hana's smiling visage within the bubble and immediately sent it to the real Hana. The image on the phone's screen looked as if it were a still from a high-quality video call, so realistic was the floating face in the soap film.

The bubble's surface rippled as she released her phone, which clattered back onto the sink. The image turned around surface of bubble several times and disappeared a minute later. Anya was shaked. "May be, it my thoughts of her," - decided Anya.

Immidiately she got answer from Hana. "You had go so far!", - answered Hana, and send to her a photo of her smiling face. Looking on photo, Anya takes decision. She something remembered. "All right, let's check, how strong is it," - said Anya.

Gently, she took the giant bubble in her hands and placed it on the floor. It didn't pop, which was not surprising to her. The bubble's surface was soft and yielding under her touch, like a pillow filled with water. She cautiously sit onto it. The bubble wobbled but held firm, supporting her weight without breaking. Anya's eyes widened in amazement as she realized that she was now sitting on a large sphere of bubble.

Her laughter echoed through the bathroom as she began to bounce lightly on the bubble. With each bounce, the bubble grew slightly, absorbing the energy from her movements and growing stronger. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever felt before, a strange mix of floating and rebounding. The magic was definitely working. She bounced a little harder, her heart racing with excitement. The bubble grew with each bounce.

Looking at the large mirror on the wall, she took in the surreal scene: the gleaming chrome fixtures, the steamed-up glass, the giant bubble that was now supporting her weight, and her own reflection beaming with excitement. Her hand hovered over the phone, capturing the moment with a selfie. Her smile was wide, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of discovery. The image froze in time, a snapshot of pure joy and wonder.

With a playful wink at her reflection, Anya sent the photo to Hana and her best friend, along with a message filled with hearts and stars. "With my best wishes!" she wrote, the emojis conveying the excitement she felt. Her phone buzzed almost immediately with their replies, a mix of shock and laughter. Hana's message simply read, "I told you it was special," followed by a winking face, hinting at the secrets she had yet to reveal.

Laughing, Anya taked her tube and began blow bubble by herself, sitting on him. It was not hard, and bubble grow rapidly. Soon it was so large, that the Anya's head touched the ceiling. Then she layd on bubble and continued to blow again by her mouth.

The walls of the bathroom began to disappear as the giant bubble grew larger, swallowing up the tiles and chrome fixtures in a sea of shimmering blue. Anya felt a strange thrill as she lay.

After short time all the bathroom was filled by giant bubble. Anya touched the ceiling by her back. And now she do decision. She kissed bubble in the last time. It grows more, filling by himself each corner of the bathroom.

The message notification chimed again. "Hey, how do you do? Are you okay?" Hana's concerned voice echoed through the room, but Anya couldn't answer. She was trapped up the bubble, her body pressed against the sticky film that was now the only thing separating her from the outside world. Her eyes searched the surface for any sign of weakness, any way to escape, but the bubble remained steadfast, a prison of her own making.

Anya, laying on the bubble, suddenly saw a giant picture on the opposite side of bubble. It was Hana again. But now Anya couldn't make a photo, even by her wish. "Save me! Save me!" - cried she to Hana, but Hana laughing in answer. It was not she. Real Hana was far away from her. Then the image disappered.

Anya layed on giant bubble, pressed to ceiling, without any possibility to move. She could only rotate her face to left and right. The surface of bubble was soft and gentle, taking the form of her face. "Even the limitless magic has it limit," - sadly thought Anya.

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 48
Постоянный гость
Рега: 02.02.2013
Сообщения: 447

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Окт 08, 2024 8:39 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

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"Just one more," Hana murmured to herself, her eyes shimmering with excitement as she dipped her hand into the frothy water of her bathtub. Her small, pale fingers wrapped around the plastic bottle of bubble bath solution, the neon-pink liquid inside sloshing gently. With a quick twist of her wrist, she unscrewed the cap and squeezed a generous dollop into the warm, steamy water. It swirled and danced, mixing with the bubbles already lazily floating on the surface.

Leaning back, she took a deep breath, savoring the sweet scent of mint and vanilla that filled the air. She pursed her lips and leaned forward again, gently blowing into the soapy concoction. A giant bubble grew before her eyes, wobbling slightly in the lampa light that flickered across the room. It grew more substantial with every breath, the colors shifting and swirling like a galaxy trapped in a delicate, transparent sphere.

As the bubble grew larger, it began to distort the reflection of her face, stretching her features into a comical, cartoonish mask. She giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she watched it grow, feeling a strange sense of power in her ability to control something so beautifully fragile. But as she leaned back for one final breath to make it grow even larger, the bubble grew too heavy and detached from her mouth. It hovered for a moment, a silent declaration of independence, before floating upwards to join the others.

The room was now a sea of bubbles, their soft, iridescent surfaces casting a rainbow of light across the walls. They bobbed gently in the air currents, their shapes ever-changing as they bumped into one another. Hana's heart raced as she reached out to touch one, feeling the cool, slick surface against her skin before it popped with a satisfying snap, showering her in a spray of scented water. She laughed, the sound echoing in the small bathroom, feeling like a child again in the midst of this bubble bonanza.

Her phone camera rolled as she snapped pictures, capturing the moment in a flurry of clicks and digital flashes. Each bubble was a masterpiece, a fleeting sculpture of light and color. She watched in awe as the bubbles grew larger, their surfaces becoming smoother, more stable. They no longer popped at her touch but instead grew more resilient, bouncing away from her fingers with a gentle elasticity. The air grew thick with their presence, their collective weight making it difficult to breathe.

Panic began to creep in as Hana realized she could no longer see the ceiling, only a vast expanse of bubbles stretching above her. "But I wanted only one bubble, not so many," - with fear thought she.

The room felt smaller, the pressure building with each new addition to the floating menagerie. The delight of her creation morphed into a dawning terror as she understood she had lost control. Her hand trembled as she continued to snap photos, the only way to capture the surreal scene before her. The bubbles grew denser, their collisions more frequent, creating a symphony of soft pings and plops as new bubbles formed.

There was no space above her, so the bubbles began to descent to the water and floor. They also stick to surfaces, making thick coocon.

The bubbles, once weightless and free, now descended towards Hana in the bathtub. They clung to the ceiling, the walls, the floor, and the very air itself, as if the room had been painted with a thick, pearly lacquer. The water grew cooler as more bubbles claimed the space above her, their descent creating a gentle rain of condensed soap that coated her skin and hair. She watched, horrified yet fascinated, as the floor around the tub grew slippery with a layer of bubbles, the tile pattern obscured by the shifting sea of iridescence.

There was no space above her, so the bubbles began to descent to the water and floor. They also stick to surfaces, making thick coocon. Hana stands in the bath, holding in hand her phone and looked around. She was surrounded by big beatiful bubbles.

Every bubble reflected a slightly different version of Hana, a hundred, a thousand copies of herself, each twisted and distorted by the whims of the soapy film. Her heart raced as she took in the surreal sight. The bubbles grew so dense that they coated the floor, ceiling, and even the walls - the single exit from the bathroom. They stuck to the porous surfaces, creating a glossy, pearlescent barricade that blocked her path to safety.

Her phone beeped, pulling her out of her panic. It was a message from her girlfriend, Anya. "Whoa! How did you do so many bubbles? Teach me too!" Hana's thumbs danced over the screen, typing a frantic response. "I'm in a trap!" she wrote, her voice echoing in the claustrophobic bubble chamber. She hit send and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

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