Runner-up, Mature: "Jus Talionis" by Kitty-Galia
Best Mature: "Deathmatch" by Norlack
Honorable Mention: "Slow Me Down" by thecabbit
Best Drama: "Song of Despair" by Emelikku
Best Dance: "Extraball" by Shin
Best Nostalgia: "Hold On to That Feeling" by Pwolf & Ileia
Best Comedy: "Lip Bomb" by Haunter103 (CDVV)
Best Romance: "Longed for him. Got him. Shit." by Godix
Best Unrequited Romance: "Angel Doubts" by Chronosek
Best Trailer: "The OZ Network" by Kireblue
Best Sentimental: "My Hero Hachiko" by Norlack
Best Upbeat: "Moe Moe Rebellion" by ViviFX (Asylum)
Best Technical: "Addiction" by Corsair (Re-Evolution)
Pop Will Eat Itself: "Zomboleo: Odorikuruu Strikes Back" by Ileia (CDVV)
Best Artistic Endeavour: "A Psychedelic Lovers' Dream" by Drewaconclusion
Riskiest Use of an Uncensored Source for Showing at the Awards Ceremony: "It's All About the Washingtons" by Fall_Child42 (CDVV)
Best Fight: "Ichiban Kenichi" by Brakus
Best Fan Service: "Raise Your Glass, Otaku!!" by Erin West
The Alanis Morrisette Award for Best Use of Irony in a Music Video: "Bleak Friday" by Ileia (CDVV)
Grand Prize: "Pencilhead" by Qwaqa
Professional awards:
Best Live Action: "Education Through Pyrotechnics" by Honou
Best Technical: "PONIES" by Fall_Child42 (CDVV)
Best Artistic Endeavour: "A Glorious Dawn" by Studio Hybrid
Best Upbeat: "The Pretty Cure for the Common Magical Girl" by Ileia (CDVV)
Best Drama: "The Undertaker" by Snowcrash
Best Romance: "You For Me" by Shin
Best Storytelling: "The Summit" by ToothPickVic
Best Action: "Written in the Spirals" by Shin
Best Sentimental AND Best Character Profile: "Pianist" by ScoobINSMDBZ
Best Comedy: "Evangelion 0.22: Shinji Does (not) Mean Business" by l33tmeatwad & Snapxynith (Pixel Blended)
Best Video: "Astral Melodic" by Alexandre Porte
The Derpy Hooves Award for Equestrian Excellence: "The Ballad of Stephanie" by Mr. Pilkington (CBR)
Много знакомых имен) Видел все клипы с Pro Contesta... Очень слабыми на первый взгляд показались, результаты кона слегка удивили (или не слегка), впрочем мб клипы там в основном за Акын ценились, я хз.
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