
Exam videos
New videos Hearts on fire Saturday, 11 September 2021

Победитель французского командного конкурса ARAM (All Random All Mid)

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.

Комментарий координатора:
Hey guys! Here is our entry for the Aram Contest 2021!
Aaaah, i'm super happy to have succeeded! Basically I didn't want to do the Aram for fear of being elected leader and of not knowing how to manage my team but I let myself get carried away because it is also a new experience. I am so proud and happy with my team, i would especially like to thanks syeroz for helping me in the leadership role, also Mello for awesome banner and for everyone, they were all great and we managed to homogenize the clip as I wanted!
This is probably my last participation in a competition for a while (because it’s the return of classes), so I hope you like this clip and see you next time!

Thanks to Mello for banner!

Author: FarriX, Fzwks, Syeroz, Krishna, AizV, Hiikaryli
Anime: Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?, Kizumonogatari, Violet Evergarden, Darlin in the Franxx, Tenki no ko, Kimi no Suizo wo Tabetai
Music: ILLENIUM - Hearts on fire, Sufjan Stevens - Should I have known better
Awards: 1 место и Приз зрительских симпатий на ARAM 2021

Hearts on fire


New videos Natsu Ga Hajimaru Wednesday, 08 September 2021

Еще один промо-ролик, посвященный токийской олимпиаде. Над созданием видеоряда работали 17 аниматоров, в результате в клипе сочетаются сразу несколько стилей анимации и различные дизайны персонажей. Спонсором промо выступила компания Calorie Mate, которая занимается производством питания для спортсменов.

Author: Jun Aoki
Anime: Original animation
Music: Orangestar - Surges

Natsu Ga Hajimaru


New videos Второй полёт Monday, 06 September 2021

Около восьми лет назад мне довелось сделать порядка полудюжины музыкальных видео для кавер-группы Radiant Records, когда ребята только начинали развиваться. Это был интересный опыт, но часть каверов Ютуб страйканул и они исчезли за прошедшие годы.

Одним из любимых мною видео что исчезли с той поры, была лирическая нарезка на песню Second Flight, которая делалась во время бурных жизненных событий и имеет ностальгическую ценность для автора. Надеюсь, что в оценочной найдётся кто-нибудь из старых зрителей + отсюда клип уж точно не куда не денется:)

(Важное примечание: представлен пережатый рип с потокового видео - а не сгинувший оригинал, к моему сожалению).

Author: Урзак
Anime: Onegai Teacher, Onegai Teacher OVA/artbook , Onegai Twins, Onegai Twins OVA
Music: Kotoko - Second Flight (Tooniegirl, russian cover Radiant Records)

Второй полёт


Contests TOS Contest 2021 Sunday, 05 September 2021


TOS MAD Club studio (China) invites everyone to participate in a huge online event - TOS Contest 2021. You can submit AMVs, GMVs or original animation, your entry must be exclusive - no publications online before the results of TOS Contest 2021 are released. Prize fund of more than $8000 is reserved for winners. Submission deadline is Decmber 10th, 2021.

Detailed rules at our forum
Registration of participants


New videos Fiery Wind Saturday, 04 September 2021

Hello everyone!
This is my entry for AniNite in which I got 3rd place in the pros category, after not having joined a non ic contest in years. Who knows, maybe i will do something big next.
I had started the video some months ago but paused it because I lacked motivation, but a close friend of mine drew the characters for my thumbnail so I felt that I had to finish it. He is also the one who created my private logo that is next to the indigo logo in the outro.
Be sure to check out his other works as well
If you are interested to see some before and afters of my video, check my instagram.

Если вас не устраивает то, как Google Translate справляется со своей задачей, пожалуйста, пишите комментарии на английском.

Author: Lucifer@MV
Anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba, The Witcher 3, Sekiro
Music: Highsosciety - Sinking

Fiery Wind


Site news Best of Exam section (August 2021) Friday, 03 September 2021

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 17
Average rating: 3.17
Number of comments: 30 (~1.8 comments per video)
Number of votes: 201 (~11.8 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 0 (~0 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Fairy Tail AMV - What I Am {Zeref Tribute} Thursday, 02 September 2021

Fairy Tail AMV focused on Zeref's story. I have made this 1 year ago, quality of clips is not good too xD
I hope you will enjoy it (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ such a good story behind these characters even though this anime is pretty much hated ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )

Author: TakeshiAMV
Anime: Fairy Tail
Music: The Veer Union - What I Am

Fairy Tail AMV - What I Am {Zeref Tribute}


New videos Sakura Love Tuesday, 31 August 2021

И снова здрасьте, соскучились? Я тоже) В общем, очередная небольшая совместка на очередной айрон чиф. По идее мы должны были делать экшон, но т.к. не смогли договориться на сей раз в выборе песни ввиду разных вкусов, было решено просто сделать что-то в другом жанре, в данном случае романс, ибо вообще его делал ну почти никогда. Получилось гораздо лучше, чем предыдущая совместка, поэтому надеюсь и вам понравится, приятного просмотра.)

Author: Fobos, AzukaYuki
Anime: Sakura Trick, Adachi to Shimamura
Music: ILLENIUM and Sasha Sloan - U & Me, DallasK ft. Lauv - Try Again (GOTTASADAE)

Sakura Love


New videos Quarantine Dreams Monday, 30 August 2021

Победитель в категории Romance/Sentimental на Otakon 2021.

Author's comment: Dedication is using your 30 minute lunch break (and drinking a meal replacement shake in lieu of actual food) during 10-12 hour work days, 7 days a week over the course of 3 months to work on an AMV because there's just no spare time to do it. I wish I was exaggerating. Why yes, I am burnt out.
And that entire statement goes against everything this song stands for. Irony! =D
Also, If you saw this at any convention, there are some slight differences since I didn't finish this AMV until...well, this week actually :p

Otakon 2021 Romance/Sentimental Finalist - 1st Place
Saboten Con 2021 Drama/Romance Finalist

Author: AllyKatAVR
Anime: Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho, Koe no katachi, Barakamon, Kyokai no Kanata: I'll Be Here, Kaiju no Kodomo, Clannad, Clannad: After Story, Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, Boku dake ga inai machi, Kotonoha no niwa, Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Hyouka, Kimi no suizo wo tabetai, Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na, Mirai no mirai, Kimi to Nami ni Noretara, Shirobako, Hibike! Euphonium, Usagi Drop, Tenki no ko, Okami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso, Kimi no na wa, Yuri On Ice 
Music: WAR*HALL - Masterpiece
Awards: Otakon 2021 Romance/Sentimental Finalist - 1st Place

Quarantine Dreams


New videos My Everyday Vibes Saturday, 28 August 2021

The quote at the beginning inspired me to make this. It was something I thought a lot about after the arson attack on Kyoto Animation to help put my mind at ease. This video is about the little miracles of life.

Author: Synæsthesia
Anime: Nichijou
Music: Snail's House - Vivid green

My Everyday Vibes


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