
Exam videos
New videos Left Us Falling Thursday, 03 November 2011

Author's comment: Bon et bien voilà je vous propose mon tout nouveau clip qui pour la première fois , n'est pas un clip action/shonen !!! Ahah oui ça fait bien 2 ans qu'on me dit d’essayer de changer un peu mon style , et bien j'ai ENFIN décidé de me lancer et j'en ai bien bavé...à vrai dire ça faisait longtemps que j'avais envi de faire un clip sur Clannad, mais à chaque fois je me disais que ça allai finir en bouse la je trouve le résultat vraiment pas mal , et j’espère que ça vous plaira également. (sorry I have problem with English)

Author: Luciole
Anime: Clannad, Clannad: after story
Music: Melody fall - It can't be over

Left Us Falling


New videos Soul Removal Tuesday, 01 November 2011

Author's comment: I make this video for the contest IC NightFire organized by Re-evolution. There were 131 subscribers, but only 45 have delivered. We had 3 days, I have worked hard and I have won.

- For view the Hi10P you should control if you have the latest version of codecs. Thanks Alek93j for Filtered version and Encoding.

Author: Okami
Anime: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Music: One Republic - Good Life
Awards: 1st place at IC NightFire

Soul Removal


New videos Our World Monday, 31 October 2011

Author's comment: This is the first video I show here, i made this for NightFire IC (3 days) hosted by Re-Evolution Studios. Basically I try to show the good and the bad things in the world, some people live a good life, and sometimes ignore the bad things that happen, so .. OPEN THE EYES!! Hope you like it.

Author: [madaraxD]
Anime: Ani-Kuri 15, Hidan no Aria, Hayate the combat Butler, Infinite Stratos, Asobi Ni Iku Yo!, Shangri-La, Fate Zero, Kemono no soujaa erin, Luminous Arc, Genius Party Beyond, Residen Evil 2, Residen Evil 3, Primitive Link, Till I Reach Your Tomorrow, Haruiro ouse, Guilty Crown, Steins; Gate (VN)
Music: Antiform - Intervene (Neon Remix)

Our World


Contests Фестиваль Betsu No Sekai в Твери (26 ноября 2011) Sunday, 30 October 2011

26 ноября в Твери в ДК "Химволокно" состоится аниме-фестиваль "Betsu no Sekai". В рамках фестиваля проводится АМВ-конкурс (правила) и показ АМВ-клипов. На показе состоится тверская премьера Ru.Comix 2.5: After Party. Подробности о фестивале традиционно в теме на нашем форуме.


New videos Astral Melodic Friday, 28 October 2011

Author's comment: A few month later, but as we said, better late than never...

This is my production realized in 5-6 days for the AMV contest Japan Expo 2011. It's based on orchestral symphony. There is no particular concept, just take a look for fun !^^

Anime: Black Rock Shooter, Clannad, Gosick, Iblard Jikan, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, Metropolis, Nodame Cantabile, Nodame Cantabile: Paris, Origin ~Spirits Of The Past~, The Sky Crawlers
Music: Waterflame - Glorious Morning
Awards: Favourite Japan Expo 2011; Category Winner, Judges' Choice, and Best of Show Kumoricon 2011; 1st place on Frier Connichi 2011 AMV contest; Best Video and 2nd Best Artistic Endeavour on AWA Pro contest 2011; Category X, Newbie (Judges Award), Technical (Judges Award) and Best of Show at Anime Banzai 2011

Astral Melodic


New videos Awakening Thursday, 27 October 2011

Author's comment: Don't really have much to say about this one... sadly this started out as a project for Anime Japan expo, but I never got around completing it. Anyways, give it a watch. It does have the "what i just saw" factor, but it was made that way most of you will figure it out as the intro, and outro will give you a sense of what I was trying to show here. Well, that's about it, enjoy. =]

Author: Sennin
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion (End of Evangelion), Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1.11 You Are [Not] Alone (movie)
Music: Mr Meeble - Until I Grasp The Second



New videos Leere Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Хотелось поработать со статикой и сделать из Денпы что-то серьезненькое со стори лайном.

О сюжете: Парень получает письмо от своей девушки, в котором она пишет что "мы не можем быть вместе, прости...". У парня депрессия,ему тяжело. Вспоминая свою любовь, палит письмо и ложиться спать, и тут им обоим сниться одинаковый сон, и они оба понимают - что не могут друг без друга и бегут на встречу. Встречаются, целуются, остаются вместе)

Спасибо: SilentMany за кое-какие прояснения в сюжете, Safire за постер, ARXANGELy за песню (жаль батл не состоялся). Приятного просмотра.

Author: MIBIHA
Anime: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, EF - a tale of melodies
Music: The Silent Comedy - Bartholomew



New videos Astralis Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Author's comment: My nowJapan '11 AMV contest entry. Have fun! :~

Author: aKi
Anime: Angel Beats, Dance in the Vampire Bund, Eden* VN intro, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, Darker Than Black (+ DTB II OVA), Bakemonogatari TV specials, Shakugan no Shana OVA, Steins;Gate, Dantalian no Shoka, Gosick, Clannad: After Story
Music: Martin Roth and Dj Eco - Tonight is Forever (Original Mix)
Awards: 2 место на фестивале nowJapan 2011



New videos Anime Metal Video Sunday, 23 October 2011

This is something I wanted to make for years. Somewhat experimental AMV, since it's my first time using multiple sources. Yeah and it has Black Music Club in it... The last time. Just wanted to do this right once, now with effort.

Fun fact: most of the time during editing this I was slightly drunk or at least I got a few beers in my reach. To get the feeling, you know :)

Author: Velho
Anime: Angel Beats, Chaos;Head, Clannad After Story, K-ON!, K-ON!!, Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka?, BECK, Clannad, Detroit Metal City, Macross Frontier
Music: Dream Evil - Fire! Battle! In Metal!
Awards: Jury's Choice Award @ MondoCon 2011 Autumn (Hungary) - 3rd International AMV Contest



AMV news Показ аниме клипов AMV-Kazan 2011 (20 ноября) Saturday, 22 October 2011

20 ноября в Казанском Кремле состоится первый показ AMV-клипов AMV-Kazan 2011. Программа состоит из трёх блоков:

1) Показ лучших AMV-клипов прошлых лет
2) Показ профессиональных конкурсных клипов AMV-Pro (принимаются работы авторов-профессионалов и авторов с большим стажем производства АМV-клипов)
3) Показ блока конкурсных клипов AMV-Novice молодых клипмейкеров (принимаются работы новичков, чьи клипы не занимали раннее призовых мест на различных AMV-конкурсах)

Подробности об АМВ-конкурсе и предзаказ билетов на нашем форуме.


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