
Exam videos
New videos Hey Pa AMV (Dedicated to my Dad) Friday, 17 February 2017

Author's comment: Before anyone starts wondering, my dad did not die! My mom and I are obsessed with this song (and artist 8) so I made this to appreciate my dad. I didn't plan on uploading this for a few reasons: 1) The song is not in English and most people wouldn't be able to understand. 2) Some people thought it was too personal to upload 3) It's a fast edit, which was fun to make but it aint anything special & 4) This song is sung by a male perspective so the song is about a dad and his "son" so I changed the lyrics to daughter cuz it would make more sense from my perspective. A couple of people wanted to see it so I said fuck it, why not? The translation is really bad, I didn't know how to make it any better since the song is very beautiful but the translation is just ?? Either way, I hope it's enjoyable to some, my dad was very happy with it!

Author: iEmelien
Anime: Usagi Drop
Music: Niels Destadsbader - Hey Pa



New videos Beast Heart Thursday, 16 February 2017

I've started this video just for fun, cause a long time was passed from my last video, and the will of editing was great. Therefore, BeastHeart was just a vent in the beginning, but the more I went ahead with the project, the more I liked the story behind it. I've finished in only five days, but I'm pretty proud of the result.

Картинка Making-of к клипу

Author: [key]Scarlet
Anime: Bakemono no Ko
Music: Imagine Dragons - Warriors

Beast Heart


Contests VCA 2017 reminder Thursday, 16 February 2017

VCA 2012

Let us remind you that nominations for VCA 2017 are open! If you have registered at before January 1st, 2017, don't hesitate to login and help the videos you consider the best reach the top!

Nomination pages are here.


Trailers Promo of Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Life news February 14th Tuesday, 14 February 2017
It's been one year since Umika Sayoji is gone. It's tragically ironic that she left us on Valentine's day since love, fidelity and hope for the best have always been key notes of her art. Today we want to remember her together and silently watch one of her videos.
Take care of your beloved ones. Every moment you spend together is precious.


New videos Celles et Ceux des Cimes et Cieux Monday, 13 February 2017

Короткометражка выпускника французской школы анимации Créapole, созданная под впечатлением от работ Миядзаки. По словам автора это трейлер будущего полнометражного мультфильма.

Author: Gwenn Germain
Anime: Original animation
Music: Joe Hisaishi - Hana-Bi

Celles et Ceux des Cimes et Cieux


New videos V Sunday, 12 February 2017

Author's comment: A very simple video, and a simple concept. The violent scenes are just exasperation of what I meant. There is no story, and no connection between anime, only free thoughts. "V" is the symbol of vanadium, but it's a bit long to explain why I chose it.

Author: KazKon
Anime: 5 Centimeters Per Second (Movie), Another (TV), Black Lagoon (TV), Blood-C: The Last Dark (Movie), Death Parade (TV), Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (Movie), Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (Movie), Gangsta, Garden Of Words, The (Movie), Harmony (Movie), Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu (Movie), Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu (Movie), Last Exile: Fam, The Silver Wing - Over The Wishes (Movie), Nagi-Asu: A Lull In The Sea (TV), Patema Inverted (Movie), Planet ES, The Garden Of Words, Tokyo Ghoul (TV), Typhoon Noruda
Music: Moby - Be The One



New videos Flipping Illusion Saturday, 11 February 2017

Author's comment: I really loved this anime so I wanted to make a fun AMV showing the different styles and stuff that are in the show. So basically just a standard action AMV. I was going to do more things with it, but I lost motivation since I started a big project I'm pretty excited for xD. Also, sorry for the super derpy ending, I honestly had no idea what to do there xD.

Author: Xophilarus
Anime: Flip Flappers
Music: Gain - Paradise Lost

Flipping Illusion


Contests Announcing Soul's Team Iron Chef 13: Change The Ga Friday, 10 February 2017


Soul's Team welcomes you to the annual Iron Chef contest, the most well-know and expected online Iron Chef of all. Compose a team of three, elect the capitain, choose one of the 6 genre categories and make an AMV in 72 hours (from February 23rd till February 26th).  Check the complete rules below and get ready!

Complete rules at Souls Team forum (English)
Registration of teams


New videos The Twist Thursday, 09 February 2017

Внимание, ретро-AMV
Премьера клипа состоялась 4 июня 1999 года

Классика жанра от Kevin Caldwell'а. Премьера состоялась на конкурсе Project A-kon X (04.06.1999).
Несмотря на хорошие отзывы о самом аниме, клипов на него совсем немного - видимо, ввиду его "возраста", и малой (?) известности. А одна из особенностей amv Caldwell'а, по-моему, это то, что после них хочется смотреть аниме, по которому оно сделано. Наслаждайтесь.)

Author: Kevin Caldwell
Anime: Kimagure Orange Road (TV), Kimagure Orange Road (OVA)
Music: Chubby Checker - The Twist

The Twist


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