
Exam videos
New videos Susume, Karolina Sunday, 02 September 2018

RU: Небольшая короткометражка, посвященная Каролине Стычинской. Каролина - первый и единственный в мире профессиональный неяпонский игрок в сёги, а также сильнейший игрок в сёги в Польше и в Европе среди женщин. Включите субтитры, чтобы прочесть рассказ Каролины о том, как она пришла в этот вид спорта.

EN: A web short dedicated to Karolina Styczyńska, the first and only professional non-japanese shogi player in the world. Turn on the subs to read Karolina's story.

Author: Mateusz Urbanowicz
Anime: Original animation
Music: Haruka Nakamura - Susume, Karolina OST

Susume, Karolina


Site news Best of Exam section (August 2018) Saturday, 01 September 2018

SachaValentine - AxL

Siwz4, MrAuditore96 - Darkworld

Squardz, CrowS Corvus - Outlaws

Zerowy - Answer

Li0n - Elusive

UnluckyArtist - Unsatisfied

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 40
Average rating: 3.06
Number of comments: 58 (~1.5 comments per video)
Number of votes: 573 (~14.3 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 7 (~15 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos hyptnotic DollTrance Friday, 31 August 2018

this is "just" a work, where I spent a lot of time to finsih it, it means - long time to create a concept, the style of my AMV, to plan all the CC-coloring and effects, to resonate the mood, atmosphere in comination with song and anime/the character...
It´s more a psychedelic, atmospheric Vid...with the focus at concept, technic/technique(however) and originality : )
But the quality sucks of some parts of my rendering Version... what the hell xD However, it was funny to work on it.

Author: miso
Anime: Tsukimonogatari
Music: Rezz - Maze
Awards: 3 место на Nippon Nation 2018

hyptnotic DollTrance


New videos Midnight City Thursday, 30 August 2018

Contest video of Stylize IC 10th Edition.

Author's comment: Time passes and everything changes. Somebody don't like it. But some people can't just live day to day, crossing the world home to work or work to home. They are just waiting for perfect time, when this city is becoming to place where you can't walk without smile ><

Author: Astan'ia
Anime: Kimi no na wa, Kekkai sensen, Hyouka, Garden of words, Charlotte, Hanasaku Iroha, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso, Zankyou no terror, Hibike euphonium, Clannad: After Story,K-on, Amagi brilliant park, Free! , Kyoukai no kanata, Crossroad, Angel beats.
Music: Bastille - Quarter Past Midnight.
Awards: 1st place in solo category

Midnight City


New videos Me, Haller Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Yes, I knew that from the moment I saw Daydreaming in those packs, my video was doomed to be mutated worldwide by YouTube. And yet I did not give a damn.
Here I insert a gigantic and standardized WARNING for psychedelic videos:
- This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.
In order not to extend the description in a weird philosophical essay on the roots of this video -- or even, pretentiously, explain it --, I will take another route and simplify with these words: a very personal experiment.
Thank you, Niel, for keeping me motivated and staying up until dawn just to watch the video.

Author: Hikikomori
Anime: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Steins;Gate, Perfect Blue, Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, The End of Evangelion
Music: Radiohead - Daydreaming
Awards: Best Overall and Best Psyche/Horror at Indigo Team IC 3

Me, Haller


Коубы Best coubs of previous years (part 3) Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Anime age



New videos Hiraeth Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Hiraeth - a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was.
Made this in 2 days for Indigo Team IC 3. I really wanted to edit a different anime, but song packs sucked so I had to go with something else. This song felt like a pretty cool match for this show. It helped me emphasize the dark side of this, generally pretty bittersweet, anime.

Author: DrPenguin
Anime: Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Music: Lorn - Acid Rain



New videos The History Tuesday, 28 August 2018

С самого начала я считал приемлемым сделать такой клип для Mix Con 2018: Retro. Но потом я понял, что это неприемлемо с помощью администраторов Я бы хотел, чтобы вы оценили мою работу по причине получения отзывов и развития моих способностей. Надеюсь, вам понравится.

Author: okhostok
Anime: Namakura Gatana, Urashima Taro, Futatsu no Sekai, Corporal Norakuro, Momotarô: Umi no Shinpei, Astroboy, Dororo to Hyakkimaru, Ashita no Joe, Panda ko Panda, Candy Candy, Ie no Naki ko, Takarajima, Grimm Fairy Tale Classics, Unico, Waga Seishun no Arcadia, Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä, Ninja Senshi Tobikage, Bosco Daibouken, City Hunter, Hotaru No Haka, Dragon Ball Z, Fushigi no Umi no Nadia, Sailor Moon, Akazukin Chacha, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin, Slayers Try, Trigun, Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Shaman King, Hoshi no Koe, Wonderful Days, Fate/stay Night Visual Novel, Kumu no Mukou, Jigoku Shoujo, NHK ni Youkoso, Code Geass, Hayate no Gotoku, Death Note, K-ON, Maho Shojo Madoka Magica, Angel Beats, Hanasaku Iroha, Hyouka, Fault Milestone, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, Angel Beats 1st Beat, Princess Principal, Houseki no Kuni, Violet Evergarden, Hinamatsuri
Music: Ninja Tuna - Kalimba (2008)

The History


New videos Shattered Heaven 2 Monday, 27 August 2018

Йоу! Клип еще начал в июне, но не закончил вовремя, так как уезжал в отпуск и еще разбирался с ютубом по поводу страйков. Недавно вернулся и решил доделать. В целом доволен, конечно, но могло, наверное, как обычно, быть еще лучше, но что поделать.) Попытался опять слегка поэкспериментировать с 3д стаффом (сорри :D), надеюсь, не сильно этим самым заруинил данный клип. Надеюсь, что хорошо передал атмосферу персонажа Гриммджоу, очень долго искал песню и посчитал, что данный трек подходит очень хорошо. Надеюсь, что вам понравится этот небольшой клипчик =)
Ну и как говорится, to be continued...
П.с. Сорянский за постер, на сей раз решил попробовать сделать его сам, вроде не слишком плохо получилось. :)

Author: Fobos
Anime: Bleach
Music: Downplay - Hated You From Hello

Shattered Heaven 2


New videos Technicolor Dreamer Sunday, 26 August 2018

Its finally done! More so than any other AMV I've made in the past, I really put all of my heart into this one. I absolutely love Little Witch Academia, and Todrick Hall is one of my favorite YouTube artists. So being able to combine the 2 was a really fun experience for me. I hope you all can enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed making it.
P.S. Special thanks to all my beta testers, and especially BecauseImBored1, DopplerDo, and EnQuatre for giving me the most thorough critiques I've ever received in my life. They really helped me fine tune this video every step of the way.

Author: kireblue
Anime: Little Witch Academia
Music: Todrick Hall (Feat. Superfruit) - Black & White
Awards: Otakon 2018: 1st Place Upbeat / Dance & Vic's Pick, PopCult Anime Con 2018: Best Upbeat, Anime Festival Orlando 2018: Best Action

Technicolor Dreamer


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