
Exam videos
New videos First Contact Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2018

RU: "Остановите планету - я сойду" - альтернативное название клипа. Решил таки поучавствовать на Акроссе наконец, заодно стряхнув пыль со старой задумки.

EN: "Stop the planet - I'll get off" - the alternative name for the clip. Decided to participate in Akross at last and to dust of an old idea while I'm at it.

Author: rgb
Anime: Aldnoah.Zero, Kimi no Na wa, Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale, Boku dake ga Inai Machi, 5 Centimeters per Second
Music: Radiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien & The National Anthem

First Contact


New videos Harmony Monday, 10 December 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2018

Author's comment: Love will save the world

Author: gchristensen
Anime: Harmony
Music: Marnie - Gold



New videos Midoreamin – Maid in Germany Friday, 07 December 2018

Клип от группы немецких авторов, сделанный под впечатлением от визита в мейд-кафе Maidreamin в Японии.

Комментарий авторов:
EN: So we made an AMV about Maids .. in Germany.
DE: Die Idee zu midoreamin – maid in germany entstand in einem gemeinsamen Japan Urlaub von ceddic, Cenit, JadeCharm und Zest und wurde dank Unterstützung von Eazy, Lapskaus, Noss, Shirahiko, Shui, Sojiro, Videobeats und WaruKami und unter Koordination von ceddic Wirklichkeit. Der Name geht auf die Maid Midori aus einem Maidreamin Maid Cafe in Osaka zurück. Ein Dankeschön an alle beteiligten, die Maids in allen Formen, Farben und Lebenslagen in dieses Video geworfen haben.

Author: ceddic, Cenit, Zest, Shirahiko, Lapskaus, JadeCharm, Noss, Videobeats, Eazy, WaruKami, Sojiro, Shui
Anime: Soredemo Machi wa Mawatte Iru, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, Gabriel Dropout, Kannagi, Boku Wa Tomodachi NEXT, To Love Ru, Shomin Sample, Haiyore, Carnival Phantsm, Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai, New Game!, K-ON!, Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid OVA, Re:Zero, Lupin the Third – Part 5, Menkui!, Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru, Arbeit Shiyou!!, Ane Yome Quartet, Iya na Kao Sarenagara Opantsu Misete Moraitai, Allargando, Victorian Maid: Maria no Houshi, Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin, Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, Rinne no Lagrange, Free! Eternal Summer, Fate Kaleid Liner PRISMA ILYA, Shonen Maid, Newton and the Apple Tree, Grisaia, Diebuster, Mahoromatic: I’m Home, Special, Black Lagoon
Music: Maidreamin - Dreamin Passport

Midoreamin – Maid in Germany


New videos Infrastructure Wednesday, 05 December 2018

I saw these films some weeks ago and I liked them a lot, I wanted to edits them with an "aggressive" electronic dance song and... who's better than The Prodigy?! :D it was fun for me to edit this song and I hope you enjoy it!

Author: Davide_hxc
Anime: Summer Wars, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Music: The Prodigy - Omen



New videos Madoka Magica - Fast Lane Tuesday, 04 December 2018

This is my latest AMV. I tried to incorporate everything that I have learned so far editing wise into this AMV. I tried to do a lot of subtle effect that someone who is not very familiar with the source material might not even notice. Effects that appear part of the actual anime. I also tried to convey and highlight the sort of bi-polar, happy-sad, mood of the anime.

Картинка Making Of (~3.62 MB)

Author: vkamv
Anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Films
Music: NIVIRO ft. PollyAnna - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane


New videos Come with me Monday, 03 December 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2018

Author's comment: May it‘s not a good amv, but it concludes my effort. Thanks for your watching!!

Author: muximu
Anime: Fate/stay Night: Heaven's Feel, Aldnoah.Zero, Beatless, Darling in the Franxx, Evangelion, Fate/Extra Last Encore, Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Sword Art Online, Fate/Zero, No Game No Life Zero, Chivalry of the Failed, One-Punch Man, Tokyo Ghoul, Caligula, Chu-2 byo demo KOI ga shitai!, Kyoukai no Kanata, Beyond the Boundary, Persona 5, Kimi no Na wa, Satsuriku no Tenshi, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umateiru, Violet Evergarden, Seshun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume no Minai, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two, Charlotte, Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet, SukaSuka, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojou, Kara no Kyoukai, Guilty Crown, The Ancient Magus' Bride, Harmonie, 5 Centimeters per Second
Music: Nitro Fun & Subtact - Come with Me (feat. Anna Yvette)

Come with me


Site news Best of Exam section (November 2018) Sunday, 02 December 2018

GregzAnimationz - Hurt

MissTitannia - Dear Darkness

kyle_m - It's Just a Thought

Gary freeman - Tales of Travel

Redassaut, iKuZze - Lightning Burst

risen404™ - My soul is beginning to burn

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 34
Average rating: 2.91
Number of comments: 78 (~2.3 comments per video)
Number of votes: 513 (~15.1 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 3 (~8 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Zealot Thursday, 29 November 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2018

Author's comment: so it took me this long to watch Perfect Blue and i'm ashamed.
Halfway through editing this video, I remembered that there was a vid with a similar concept last year (Nozomi by Artofeel) and truly panicked haha. thank god it looks like we went different routes in editing it, otherwise i would have just abandoned the idea. I heard Hozier's new song and /rushed/ to get this done before anyone else did this combo. I cut a ton out of the song including an entire chorus in order to hopefully build up the tension.
Had a hard time categorizing this - went with Character Profile because the song is meant to be from his perspective
credits are low effort don't look at me

Author: Pieandbeer
Anime: Perfect Blue
Music: Hozier - NFWMB



New videos Au Discordia Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Author's comment: One of my entries into 2018's AWA Pro competition, where it appeared with a different name.
I guess my hiatus is over.

Author: Copycat_Revolver
Anime: Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin
Music: TV On The Radio - Golden Age

Au Discordia


Коубы Best coubs (september 2018) Sunday, 25 November 2018

Степень искренности



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