

Announcement of AMVNews: Mix Con 2015

Tuesday, 07 July 2015

Mix Con 2015 holds summer thematic AMV competition Mix Con 2015. Each participant is expected to create one single video in one of three proposed categories:

Works in this genre are to be created of anime released before 2000 or of music released before 2000. For music, you can check the release date here: Last.FM, also it’s possible to look for the release date in tags of mp3 file or simply google it. Release date of anime can be found here: Indicate anime and music release year when filling in the submission form. Examples: Believe (anime release year: 1997 – 1998, music release year: 1998)

Summer Fun
This category includes light, fun, comedy videos and also dance videos. It doesn’t really matter how you make the audience smile – jokes, parodies, absurd or silly humor, anything will do. Examples: Comedy/Fun section

Works in this category must be made with music which can be downloaded legally for free. Possible sources of such music: Creative Commons List, FreeMusicArchive, SoundCloud, MachinimaSound, (russian tracks). Indicate link to the music track in submission form. Make a screenshot of the page with the track just in case the author decides to remove the composition or change its status.

Let us remind you that only exclusive videos are eligible for this contest (i.e it's forbidden to release your video anywhere on the internet before it is shown at MixCon). Registration is opened till the submission deadline. You can register via on-line form; the account at AMVNews is required for the registration. Entries accepted fron August 1st till September 10th, 2015.

Prize fund:
A prize of 2000 roubles shall be given to winners in each category. In addition each winner shall recieve a statuette.

This year we have the contest rules translated to several languages. Many thanks to TritioAFB for Spanish translation! Please help us spread the news and feel free to repost these rules internationally!





Author: Turbo Views: 1508 time
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Comments (8)
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VovanKoperativ   User profile  Video channel
  09.07.2015 21:16
Cissrawk   User profile  Video channel
  09.07.2015 14:26
LunaticDelusionHD   User profile
  08.07.2015 13:53
gl hf
aryaford   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2015 19:07
well played xD
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2015 19:00
I'm ready
Radical_Yue   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2015 18:15
Clever giiiiirl~
Great idea to just go with all of them! :D
Redw0lf101Z   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2015 16:37
This sounds fun :3
AMV Strat   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2015 14:49
mmmm interesting

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