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Arise 18.06.2021

I never thought I'd watch an anime like that, but it happened. I really like the deep story behind it, but watch out it's not for someone who can't see blood...
I do what I feel like to do
I'm sure the taste will differ a lot again here, as always, but I hope you like the video!

Аниме: Goblin Slayer
Музыка: Rise (feat. Mako & The World Alive)


Комментарии: 2 |  Рейтинг: 3.413.41
Автор: Sorahopes

AMV mix 「AMV」 Клинок рассекающий демонов 16.06.2021

Краткое описание
Танджиро Камадо - молодой мальчик, который продаёт древесный уголь, чтобы зарабатывать на жизнь для своей семьи. В один роковой день вся его семья, кроме его сестры, была убита демоном, ввергнув его в мир страха и отчаяния. После встречи с убивающим демона мечником, Танджиро и его сестра, которая теперь сама является демоном, должны найти способ покончить с проклятием и выследить монстра, который убил их семью.
Ночной Рейд - группа отступников, выполняющих диверсии против могущественной Империи, чьи земли простираются на целый континент. Мало кто знает, что хладнокровные убийцы, за чьи головы объявлена награда, на самом деле пусть и не совсем благородные, но всё же храбрые освободители и борцы с прогнившей системой, созданной коррумпированным правительством, которому совершенно плевать на бедствующее население Империи, до конца верное своему государю. Простой паренёк Тацуми, выходец из скромной деревушки, оказывается в эпицентре государственного переворота, становясь товарищем каждому в Ночном Рейде.

Аниме: Kimetsu no yaiba, Akame ga kill
Музыка: Devil Eyes - Hippie Sabotage

AMV mix 「AMV」 Клинок рассекающий демонов

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 1.671.67
Автор: your assistant

[Sailor Moon Eternal] I Will Be Your Sword and Shield 15.06.2021

Had to make a edit of the new Sailor Moon Eternal Movies. LOVED these movies so much. This song matched with the movie pretty well. For awhile the scouts were remembering what they were fighting for. Enjoy!

Аниме: Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 1, Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 2
Музыка: SVRcina - Battlefield

[Sailor Moon Eternal] I Will Be Your Sword and Shield

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 3.003.00
Автор: GodFire91

Monogatari Series AMV 14.06.2021

This is my last AMV on Monogatari Series, it took me about 12 hours, i would like to share it with you! This is the first time I have used this type of music for an AMV, I must say that I enjoyed editing this video
I hope you will enjoyed it ^^

Аниме: Kizumonogatari, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Monogatari Second Season
Музыка: Dead Dead Demon's - Kotori / REZZ x K?D - Fourth Impact

Monogatari Series AMV

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 2.232.23
Автор: MeisterNikki


Hi guys, I'm back today for a new amv of a compilation of cinematic from the fate license, I hope you will enjoy it
Btw I'm looking for a way to improve my editing so I'm looking for video effects and smooth transition for future AMV.
If you have any video tutorials or other things that can help me feel free to share in the comments!
Thanks for watching!

Аниме: Fate
Музыка: Goldhouse - Only One / Dreamcatcher - Odd Eye


Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 2.542.54
Автор: Koyama

Soul Speak 12.06.2021

Последний раз заливал сюда работу год назад и с тех пор дальше как-то у меня ничего толком не продвигалось. И вот только недавно решил сделать коллаб по Семи Смертным. Вообще изначально это должен был быть сольный проект и под другой трек, нооооооо чё-то как-то у меня всё не туда повернулось и поэтому вышло то что вышло...
Как-то так.

P.S - Спасибо Шене Легминтон за участие

Аниме: Nanatsu no Taizai, Tokyo Ghoul, Dragon Ball Super, Fullmetal Alchimest: Brotherhood
Музыка: One Last Night - Soul Speak

Soul Speak

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 2.762.76
Автор: Exen, Shena Lemington

For the Damaged 11.06.2021

A very simple amv i did to convey the feelings of this song, whom at the time i was deeply in love with.
There's nothing too fancy here, but i dont think there's anything bad either. It's a good product imo.

Аниме: Shingeki no Kyojin, Berserk, Tokyo Ghoul, Serial Experiments Lain, Evangelion, Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel
Музыка: For the Damaged by Blond Redhead

For the Damaged

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 2.872.87
Автор: LinksAMV

Jujutsu kaisen - Black samurai 10.06.2021

Я обожаю JJK, перечитывала мангу, пересматривала адаптацию, мне всё мало, решила вот амв сделать. Я впервые выложила в общий доступ свою работу. Хочу получить конструктивную критику, она мне пригодится для улучшения скилла.

Аниме: Jujutsu kaisen
Музыка: WYR GEMI - Black Samurai

jujutsu kaisen - black samurai

Комментарии: 4 |  Рейтинг: 3.463.46
Автор: Bibika34

We All Lift Together 08.06.2021

Yeah this is good:D... For someone it's maybe slow music but I love those beats and song feel so inspirative for me like dreaming about big stuff:D Making love-comedy amvs are always so satisfying to make:)

Hope you Enjoy.

Аниме: Uzaki-Chan Wa Asobitai!
Музыка: We All Lift Together (From Warframe )

We All Lift Together

Комментарии: 6 |  Рейтинг: 2.552.55
Автор: Zaxyss

Saint Seiya AMV - The Warrior of Beauty 07.06.2021

Hi all, this is an amv focused on the warrior of beauty Pisces and his fight against Andromeda ;D
I have used a song from a concept album based on the Legendary XII Saints, I hope you enjoy :3
Bloody Rose <3

Аниме: Saint Seiya
Музыка: Trick or Treat - PISCES: Bloody rose

Saint Seiya AMV - The Warrior of Beauty

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 3.003.00
Автор: TakeshiAMV


Кстати если видос вам понравился, то не забудьте поставить лайк и подписаться на канал, если ещё не подписаны ;)

Аниме: Wonder Egg Priority
Музыка: Hell of the earth

[AMV] - МЕНЯ ЗОВУТ ФРИЛЛ,НЕ ЧУДОВИЩЕ - (Wonder Egg Priority - Приоритет Чудо Яйца)

Комментарии: 2 |  Рейтинг: 2.222.22
Автор: Spirit Design

Magic Carpet Ride? 04.06.2021

Комментарий автора: Оnly bad thing I did with the video was edit the song a little... it would have been a minute longer but due to only editing with one volume of Karas and the fact that the extra minute would have annoyed the viewer because that part of the remix was just awful. I think I did everyone a favor by editing the song. So for now.. download the video and enjoy! I'll get more comments up later..... maybe :P

Аниме: Karas
Музыка: Steppenwolf – Magic Carpet Ride (remix by Crystal Method)

Magic Carpet Ride?

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 3.053.05
Автор: Xoninmuoshda

Fake Priest - Kotomine Kirei 02.06.2021

This video focuses on exploring and analyzing Kirei's characterization and the life he led, aswell as show why he cares so much to find an answer to his problem.
''Is it evil to live following your nature?'' best summarizes this video and Kirei as a whole.

Also, this is definitely my best work so far. I realize some scenes are a bit too saturated, but it was a worthwhile tradeoff imo, even with the rought bitrate at some scenes.
Overall, i think the pacing of this video was my biggest achievement. I managed to cram a lot in there, clocking just about 5 minutes.

Аниме: Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Fate, Zero, Fate Zero, Stay night, Heavens Feel, Heaven's Feel, Fate/Stay Night:Heaven's Feel
Музыка: Shadowlord (White castle remix), Fate/Zero all evils of this world cd drama soundtrack

Fake Priest - Kotomine Kirei

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 2.442.44
Автор: LinksAMV

I'm a King 02.06.2021

With two seasons made and a third one on the horizon, what better way to close out the Stone Wars arc than a full amv centered around Senku and Kohaku timed with the musicians being featured on their respective verses.

Аниме: Dr. Stone
Музыка: Bobby Sessions ft. Megan Thee Stallion - I'm a King

I'm a King

Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 2.112.11
Автор: Personarose

Fate 30.05.2021

My approach to this video was to go for somewhat of a dramatic, action video. The way I wanted to edit this was to be as simple as possible. As you start watching the video the pre chorus has alot of drumming going on.. mainly during this whole song the drums are the main source of where I tried to time the scenes. Fear Factory does this alot with their gutiars being enhanced over the drums .. mainly with the double bass beats. So there are alot straight cuts and black flashes but of course are needed or else that part is kinda bleh. The viewer may get a little confused during this part but has plenty of time during the chorus to regroup his/her state of mind lol.

For the verses I tried to go for simple editing but with a few effects. During the vocal distortions some effects i used were various blurs and bightness adjustments and what not. I think it turned out pretty good. It up to the viewer to decide if i pulled it off just right, though.

As for all the choruses the editing is straight forward. Throughout the whole video the choruses were the simplest parts to edit. Mainly the music was arranged there was no need for any sort of effects. I just went for straight cuts and flow of the scenes. if you notice all the scenes have some sort of motion or some fighting involveing sword clashes and explosions. I timed the music to the anime.. not white and black flashes. So basically to make it short.. the chorus was edited the way it was to go for the best flow that it could acheive.

As for the bridge (right after the 2nd chorus and before the 3rd chorus) i did the same kind of editing as the very beginning mostly excluding the black flashes. Instead i included brightness and contrast adjustments to replace the black flashing. And also you notice the noise and blur effects I used to kinda work with the Vocalist's screams. I think it worked well instead of doing the straight cuts with every bass and snare drum beat. It was a nice little change :).

As for the last chorus.. where the pace is a little faster i just went for flow once again but i guess to try to add a little more i flashed scenes of pictures with Fuma, Kamui, and Kotori in them. It kinda is a rememberance thing while Fuma and Kamui fight.

Аниме: X  (Movie)
Музыка: Fear Factory – Digimortal


Комментарии: 2 |  Рейтинг: 3.403.40
Автор: Xoninmuoshda

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