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There are serious spoilers in video!

Since the last video 4 years have passed ("Give us a little love") and it took exactly this much time to sit down at the PC and create something.
The one that you are looking right turned out not to be so complex like the "Give us a little love" as I was trying to follow the continuity of the story and not to create an alternative world. Despite the fact that it was hard at the beginning - since the Kimi no Na wa use multiple dramatic tools - I forced myself to find the most perfect match, in terms of audio and choice of scenery which represents the flowing and changing mood of the movie. I did not pushed the boundaries with the effects and overwhelming beats ( similar to my previous work, I prefer it much more if the power of music mixed with the imagery can push the viewer shoulder down instead of the aggressive and sweaty cuts ) because I wanted to keep the mood of the movie itself just as like as the continuity of the story as I mentioned it earlier.

Anime: Kimi no Na wa
Music: TeZATalks - In The Dark








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Author: (video created: 04.04.2017)
Submitted by: Masaa 11.04.2017 at 00:16
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Comments (2)
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Lion0608   User profile
  12.04.2017 22:13
В целом неплохо получилось, на 4-ку.
Монтаж хороший, но в начале немного суматошный.
Динамику тащит читерный сорц, хотя почему бы и нет)
Синхронизации и отбивки фонового звучания можно было добавить (момент, где девочка срезает прядь волос чуть подвинуть, как пример).
IdiAlex   User profile
  11.04.2017 15:15
С прошлого клипа мало что изменилось

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