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A Memory Passed Away

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Anime 2015 - 3rd place Editors Choice
Anime 2015 - 6th place Viewers Choice
This concept was like hell I had this anime in my mind for a long time but i couldn't find insparation for 2 years long after they finished the anime back in 2013.
There wasn't a right song I couldn't find and still keep changing so I keep this AMV project for two years open. But then when I went to the Cineasia Filmfestival at April 2015 for the Studio Ghibli Movie When Marnie Was There a lot of things happen I had new ideas and something completley different in my mind to try a different style without using my old school style of 3D animation and selfmade graphics with I had so many regrets that I did that in the past which always destroying my atmosphere in my AMV's. Thanks to the movie when I listen to the ending song of the movie I was immediately thinking this could be the song I was looking for.
After the movie I went home and I've listen it again and then I was looking at the lyrics a Outsider focus on a outsider. Then I came finally after 2 years with this song. I've changed many songs first of all was Good Life from One republic but that song was overused and a song from Josh Kramer which was to much of the same music tone. Fine On The Outside was the most heartfelted song with aquistic Guitar by Priscilla Ahn. The Studio version or the live version her voice was something else.
I've been quite a fan of Indie/Folks country music with aquistic Guitar it all start with songs from The Common Linnets a lot of dutch people know this group that became 2nd place in 2014 at the Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen since that time I begin to love slow music and as well to always sing from the heart and let it hear to the public. Since then I like to edit songs that has meanings and to show the feeling of the song.
So after all the brainstorm done and editing post-production this was the end result of my AMV.
I still can't believe that I've ended at the Top 3 of the Editors Choice because my AMV was too slow and peaceful edited and can't compare with a lot of fast-speed editing with great beat synces which my AMV was totally a failure and not possible to end in the Top 10 same goes for the Viewers choice. But after the results Top 3 announcement when Kaj said my name I WAS TOTALLY SHOCKED and almost cry for the first time XD lol something what I didn't expect at all like i said the best speed editing beat sync will get more credits then slow edit AMV's. But I like to thank all the Finalists who voted my AMV.

Anime: Angel Beats, Tari Tari
Music: Priscilla Ahn - Fine On the Outside
Awards: 3rd Place Editors choice at Anime 2015 (The Netherlands)

A Memory Passed Away

A Memory Passed Away

A Memory Passed Away

A Memory Passed Away

A Memory Passed Away

A Memory Passed Away

A Memory Passed Away

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Author: (video created: 13.06.2015)
Submitted by: FateTRSC 26.10.2015 at 16:11
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Pushok   User profile
  27.10.2015 00:51
Как-то кадры с ритмами немного выпадали из общего ряда как по мне Или мне так показалось. В целом выглядит как повседневнодраматический пересказ исходника(уж простите. не помню о чем он чес слово))

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