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Sword X Horizon

There are minor spoilers in video

We just had an idea to edit those 2 Animes together, we tried to create a small story out of the 2 Anime in less than 2 min. Didn't really have much time to make it perfect (collage :| ) , but the outcome was great ! Anyway, hope you enjoy it :)

Anime: Sword Art Online, Log Horizon
Music: My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade

Sword X Horizon

Sword X Horizon

Sword X Horizon

Sword X Horizon

Sword X Horizon

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3.48 3.48 (61 vote)
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Author: (video created: 22.05.2015)
Submitted by: Jocker8Clz 31.05.2015 at 10:11
3.48 3.48 (61 vote)
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Comments (3)
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NIGHT   User profile  Video channel
  05.06.2015 00:50
Особого сюжета нет, но не напрягает при просмотре, есть синхра и в целом - динамично.
leshiy85   User profile
  01.06.2015 16:17
Default Avatar
Snaggle   User profile  Video channel
  31.05.2015 14:50
There were cool ideas but work like this practically has no structure. When the song is building up it is really dynamic and fast paced, so when the action kicks in there really isn't a change in dynamic it all just kind of blends together. There are also a lot of these awkward unnatural camera movements which mixed in with messy transitions, motion blur and random film burns make for one big mess. I'm not gonna go into too many specifics, but overall the editing just doesn't have much thought into it. It felt like the video focuses on transitioning more than anything else which leads to this random mess with cool moments but with not enough structure to be a good as a whole.

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