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Клип принимал участие в конкурсе Japan Expo 2014 и занял 3 место.

Author's comment: Mon clip JE qui a traversé bien des misères et rien de le prédestinait à une 3e place ou encore a un prix du public.
Je suis plutôt fière du clip et surtout de ma place au concours. Je ne sais pas trop quoi ajouter de plus, j’espère que vous prendrez votre pied autant que l'audience JE

Anime: Space Dandy, D-frag, Arekawa under the bridge, Lucky Star, One piece, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan, Binbogami ga!, Free!,Durarara, Gintama, Soul Eater, Uta no Prince sama, clannad after story,Star Driver,Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, Kore wa Zombie desuka, Level E, Beelzebub, Blood Lad,GTO, Air Gear, Zero no Tsukaima Final, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, Angel Beat, Fairy Tail, Naruto Shippuden, Kill la Kill, Kuragehime, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukinai, Omamori Himari, Cuticle Tantei, Nuraihyon no Mago,Code Geas, To Love Ru Trouble, Katte ni Kaizou, Black Dynamite, Interstella 5555, Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei, Needless, Nichijou, Avatar Last Airbender, Shaman King
Music: Super Junior M - Strong / Swing
Awards: 3 место и Приз зрительских симпатий на Japan Expo 2014







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3.58 3.58 (295 votes)
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Author: (video created: 15.06.2014)
Studio: Sora to Kasai
Submitted by: Minstrel 07.07.2014 at 18:33
3.58 3.58 (295 votes)
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YouTube ratings: 4.92 (151 vote)
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Comments (61)
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Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  08.07.2014 10:09
We plan some moves to fix it. If you have some fresh ideas you can post them in Rules section:
Fox114   User profile  Video channel
  08.07.2014 09:56
ого, Ньюс настолько прославился, что аж иностранные авторы приходят чтобы "сраться" тут .(это радует да)
ps/ Visual - love it.
but, i dont remember what a watch ;D., dance - ok

Dark_Death wrote:
read these shitty comments

well, ban this amv here, and go to youtube, what a problem?
MIBIHA   User profile
  08.07.2014 09:45
do Gorza daleko
NewOvermind   User profile  Video channel
  08.07.2014 09:11
Ммм даже Air Gear есть) Ну м\в не так уж и понравилось, а вот сделано технически приятно.
tamriko   User profile
  08.07.2014 08:53
Ненавязчивая такая работа, позитивная, улыбнуло.
Dark_Death   User profile
  08.07.2014 04:25
TritioAFB wrote:
Personally if something is wrong for me or if the video doesnt work for me, I will justify myself. Unless I'm too tired or the video really doesnt have anything else to offer I'll put a quick comment instead of an opinion

You're missing peoples points, no one has a problem if you don't like it. It's the way people go about saying they don't like it.
and I see nothing hypocritical here either, unless trying to be dignified instead of a complete tool is hypocritical of course. Not sure you even no what hypocritical means tbh...

Squall(c) wrote:

It's not the community's fault that you guys are constantly expecting a 100% positive feedback. And that you get mad if someone even dares to say that, the video is, well, nothing new and looks pretty much like any other standard dance-youtube-trash that constantly takes up high places at any Japan Expo for no apparent reason.
If you don't want shitty comments, here's an idea: make something good. Interesting. Original. Then we'll talk.

I only commented on why people stop posting their videos here as often, and it will continue to happen. Not because everyone wants people to be all nice and bum each other over videos, it's because people act like complete cockends. Obviously by the way amvnews staff spam youtube, social media, todou and whatever other sites they want such people to come here. They probably get here and are scared off however....
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  08.07.2014 04:16
Talking about morals in this time is so hypocrital. Honestly, do you really believe you will have the same opinion for a friend than someone you dont know? (If you ever comment other videos that's it)

Basic premise in the community: 'I comment videos I like'

Personally if something is wrong for me or if the video doesnt work for me, I will justify myself. Unless I'm too tired or the video really doesnt have anything else to offer I'll put a quick comment instead of an opinion
Avient   User profile  Video channel
  08.07.2014 03:54
i didn't watch this and i heard you did well at japan expo. so good job, hoping it was good, adios
aced   User profile
  08.07.2014 03:35
Squall(c) wrote:

It's not the community's fault that you guys are constantly expecting a 100% positive feedback. And that you get mad if someone even dares to say that, the video is, well, nothing new and looks pretty much like any other standard dance-youtube-trash that constantly takes up high places at any Japan Expo for no apparent reason.
If you don't want shitty comments, here's an idea: make something good. Interesting. Original. Then we'll talk.

Meh. What you're basically saying is, if it's not good, interesting or original...prepare to get trash talked. To outsiders looking in, that's a terrible attitude, it really is.

Don't get me wrong, people shouldn't sugar coat things to try be nice, but like Gorz said there should be a little dignity somewhere in peoples replies. People going around belittling others with 'LOL SHIT, BAD, XX AMV IS BETTER, YT TRASH, LOL TAKE MY 1 /THALAS'. Is it needed just because you feel it's not good? I mean really?....
3DMau   User profile  Video channel
  08.07.2014 02:10
bien clip
Яise   User profile  Video channel
  08.07.2014 02:07
I can understand that the concept looks a bit like " This is Randomness by Creed "
but must take the clip as it is. So it is really good. Keep calm and look Marvelous
Gorz   User profile
  08.07.2014 01:23
Dark_Death wrote:
and this is why nowadays Minstrel or another admin has to post the video. Who would seriously submit their own video here to read these shitty comments.

All of this, I understand everyone is free to express their opinions but at-least have a bit of "morals", it's so sad to read these kind of free bashing, and it made me feel bad for the editor, the moderators need to try to make a little more effort to keep this place a bit civilized.

Squall(c) wrote:
It's not the community's fault that you guys are constantly expecting a 100% positive feedback.

No one is expecting 100% positive feedback, but there are a lot of ways to tell how of a trash a video is while keeping your class and the mutual respect you have for this hobby.
Squall(c)   User profile
  08.07.2014 00:58
Dark_Death wrote:
and this is why nowadays Minstrel or another admin has to post the video. Who would seriously submit their own video here to read these shitty comments.

It's not the community's fault that you guys are constantly expecting a 100% positive feedback. And that you get mad if someone even dares to say that, the video is, well, nothing new and looks pretty much like any other standard dance-youtube-trash that constantly takes up high places at any Japan Expo for no apparent reason.
If you don't want shitty comments, here's an idea: make something good. Interesting. Original. Then we'll talk.
Dark_Death   User profile
  07.07.2014 23:37
and this is why nowadays Minstrel or another admin has to post the video. Who would seriously submit their own video here to read these shitty comments.
Anonumous56473   User profile
  07.07.2014 23:36
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Нормально так для денсика, позитивно, и масочки вполне сносно смотрятся. Чисто для релакса очень даже^^
Искренне не понимаю чем k-pop, кроме языка конечно, отличается от всевозможной другой попсы?! На мой взгляд, корейские ребята в красочности выступлений и постановке своих номеров стоят на голову выше своих европейских товарищей по цеху, это так, к слову.
EvilSpiritAmvs   User profile
  07.07.2014 23:11
ато 3 место? лел
Lion0608   User profile
  07.07.2014 22:25
Sandra_Da_Vinci wrote:
от этой азиатской попсы (которую музыкой язык не поворачивается назвать)

Все зависит от вкуса автора и общей идеи.. не стои так однобоко мыслить) -тайвань-корея -не суть..Fragrance
Furycain   User profile
  07.07.2014 22:25
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"Awards: 3 место и Приз зрительских симпатий на Japan Expo 2014"

Nothing personal ,but i can't get it ....generally how much worst can be others in this competition so you to take 3th place>?

It is nothing special at all...
Lawelas   User profile
  07.07.2014 22:17
корейская попса захватывает мир?
Эль-тян   User profile
  07.07.2014 21:56
Мне одному захотелось на ютуб залезть после просмотра данной работы?Оо   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2014 21:17
Не плохая работа в общем, но пересматривать не тянет. Оценка 3.14 - уж слишком не справедливо низко. Объективно поставлю 4. Совсем по другому французы оценивают клипы.
Daru   User profile
  07.07.2014 21:08
Ооо, у меня даже слов не находится, так понравилось. Даже родимый ШК засветился :D Даёшь движуху!!!
Эх, понабежит сейчас толпа ценителей с низкими оценками(
P.S. уже второй клип с к-попом, может и на Shinee дождусь так :D
NekoChu   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2014 21:04
Даже Шаман Кинг
Эм..3 . Без комментариев
Песню бы..эм..ЛУЧШЕ.А то уже второй клип с жуткой попсятиной..
GINBR:)   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2014 21:03
video level 3! I put 4
Sandra_Da_Vinci   User profile
  07.07.2014 20:59
Неплохой фан, но от этой азиатской попсы (которую музыкой язык не поворачивается назвать) меня воротит. Так только 3 (хотя техника на твердую 4, но видеоряд не компенсирует плохую песню).
Pacific Prince   User profile
  07.07.2014 20:52
Отстой. (This is) RANDOMNESS !? Раз в сто лучше. А данная работа крайне скучная. 2+
krvc   User profile  Video channel
  07.07.2014 20:25
3 балла.
(главный постер с девкой понравился)
Lion0608   User profile
  07.07.2014 19:47
TarGet wrote:

какофония кадров

ну почему, цель свою авторы достигли - собрать как можно больше плохих парней в одной мензурке.. как можно больше. А трек-то не резиновый, так что если кого упустили - чисто техническая проблема)

Бодренько так, только японский дюже сложно осваивать ради одной работы)
TarGet   User profile
  07.07.2014 19:37
получилось весьма бодро, музыка очень хорошо вписывается в видеоряд, за исключением - что я такую лабуду слушать не стану ВАПЩЕ! а в целом очень даже. будь другая музыка, также хорошо прописана под видео, было б эпичнее.
Pifagor   User profile
  07.07.2014 19:23
какофония кадров на какофоническую музяку...

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