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Our Lives

Author's comment: "I don't want to run. Just overwhelm me."

During the process of making this video - and especially during the rendering - I noticed that my Vegas is just too old for everything. It's barely able to take HD videos anymore and rendering is such a pain. I really need the latest version (or at least one that isn't 5 years old LOL). However, it was still fun to make this. Even though I'm really unsure about my video. I guess it's because normally when my videos contain a message it's more or less subtle. Not it's directly written into the video and I dunno how you guys will react to it. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Anime: Black Rock Shoooter, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, The girl who leapt through time, Durarara!, K, Place promised in our early days, 5 centimetres per second, Sword of the Stranger, Zetsuen no Tempest, Hyouka, Chihayafuru, K-on! Movie, Lovely Complex
Music: Snow Patrol – The Lighting Strike

Our Lives

Our Lives

Our Lives

Our Lives

Our Lives


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4.34 4.34 (432 votes)
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Author: (video created: 29.03.2013)
Submitted by: Dm1try[A] 19.04.2013 at 11:02
4.34 4.34 (432 votes)
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Page views: 20045 times
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YouTube ratings: 4.98 (2741 vote)
YouTube views: 48783 times

Comments (65)
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Dm1try[A]   User profile
  19.04.2013 12:35
главка? Прикольно
mn_casper   User profile  Video channel
  19.04.2013 12:28
Gorz   User profile
  19.04.2013 12:04
Skazochka   User profile
  19.04.2013 11:55
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Маски топором , кривой во все поля нойз , блуры , прозрачности . Виньетка лишняя .
Динамика отличная , очень эмоциональный монтаж . Атмосфера трека подкрепляется хорошей подборкой фраз .
В целом 4 можно поставить .
Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  19.04.2013 11:44
Текст довольно грамотно написан и отлично подан соответствующими кадрами (особенно про друзей, которые уходят, про поиск любви и.т.д.). Жаль техника подкачала, но видно что автор старался.

Почему-то во время просмотра иногда бегали мурашки. Мб из-за трека, но пафосный текст, тоже наверное сыграл роль. )

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