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Predator: Killin' It

There are minor spoilers in video

So I've finished some new anime in some time span so I decided to go ahead and do this one for someone. This is a birthday video for my friend, Lina. She likes dubstep and Krewella, so I thought this would be perfect to make. This is also my first time ever editing with dubstep, so I probably messed up somewhere. Please enjoy regardless. :)
-Program: Adobe Premiere Pro vCS5.5

Anime: Karas, Black Rock Shooter, Fate/Zero
Music: Krewella - Killin' It

Predator ; Killin' It

Predator ; Killin' It

Predator ; Killin' It

Predator ; Killin' It

Predator ; Killin' It


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3.00 3.00 (53 votes)
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Author: (video created: 23.02.2013)
Submitted by: Nicholas Stratigakis 27.02.2013 at 10:46
3.00 3.00 (53 votes)
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YouTube ratings: 5.00 (16 votes)
YouTube views: 310 times

Comments (5)
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MeltyBlood   User profile
  22.03.2013 06:51
Музыка подкачала.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  28.02.2013 08:17
This had some technical problems and a lot of flaws. The dynamics weren't well enough, a bit slow for me, and couldn't get into it. This was pretty short, so if the editor wanted it on here he/she should have made it longer so it can be viewed appropriately without having it look like some regular youtube videos with short timing, music cut badly, no sense of feel and emotion, and tons of errors.

This could have been a lot better with much more time and effort because this was way too random and looks bad. Overall, 2 and against.
Aleksandriec   User profile
  27.02.2013 22:57
Default Avatar

а клип минути дивитись мона
Lucifer de Voland   User profile  Video channel
  27.02.2013 13:06
динамика проседает, постер убогий, трек тоже убогий
Эль-тян   User profile
  27.02.2013 12:11
Это наверное сначало залили на ютуб, потом скачали и залили в контакт, а потом уже скачали и отправили делать превью(

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