Index > Instrumental, Psychedelic > Astral Melodic Print

Astral Melodic

Author's comment: A few month later, but as we said, better late than never...

This is my production realized in 5-6 days for the AMV contest Japan Expo 2011. It's based on orchestral symphony. There is no particular concept, just take a look for fun !^^

Anime: Black Rock Shooter, Clannad, Gosick, Iblard Jikan, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, Metropolis, Nodame Cantabile, Nodame Cantabile: Paris, Origin ~Spirits Of The Past~, The Sky Crawlers
Music: Waterflame - Glorious Morning
Awards: Favourite Japan Expo 2011; Category Winner, Judges' Choice, and Best of Show Kumoricon 2011; 1st place on Frier Connichi 2011 AMV contest; Best Video and 2nd Best Artistic Endeavour on AWA Pro contest 2011; Category X, Newbie (Judges Award), Technical (Judges Award) and Best of Show at Anime Banzai 2011

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

Astral Melodic

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4.24 4.24 (403 votes)
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Author: (video created: 10.06.2011)
Submitted by: stickygaiden 28.10.2011 at 09:34
4.24 4.24 (403 votes)
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KaWaii   User profile  Video channel
  28.10.2011 09:43
А мне понравилось! Выглядит конечно дико топорно и криво, но всё что-то в этом клипе есть. :)

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