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The Bruised

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Contest video of AMVNews: Level Up 2011

Kawatta-Kun (Novice): The concept is simple and pretty much similar (or almost the same) as Black Rock Shooter.There's two girls, Mato and Yomi, who get to know each other through time and end up as great friends. Meanwhile as Mato starts to talk to another girl quite frequently she ends up slowly leaving Yomi behind and inevitably comes to hurt her.

The action scenes are like a parallel world, where the main plot is the same but just with different consequences or counter methods. We can say that the girls from that world are Mato and Yomi's double, in particular their feelings and thoughts in battle.

I loved working with my pro, my sensei, Aimo, she taught me some basic, simple but effective techniques and much more. This is without a doubt one of my great AMV's, and yet it's very different from my previous ones. I'll never forget this because I won a new beta-tester and awesome buddy.

Aimo (Pro): The video makes good use of simple editing and basic FX to emphasize the story of the AMV. The action oriented part about the parallel worlds are a nice addition to keep the pacing of the video consistent whilst maintaining the dramatic story. Novice was very easy and fun to work with as a team. I would give feedback on his beta and he would ask questions and frequently point out different approaches to it in which we would discuss together before coming to an agreement. Overall I am very happy with the result and his improvement. ^^

Anime: Black Rock Shooter
Music: BarlowGirl - Song For The Broken

The Bruised

The Bruised

The Bruised

The Bruised

The Bruised

The Bruised

The Bruised

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Author: (video created: 17.02.2011)
Submitted by: Kawatta-kun 21.02.2011 at 07:31
3.58 3.58 (186 votes)
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Comments (57)
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Gidra   User profile
  21.02.2011 11:04
PirogSV   User profile
  21.02.2011 11:01
Default Avatar
Музыка "цепанула", хорошая, ролик "тянет" музыкой, 4
NewOvermind   User profile  Video channel
  21.02.2011 10:26
Эль-тян, верно визин темптейшен мне тоже показалась) Хоть исходник и боян , да и в клипе мало внутрикадровой сихнры , но песня чем то понравилась))) 4
Zajigalka   User profile
  21.02.2011 09:49
Ничего так, но уныло. 4.
Эль-тян   User profile
  21.02.2011 09:41
Вокал певицы будто состоит из голоса эмили с примесью солисти визин темптейшен.
А клип один из многих, нечего сказать. Без оценки.
Squall(c)   User profile
  21.02.2011 08:39
клипам по BRS нужно отвести отдельный жанр. 2
Safira   User profile
  21.02.2011 08:38
С трудом верится что сделал парень О__о" Песня вгоняет в депрессию, м\в неплохое, все просто и лаконично - не плохо для начала клипорезанья. Но таких поделок овер 99999 на ютубе - можно было бы и по-оригинальнее =\
DumbLee   User profile
  21.02.2011 08:31
Костоправ   User profile
  21.02.2011 08:13
Ох и унылость, половину с трудом осилил.
JustRukia   User profile
  21.02.2011 08:02
Надо же немного разнообразили кадры, ну не очень помогло.
kemaxto   User profile
  21.02.2011 07:54
Ольк@89   User profile
  21.02.2011 07:47

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