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Harvest Moon 02.05.2016

It's havest moon night and, it's time for the witches' ritual.
Tonight, the magic runs free.
Tonight, the lady of the harvest moon rises
Come witches, it's harvest moon!
Let's honor the ritual!
Bring your wands!
Cast some spells!
It's harvest moon!

Editor's words:
Hello guys! It's my first time joining Big Contest. I decided to join because of my friend Thales (ThalesEditions). When I decided to join I was like "What song should I use?", "What anime should I use?", "I don't have any ideas", but, this song came to my mind, Lua Cheia (Harvest Moon or Full Moon in English). It's a song about witches and is also a famous song in the Wicca's community in Brazil. I'm not part of the Wicca Religion, but I think that it's really interesting and this song has a special place in my heart. I love its melody and stuff.
So, since it was a song a song about witches, I was thinking about which would be the perfect anime? Then, Madoka Magica was the first one that came into my mind. I was considered using 'Little Witch Academia" but... this anime looks too funny and stuff and, I though that it wouldn't fit the song. Then, I started working with Madoka.
First of all, I started to compile the project in my mind while I was on the bus going to work or, going back home. And it helped me a lot.
But I'd never have finished this project without the help from Thales. He gave me bunches of tips and was a pretty good Beta Tester! I also received some help from my best friend Inês (Berry-chan). She gave me some ideas of scenes to use. And I got some help from Rin ^^ She also helped me a lot!
So, thank you guys for helping me out with this project! I'm really glad for making this video and for joining BC 2016 XD
I hope you guys enjoy it!

PS.: Since it's a Brazilian song, I have added subtitles in English, however, I don't speak Russian :/ If you speak Russian, feel free to translate the subtitles! :D

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The Movie: Beginnings, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The Movie 2: Eternal, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The Movie 3: Rebellion
Музыка: Jan Duarte - Lua Cheia, The Birthday Massacre - To Die For

Harvest Moon

Comments: 16 |  Rating: 3.043.04
Author: xNagisaKun

Ларк 29.04.2016

«А если бы у меня была бастер-машина, сестрица бы признала меня равной?»

В работе автор был обогрет мыслями о близких и прочих воробышках, расцвечивающих его небо своим пением. В связи с чем надеется, что всё было не зря. Я вас всех люблю.

Аниме: Diebuster
Музыка: Звуки Му - Леонов


Comments: 72 |  Rating: 2.922.92
Author: kebenaj

Indelible 24.04.2016

Hello everyone! This is the first one that I do participate in a contest. My first experience... x.x With this video I tried to tell the story of the anime, using the song. There are plenty of spoilers and I do not recommend watching the video to those who are sensitive to violent scenes, even on minors. It took me a long time to complete this video and are still very inexperienced. I hope to learn a lot!

Thanks with all my heart at AntaresHeart07 for valuable advice. Here you will find my humble channel: MMD and soon I will add the video link. Thank you all for your attention ^---^

Аниме: Higurashi no naku koro ni, Higurashi no naku koro ni Kai
Музыка: The Birthday Massacre - Blue


Comments: 18 |  Rating: 3.063.06
Author: My Mad Dreams

Sakura Album 23.04.2016

I really like the plot of White Album 2 (anime/galgame), so I hope that I'll make an AMV whose plot is similar to WA2, but use the characters of another anime. I guess most of you guys don't see WA2. So I'll tell you a summary of this AMV/WA2. Of course, if you have seen WA2, I believe you will understand what I want to express.
Two girls both love a boy, one of the girl write a love letter. the boy agree and they show their to another girl, another girl can't stand it, she quarrel with the boy. At last, she decide to go abroad. 5years later, the boy happened to go abroad and happened to meet...
P.S. WA2 is a triangle love story, but it is different from others. it doesn't have a bad ending, so I try to create one. I'm afraid most of yours don't understand the meaning of "TRUE LOVE", I try my best to make some tips in this AMV.
I try to use SVP to make the video smoother, but the effect is not very well, maybe it is a fault to do this
Hope you enjoy the story. Peace out~

Картинка Making Of (~7.47 MB)

Аниме: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, White Album, White Album 2(Anime&Galgame), ef-a tale of melodies, Fate/Zero, Kiniro Mosaic, Ro-Kyu-Bu!, K-ON!! the Movie, Sora no Method, Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Angel Beats!, Mawaru Penguindrum, Kyokai no Kanata, Golden Time, Nisekoi, Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru, Symphogear
Музыка: Ed Sheeran - Photograph

Sakura Album

Comments: 40 |  Rating: 3.253.25
Author: AISherry

Fortress Illusion 21.04.2016

Наверно не я один хотел вернутся в прошлое и изменить все свои проблемы =)
Данной работе показывается в том что каждый желает изменить прошлое но за это надо заплатить равноценную стоимость, что бы изменить свой прошлое. Герои рискнув всем что у них сейчас есть, он получает в замен иллюзии прошлого где он должен уже изменить своё прошлое... Надеюсь вам понравится, приятного вам просмотра!

Спасибо большое за логотип MangaLub, добавлен в AMV.

Аниме: Nerawareta Gakuen
Музыка: Illenium - Fortress

Fortress Illusion

Comments: 32 |  Rating: 3.693.69
Author: Aoimina

Heat 21.04.2016

Идея клипа зародилась месяца 3 назад, но после набросаных на таймлайн огрызков я быстро свернул это дело. Так бы наверное клип и лежал мертвым грузом, если бы не БК. Времени оставалось уже мало, но я решил рискнуть, поменяв песню и доработав сюжет. В результате клип вышел примерно таким, каким я его и планировал, хоть и не без огрехов. Хочу выразить благодарность конкурсу, так как без него я вряд ли бы вообще закончил клип, к тому же это был действительно приятный опыт.
Немного о самом клипе: хотелось создать интересное стори, которое позже переросло в альт, главными персонажами которой являются двое киллеров. Первая половина клипа больше уделена раскрытию персонажей, вторая - самому сюжету.
Приятного просмотра.

Аниме: Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, Fate/Zero, Darker Than Black, Mardock Scramble, Gangsta, Clannad: Afterstory, Black Lagoon, Zankyou No Terror, Hitman
Музыка: Emily Browning - Sweet Dreams


Comments: 49 |  Rating: 3.733.73
Author: Despair'

Ironic Distance 20.04.2016

Hi :3 I started this video in October 2015 aiming to make a tribute video to Samurai Champloo, after hearing that the studio Manglobe had to file for bankruptcy. I made a few animations from while to while and finished it a few weeks ago.
Now you could ask yourself why this video is called Ironic Distance and why that stupid editor edited weed at some part.
I think one can find some self irony in the anime too and maybe not to take oneself too serious is always a good advice.

Slash: "We are just kids editing Chinese cartoons"

Аниме: Samurai Champloo, artworks
Музыка: Pretty Lights - Try To Remember

Ironic Distance

Comments: 27 |  Rating: 3.223.22
Author: VideoBeats

Screaming Artist 19.04.2016

This happened on accident while I was trying to edit Nichijou to another song that wasn't quite working out. This old YYY song came up on my iPod and I thought of Nichijou.. the dog thing just happened.

Аниме: Nichijou
Музыка: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Art Star

Screaming Artist

Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.143.14
Author: UnluckyArtist

Annoying fascination 19.04.2016

Давненько нигде не учавствовал, поэтому решил поддержать в этом году конкурс. Да, вы угадали, в этот раз снова фанчик от меня. Весна это пора позитива, не время для грусти, надеюсь этот клип поднимет кому-то из вас настроение.

Аниме: Himouto! Umaru-chan
Музыка: BabyMetal - Onedari Daisakusen

Comments: 57 |  Rating: 4.064.06
Author: seriy

Son of Man 18.04.2016

The fact that I discovered the wonderful world of beautifully animated anime movies led me to gain the ability of creating totally new content. Thus, this AMV focuses on the story Mamoru Hosoda's 2016 movie "Bakemono no Ko" (The Boy And The Beast) is based on. This upload marks my debut in uploading videos on this website, participating in contests this large and editing this kind of movies... so I'm pretty excited about even telling you about it! :D

Now, for some details about the Kanji writing in the video...

At 0:53, it says "Do your best!" ("Ganbare!", in Romaji), at 1:10, "diligence" (or "kinben"), at 1:11, "responsibility" (or "sekinin"), at 1:29, "journey" ("ryoko"), at 1:30, "boy" ("shounen") and at 1:31, it says "man" ("otoko", in Romaji). These are all key words of Ren/Kyuta, the main character of the story 's evolution from a lonely boy whose mother had died and father had disappeared from his life to a strong teenager and soon to be man while spending time in the world of beasts, alongside the mighty Kumatetsu and his friends.

And without further ado, I recommend you to sit back and let the world of Juutengai surround you!

Аниме: Bakemono no Ko
Музыка: Phil Collins - Son of Man (Radio Edit)

Son of Man

Comments: 38 |  Rating: 3.113.11
Author: cornmaniac

Owari? 14.04.2016

Hi~ This amv contain spoiler (alert for random people). For the jury I'm sorry, but I hope you can enjoy it x). My first AMV was Owari no Seraph (First season) and in my last amv, in this Big Contest, I did the second season. Protagonist's name: Yuu.
Made with Sony Vegas pro 13; Time: 1 month and 15 day.

Аниме: Owari no Seraph, Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-Hen
Музыка: Awolnation - Sail


Comments: 21 |  Rating: 2.902.90
Author: Lasto

Secret Drawing 14.04.2016

In a country town lives a young artist called Anna. Unfortunately she was with a hard depression because her problems in family and with society where she live. But she didn't expect for a secret... Marnie, her favorite drawing that carried from childhood being her unique and best friend. Marnie appears for her somehow, however, Marnie only appears in Anna’s dream, being the real world some bored and horrible place for Anna, soon, her start to sleep more frequently. A lot of things happens between Anna and Marnie in this dramatic and emotional secret, Secret Drawing.

Картинка Making Of (~7.71 MB)

Author’s Word (Only read it if you watched and analyzed the project)

Wow, this was an arduous and awesome edition. "When Marnie was There" was my choice just because the one republic's music, my brother showed it to me and when I listen I saw a giant relationship with the Ghibli's movie and through of lyrics I was building the story and mainly the project concept.
The mainly objective was to show how some people see the world being in depression. Everything appear to be against you, the person gets to sleep with more frequently, the real world don't have more importance, the problems just not help and even the family trying to help, the sick person thinks that it's against her too. But, isn't just it, Marnie enters in the story as the Anna’s perfect version, without problems, the Anna opposite side, just like a drawing has to be. This secret becomes a differential in final of Anna depression, Marnie is like an imaginary friend that help her every moment in her life.

About the Beethoven is that: He believed that art itself had "secrets" that had to be "forced into" in order to obtain art's highest level.
This is more than sufficient to connect the fact of Marnie to have "own will" even being an art created by Anna. Basically it was my inspiration for this project concept. For an artist their arts aren’t only drawings/arts, are their emotions and secrets. So was born the phrase "The Arts reflects the author’s secrets."
Secret Drawing is a project that has a powerful connection between the music, visual, story and the concept, not just the animation, but the typography, effects, color correction, etc... are included too. There are many things to write about yet, but it’ll become a bible if I keep…

Secret Drawing has a total of 17 secrets words, the goal is find all those words. Finding the words you discover a lot of curiosities put on A.M.V. This isn’t necessary to understand the project concept but you can understand better the scenes connection with music.

Below is the guide necessary to search for the “secrets words”.
- The search area is between time 0:12 until 03:27 minutes;
- All the “secrets words” are the music lyrics, with exception of two “secrets words”;
- The "secrets words" appears near to its phonetics.
- The “secrets words” aren’t necessary only words, can be other things;
- The “secrets words” does not repeat in others scenes.
- There are 13 “secrets words” that are words (typography);
- There are 03 “secrets words” animated in After Effects with shapes/stroke (you’ll need to interpret these three, the exception of music lyrics are here);
- There are 01 especial “secret word” that is in only one scene and is an effect that appear only once.
- To answer this challenge you must comment the time that appear and the word of “secret word”.

Yeah, this it. Just comment the challenge answer if you want, and I’ll answer the correct commentary. I leave my project in Big Contest again for you careful analysis. Enjoy.

Аниме: When Marnie was There
Музыка: One Republic - Secrets, The Piano Guys - Beethoven's 5 Secrets (One Republic Cello Orchestral Cover)

Comments: 90 |  Rating: 4.134.13
Author: ThalesEditions

Unsheathed 14.04.2016

Комментарий автора: Fan-made anime music video of The Boy and the Beast to Laura Palmer by Bastille.

Аниме: Bakemono no ko
Музыка: Bastille - Laura Palmer


Comments: 25 |  Rating: 4.354.35
Author: Rider4Z

Past&Present: Recovery 12.04.2016

Победитель конкурса AMV Greece Iron Chef: Who Da Bo$$

Комментарий автора:

Аниме: Boku dake ga inai machi
Музыка: Mutemath - Remain
Награды: 1 место на AMV Greece IC: Who Da Bo$$

Past&Present: Recovery

Comments: 16 |  Rating: 3.703.70
Author: Azexous

Daily Life with Animals 12.04.2016

Sup disciples of Onii-sama. It's time for a new video.

I didnt plan to enter to the Big Contest at first, but after a while and since there's still time for the deadline, why not giving a try? After all this is also my first time ever participating in the Big Contest, after 5 years been in AMVNews :o

Simply called Animals this is the first proyect I started back in january and recently finished. If you want to see a story, this only follows the formula of the anime with some minor changes. I mentioned 'minor' if you know what I mean.

This video includes some 'eastern eggs' as a reference. I will explain only one: Jack is the nickname I gave to an editor I told him I would make him appear in the video. Good luck finding it

Special thanks to leolide, SWS, VovanKoperativ and MrGafudo for the betatesting here.

Аниме: Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, Neptunia the Animation, Etotama, AKB048 Next Stage, A good librarian like a good shepherd, magical warfare
Музыка: Maroon 5 - Animals

Daily Life with Animals

Comments: 28 |  Rating: 3.373.37
Author: TritioAFB

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