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All to myself 08.10.2012

Фан по аниме Working.

Комментарий автора: Ok so it didn't take 10 months to make lol i was just too lazy and didn't want to upload but here is it o: hope you will like it :'3 if you want to know anything then ask o:

Аниме: Working
Музыка: Marianas Trench – All To Myself

All to myself

Comments: 38 |  Rating: 3.653.65
Author: Reba 02.09.2012

Категория: Turbo Drive

: всем добра!!! (=о=)/ с вами Sintara и Asura-chan. на пути к созданию этого клипа нас ждало много препятствий, проблем и приключений, но все же мы справились (^о^)/ сойдясь в общем мнении мы решили представить вашему вниманию ролик с участием нашего любимого и уютненького ньюсика :3 получилось у нас или нет, решать вам, но мы старались!
Для меня это было незабываемо, в какой то степени мой Level Up, да чего уж скрывать, это вообще моя первая работа с видео, да и вообще как мейкера ^ ^ и бедной Синтаре со мной пришлось не мало помучиться, но все же она сделала это! она очень хорошо объясняет и умеет таки затягивать в мир AE и мне очень понравилось вместе с ней работать!!! <3

Sintara: Покорение просторов АЕ продолжается, мне эта прога дается со скрипом. В проекте осталось много недоделок, но тянуть больше просто нельзя.
Пожелаю вам на последок приятного просмотра, будем рады если наша работа кому нибудь понравится ^_^

Аниме: Black Rock Shooter
Музыка: Da Octopusss – Motors

Comments: 91 |  Rating: 3.813.81
Author: Sintara, Asura-chan

The Madness of Duke Venomania 21.08.2012

В аниме-сообществе уже давно всем известны Вокалойды и настало время уже что-нибудь по ним выложить эдакое. Этот клип mothy (Akuno-P) сделал на одну из песен серии "Семь смертных грехов", написанных им же, а данная посвящена такому греху как "похоть".  Что бы ещё написать? А! Это история о несчастной любви... Да смотрите уже! Сами всё увидите, только не пренебрегайте субтитрами, иначе ничего не поймёте.

На зеркале 1 версия без субтитров. Постер кликабелен.

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Mothy - Venomania-kou no Kyouki (Dance with Asmodeus)

Comments: 90 |  Rating: 3.793.79
Author: mothy

Secret Base 09.06.2012

Довольно необычный M@D с полностью оригинальной анимацией, сделанной автором в Cinema4D и с постобработкой в After Effects. Приятного просмотра.

Аниме: Original 3D animation
Музыка: Zone - Secret Base ~Kimi ga Kureta Mono~

Secret Base

Comments: 33 |  Rating: 3.923.92
Author: archangelexp

DESERT 21.03.2012

Визуально красивый и технически отлично сделанный M@D. Приятного просмотра.

Аниме: Various
Музыка: 澤野弘之 - Desert


Comments: 46 |  Rating: 4.094.09

Missing Link 20.03.2012

Комментарий автора: Made in 2 days for the Iron Chef VIII: Triumvirat organized by the Soul's team.

At first I really wanted to edit in the romance category, but I wasn't able to find any idea of AMV except for the katy perry's song. Then, I decided to try a m@d... and damn, I never spent that much time on an AMV for an Iron Chef since my first IC. But i'm quite proud of it, and it was a great personal achievement.

I got the best horror/psychedelic, and the second place in the overall ranking.

Аниме: Omega no Shikai : Miyo Owareru Shimai Towa
Музыка: Saycet - Opal
Награды: Best Horror/Psychedelic на Iron Chef VIII

Missing Link

Comments: 42 |  Rating: 4.104.10
Author: Kain-x-Spirits

Sugar Skyline 02.03.2012

Niwa (Pro): I was susprised that Gee asked me at first to be his Pro for this contest, since I've already seen what's his capable of and I was certain that I couldn't teach him more than he already knew.
Apparently, he wanted to try something new and to experiment the RAW side of editing rather than his usual style with Visual Effects. So I explained him a bit about planning his structure for the editing and also choosing his scene scelection wisely during this process, but due the circumstances, we ended up working on improving his style into Visual Effects and helped him with his design and structure instead.
While he mastered most of his animation during this project, I wanted him to focus on the overall design and presentation of his M@D video rather working on the technical side, because that's what tend to be lacking from most M@D videos I've seen until now. In the end, I wished I could've helped him more and had more discussion about the concept of his video, but I'm satisfied of his results and it's been a nice experience overall. Hopefully, he'll use this knowledge to extend his own skills even further into his future works.

Kyuketsuki28 (Novice): Ever since I really wanted Niwa to teach me the basics of color correcting and color adjustments as well as the importance of color choosing in any video, weather raw or effect styled. I asked him to be my pro last year but he already gathered his 3 novices that time, I have to give up and wait for this year to join with him. Luckily he agreed to be my pro, I learned a lot from him, and I felt I improved in my style a lot. We were supposed to go for Raw editing for this contest because I want to try something that I'm not used to, but because of my tight schedule and other real life stuffs, I have to change the plan and go on for something that I can easily accomplish. This project started January 17 and ended February 19, I'm editing every night, 5 seconds of the video each day. I'm so happy I made it in time. This video like most of the MAD, is Seishiga Styled (images only). The video is intended something to enjoy while watching. I brought out the cuteness of the song using chibi images I have in my HD together with bright and colorful atmosphere that Niwa contributed a lot in teaching me. That is all, enjoy the sugar sweetness. And oh, this may not be obvious but in every scenes there are like hidden meanings. :) have fun figuring each out <3

Аниме: Code Geass, Fate Stay Night, Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, Houkago No Pleidas, Ichigo Mashimaro, Kanon, K-ON, Lucky Star, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, Macross Frontier, Puella Magica Madoka, Tohou, Vocaloid, Nanami Tan (Windows 7 Os-tan), Zero no tsukaima ,Bakemonogatari, Steins Gate, Mawaru Penguindrum, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan, Full Metal Panic, To Love Ru, Ika Shinrya Musume, To aru majutsu No index, Kyo no go no ni, Azumanga Daioh, Rosario + Vampire, Toradora, Jigoku Shoujo, School Rumble, and some other random images I got from google.
Музыка: Aoki Haruko - Love Hell Rocket
Награды: 2 место в общем зачете, лучший дизайн визуальных эффектов, лучший дизайн титров и работа с текстом на Level Up 2012

Sugar Skyline

Comments: 81 |  Rating: 4.134.13
Author: Kyuketsuki28

Melody 05.01.2012

M@D сделанный для конкурса 黑组2011.

Аниме: White Album 2 ~introductory chapter~ (Visual Novel)
Музыка: Ruppina - Violet Flow (Short version)


Comments: 49 |  Rating: 3.903.90
Author: Hoshino@yuu

Diva 28.12.2011

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2011

Комментарий автора:
Собственно идею с character profile своей богини уже давно держал на примете. Вот только до реализации, руки раньше не доходили. И конечно же я рад, что наконец-то доделал клип и его премьера совпала с юбилейным Akross Con'ом.

Отдельное спасибо cheb'у и trampler'у за бетатест, а FllearTM за кодирование клипа. Всем приятного просмотра!

P.S. K-On! хейтеры проходите мимо.

Аниме: K-On!
Музыка: Kanenone Jam - M-39-A (Green Green OST)
Награды: Лучшая Презентация / Дизайн, 2-е место в номинации лучший профиль персонажа, 3-е место в номинации лучший дизайн визуальных эффектов на конкурсе AKROSS Con 2011.


Comments: 107 |  Rating: 3.783.78
Author: S.A. Robert

Aozora Tears 19.12.2011

Made for MAD新人战2011.

Аниме: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Artwork
Музыка: Hitomi Takahashi - Aozora No Namida

Aozora Tears

Comments: 56 |  Rating: 3.993.99
Author: N.ec鱼丸

Another Day 07.09.2011

Клип участник пятого дня конкурса MADeMAD2011.

Аниме: Madoka Magica, Artworks
Музыка: Deborah Anderson & Télépopmusik - Into Everything
Награды: 2 место MaDEMAD2011

Another Day

Comments: 49 |  Rating: 3.913.91
Author: Hinako

Клип Нищастья [ё!] 02.09.2011

Комментарий автора: Это клип нищастья. Типерь вам ниповезЁт. Ха-ха! Покажите его 20 друзьям и им тоже будит нищастье. А если ни покажите, им будет щастье, а вам - завидно. Не посылайте клип мне обратно, потому что у меня нищастье есть и мне больше и не нада.
А начиналось все как parody of original

Аниме: Mitsudomoe, Pencilhead by Qwaqa, видио Мику Хатсуне, фан-арт Наруто, Блич, Сейлормун, Покемон и т.д., картинки из Интернет, собственная топорная анимация
Музыка: Yo-Yo - Что такое Yo-Yo

Клип Нищастья [ё!]

Comments: 128 |  Rating: 3.513.51
Author: Shirogane

こーどぎあすっ 反逆のるる~しゅ 2nd 31.08.2011

Комментарий автора: This is for the AMVNews Team Battle 2011. I picked Remaster to work with. It took me a while to pick a vid, but in the end I just settled for this M@D I found years ago. I tried my best making it look the same like the original, but I couldn't find some of the scans the person had used. (Some really had bad quality to begin with) Either way, I hope you guys enjoy. :3

Since the original video got deleted, I had to look on YouTube for it: Nico Douga, Youtube
Alternative title: Kiss My Lips

Аниме: Code Geass - Lelouch Of The Rebellion
Музыка: Saori Sakura ft. ave;new - Kiss My Lips

こーどぎあすっ 反逆のるる~しゅ 2nd

Comments: 52 |  Rating: 3.123.12
Author: aoisenshi

Shikabane Distortion 29.08.2011

Комментарий автора: The idea of the video was to remake the opening of an eroge with an anime primarily know for its dark atmosphere. It was really long to choose an opening to edit because most of them have an awful music, or are just to difficult or to easy to copy. So I finally chose the opening of nekonade distortion, mainly because of the pace of the video, and secondly because of the music. (yeah outer=kotoko)
It was really difficult to edit this, shikabane hime has really a dark atmosphere, and above all has only dark pictures. So i had to use many filter and level adjustement in order to make something brighter, but in the end, i'm quite proud of the result, even if it could probably have been better. But, to me, it really looks like an different anime, and i hope you'll feel the same. I really enjoyed to make this m@d, and i hope you'll like it. =)

Аниме: Shikabane Hime aka, Shikabane Hime kuro
Музыка: Outer - Bullshit!! Hard problem!!

Shikabane Distortion

Comments: 71 |  Rating: 3.333.33
Author: Kain-x-Spirits

A magical place 28.08.2011

Комментарий автора: xD one thing, I speak Spanish, so that if I have to use google translator for this as my knowledge of English is very poor, sorry ^^ haha

First time I think a video like this, and I'm very proud of the result. This was the reason why I absent from amv `s and was not only for the classes, although in part it was also so-dies-(?) Wanted out of my fear and great doubt, whether I could make a mad ...

Before this video, I saw several mad `s and several of which inspired me to believe and I forged my own ... This is the first time I do something like this and may have some errorcitos, but that is unimportant, I focus on that.

3 Months, making this video, devoting hours of editing, 4 to 2 hours per day or so ... One of the reasons why I was late with this video classes, as usual, any human being is wrong She laughs desperately-(?) Well, anyway, in the progress of this video I realized how fun it is to work only with Adobe alter effects, without any other high school program video editing, but this program ... For the rest I used Cinema4D, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop ... Nothing more ...

It should be noted that as I was focused on the idea out of my fear and great doubt, but also inspire me by a mad edit @ r @ `s knock Evanlet (not if it is male or female, but it sounds a girl more than anything else ... (pun intended ...)

Anyway, I will focus on advertising itself, in this video wanted to show just a magical place as stated in the title, most obviously with the anime used to make mad `s in most of the time, Touhou, and course, using some funds from the movie 5cm per second ... It has some beautiful backgrounds xD not deny it either-or

One more thing, for those who come to ask in which case: Hey Bir Why put Japanese text? There is a simple reason for all that, my English skills are limited and although I know there is someone who could help me to translate because it is not, and when he wanted, it was too late, all texts were in Japanese, though in truth it matters little to me, do not take a lot of importance ...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my video, I love most in this video are honest opinions, open and professional too ... But most of all be sincere and constructive xD but sometimes that fuck a little, things have to be, if not then when will it get better? ^ ^

Greetings and see you soon.

Аниме: Touhou, 5 cm per second
Музыка: Nostalgia - Touhou Vocal 13

A magical place

Comments: 63 |  Rating: 3.553.55
Author: bir458lll

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