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BEWBS 28.01.2016

This was my video for the first round of Quickening 2014. And yeah I passed the first Round, I think on Rank 3/5 oder something like that. The funy thing about the Title is, that I only called it like this because I was watching HONEST TRAILERS at this time. A lot of HONEST TRAILERS. And one time the speaker said "BEWWBS" and I couldn't get it out of my head... so I named my video like that :D haha... I know I am not funny, but you will maybe have your fun with the video :D

Аниме: Gunbuster 2
Музыка: Kubbi - Seahorse Dreams


Comments: 3 |  Rating: 2.742.74
Author: Noss

Haikyuu AMV! 28.01.2016

I try to improve on the beats and coloring, i'm still a beginner on that domain so every tips would be usefull for me! I know this AMV still got some miss beats but i hope you still enjoy it! Anyways, i accept all critics.

Аниме: Haikyuu !
Музыка: Bastille - Pompeii

Haikyuu AMV !

Comments: 1 |  Rating: 2.572.57
Author: NickTonCutter

Time - Distortion 28.01.2016

Yes it's random and done by me well no concept or story behind this just glitching and distorting... Some Info: Anime Genre: Sci-Fi, Mystery. Music Genre: EDM, Electronic. Program used: After Effects. Quality: 720p. Contact me on Skype: AMV-DisOrder. Disparity Team:

Аниме: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo, Fate series, Sword Art Online, clannad, Black rock shooter.
Музыка: The Flashbulb - Undiscovered Colors

Time - Distortion

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.103.10
Author: [DisOrder]

Lost Frequencies 27.01.2016

Yo, il était temps que j'up ce clip. Bon à la base c'était un ic pour la aeon studio (en aout) mais ca ma faisais vraiment chier de le bâclé au point que ça devienne pas intéressant à faire ... J'ai un peu utiliser ce projet sortie de nul part comme un bac à sable. J'ai testé pas mal de choses y a eu pas mal d'abus d'effet qui ne serve pas forcément, je comprendrais totalement les coms par rapport à ce sujet. 
Après sinon pour ma place c'est toujours cool d'arriver si haut même si j'aurais vu namida devant moi!
Donc voici la V2 vous me direz "Bof pas grand chose de différent ?" J'ai juste réarranger la deuxième partie que j'avais totalement bâclé. (je peux clairement plus entendre cette musique ! ) et effectivement j'ai même eu la flemme sur la fin...
Sinon pour clarifier le truc redrum tout ca ^^ pourquoi ce titre ? un lien avec lost fragment le meme anime ? wwoooaa .. il n'y a aucun rapport hormis son effet de triangles dont je me suis inspiré parce que j'adorais le rendu d’ailleurs chapeau à lui Wink . Le titre viens tout simplement d'une musique qui s'appelle comme ça et je trouvais ça cool. la vérité:
Merci à la mif et à toutes les personnes qui m'ont aidé de près ou de loin lors de ce projet ^^

Аниме: Ibike! Euphonium, Hyouka, Gintama, Another, Flash Paradox, Shingetsu, Guilty Crown, Clannad, Beyond the Bondery, Kyuusei Argyros, ZX Zillions of Enemy X, Zankyou no Terror, Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Work, Origine, Steins Gate
Музыка: Hurts - Mercy

Lost Frequencies  [2nd place AMV-France contest 2015]

Comments: 9 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: Kami

Winner 27.01.2016

СВЕРШИЛОСЬ! То ли приближающий парад планет тому виной, то ли что-то другое, не менее грандиозное, повлияло на меня, но наконец мое желание заняться клипмейкерством совпало с наличием свободного времени, вдохновением и адекватными исходниками, так что приветствуйте мой дебютный AMV-клип) Добротный экшн, за который мы так любим сёнены, лег на динамичную музыку) Хороши ли получилось - судить вам) Конструктивная критика приветствуется)

Аниме: Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
Музыка: Blue Stahli – Jackhammer Manifesto

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry AMV - Winner

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.363.36
Author: BattleBobr

Bad Girls 27.01.2016

This MEP is full of badass babes with side boobs :P hehehe I want to give a special thanks to all of those who took part in this mep. It was a mep I invited my close friends to take part in.
Characters and Anime in order of appearance.
-Motoko Kusunagi from Ghost in the Shell-
-Ferris Erris from Legend of the Legendary Heroes-
-Amira from Shingeki no Bahamut-
-Rory Mecury from GATE-
-Tsukiumi from Sekirei-
-Roberta from Black Lagoon-
-Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail-
-Himeragi Yukina from Strike the Blood-
-Meiko from Prison School-
-Senjougahara Hitagi from Bakemonogatari-
-Tohka Yatogami from Date a Live-
-Satsuki Kiryūin from Kill la Kill-
-Rias Gremory from High School DxD-
-Alisa Amiella from God Eater-
-Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica-
-Mikasa Acherman from Attack on Titan-
-Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill-

Аниме: Ghost in the Shell, Legend of the Legendary Heroes, Shingeki no Bahamut, GATE, Sekirei, Black Lagoon, Fairy Tail, Strike the Blood, Prison School, Bakemonogatari, Date a Live, Kill la Kill, High School DxD, God Eater, Madoka Magica, Attack on Titan, Akame Ga Kill
Музыка: Bad Girls - Palisades, Milkshakes-Kelis

Bad Girls [MEP]

Comments: 1 |  Rating: 3.263.26

Sins and Skeletons 26.01.2016

This is a project that I've been wanting to do for a long time. I've always wanted to do a video on the Garden of Sinners and this song seemed like the perfect fit for it. At first I've only seen the first four movies of The Garden of Sinners through torrent that I downloaded a long time ago. I missed out on the blu ray release since they were too expensive but they were later released on DVD.

Аниме: Kara No Kyoukai
Музыка: Anberlin - Reclusion

Sins and Skeletons

Comments: 2 |  Rating: 2.572.57
Author: Bebop0083

Stay With Me 26.01.2016

Hello amvnews community, these days I worked on an AMV, first of all I am not a great editor but I liked the result, the scenes & much so I decided to publish it here, AMV does not have any story, is for look at scenes and music, simple but very nice to my taste, I would like RECEIVE constructive feedback on how to improve that aspect & improve.
Incidentally I want to say something happened in the Akross, impersonate my identity, and issued an amv that was not mine, so some users think badly of me, I contacted the coordinator to solve the problem, on my own, found that I supplanted. Thanks.

Аниме: Kyoukai No kanata, Owari no seraph
Музыка: Stay With Me - Female Vocal Dubstep

Stay With Me

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 2.432.43
Author: LaeksAMV

Success on my mind 26.01.2016

Комментарий авторов: Kuroko No Basket AMV - Success On My Mind (SpeedProof IC). Category: Action. Time: 3 Days. Parts 1,3 - Obebo. Parts 2,4 - Eleven

Аниме: Kuroko No Basket
Музыка: Clement Marfo & The Frontline – Champion

Success on my mind

Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.123.12
Author: Obebo, ElevenPlayer

Curiosity 25.01.2016

Started this on an early morning sometime towards the end of February, finished it a few nights ago and just decided to upload it. No real plot, meaning nor message on my side. feel free to view the video as you will and take what you will from it |:>
Note: The ending is as awful as any other Eva video, plus it should be reminiscent of the original ending. Sorry for the abrupt song ending, couldn't honestly do anything about it. Special Thanks: Haze, RrezZ

Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion (Death & Rebirth) , Neon Genesis Evangelion (End Of Evangelion)
Музыка: A Perfect - Circle The Noose


Comments: 4 |  Rating: 3.073.07
Author: Enigma

Everything's Impossible 25.01.2016

SPOILERS: This AMV was created to follow the original story of the Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso anime, except the ending of my AMV if different from the anime's. My ending has Kaori living through her illness and living the rest of her life with Kousei rather than have her die. Constructive criticism is always welcome and enjoy the video.

Аниме: Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso
Музыка: Action Item - Brave

Everything's Impossible

Comments: 1 |  Rating: 3.193.19
Author: MixxedUp

Broken Promise 24.01.2016

When I watched these episodes, feelings just overflowed me. So strong story... I think, this song perfectly approaches, it also is very emotional for me . History about the promise which is heavier than death. It is so sad.

Аниме: Gintama
Музыка: Placebo - Broken Promise (Feat.Michael Stipe)

Broken Promise

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 2.772.77
Author: UnicornFeofan

Мужицкий oldschool 24.01.2016

Просто ретро-нарезочка под музычку, планировал запилить сразу по горячим следам после ретро кона, но заленился, а потом вообще не до этого было, ну а на праздниках руки таки дошли и до этого мв. К тому же, вообще не видел ни одного клипа на Кобру, по крайней мере тут, решил исправить.  Название говорит само за себя, поэтому тут нету места глубокому смыслу и эстетству, все максимально тупо, прямолинейно и, конечно же, пафосно.

Аниме: Space Adventure Cobra
Музыка: DVDA – Now You're A Man

Мужицкий oldschool

Comments: 10 |  Rating: 3.293.29
Author: MesoGear

Have you seen chef? 24.01.2016

This was my entry for Crows IC #1 Wrath of the Lamb and um I made this, um it was my first time making horror, um and I still don't know who is the winner but anyway I'm uploading it here, so I can show it to you. I made it in less than 4 days. Yes that is all.

Аниме: Zankyou no terror, Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka?, Boku dake ga inai machi, Osomatsu-san!
Музыка: sxy - zxyzxy


Comments: 5 |  Rating: 2.852.85
Author: leolide

Man of Sorrows 23.01.2016

A pure character profile vid. The whole video is concentrated arround Guts, the black swordsman and a very strong man, who although comes arround as a really tough individual, has his own inner demons, conflicts, worries and tragedies.

Аниме: Berserk
Музыка: Bruce Dickinson - Man of Sorrows

Man of Sorrows

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 2.952.95
Author: Bote

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