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Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Я не думал, что найду шрифт, который будет хорошо сочетаться с ритмом этой песни, но он нашелся.
Источником является клип из аниме Girls Band Cry, у которого пока нет даты выхода. Но судя по клипу, все будет хорошо.
Если вы хотите увидеть оригинал, просто введите запрос: Girls Band Cry clip - Na mo Naki Nanimo Kamo - Togenashi Togeari
Есть 2 клипа, этот 4-минутный.

Надеюсь, вам понравится.
Achava que não encontraria uma fonte que ficasse boa com o ritmo desta música, mas ela apareceu.
A fonte é um clip do Anime Girls Band Cry, que não tem data de estreia ainda. Mas pelo clip, parece que vai ser bom.
Quem quiser ver o original é só buscar : Girls Band Cry clip - Na mo Naki Nanimo Kamo - Togenashi Togeari
Há 2 clips, este é o de 4 minutos.

Espero que gostem.
I didn't think I'd find a font that would go well with the rhythm of this song, but it did.
The source is a clip from the anime Girls Band Cry, which has no release date yet. But from the clip, it looks like it's going to be good.
If you want to see the original just search: Girls Band Cry clip - Na mo Naki Nanimo Kamo - Togenashi Togeari
There are 2 clips, this is the 4 minute one.

Hope you like it.

Anime: Girls Band Cry Clip - Na mo Naki Nanimo Kamo From Togenashi Togeari Band
Music: Twisted Sister - We Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

Girls Are Not Gonna Take It

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Author: (video created: 30.05.2023)
Submitted by: Rog_Bert 02.06.2023 at 18:04
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Strannick610   User profile  Video channel
  03.06.2023 00:03
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