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Our World

Our World is a story of a journey. A journey whose purpose is to get back what we lost a long time ago - the World as we used to know. Now that our quest is on, the only questions left are: How can we succeed? Can we still take it back? And most importantly, is the World still the place we used to know?

In this AMV, I've tried to build an impactful experience through a dark atmosphere, cinematic storytelling, and a sense of discovering the unknown. Thank you for watching.

Anime: Cocolors, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou, Made in Abyss
Music: HVOD - 2nd World

Our World

Our World

Our World

Our World

Our World

Our World

Our World

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3.95 3.95 (56 votes)
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Author: (video created: 11.07.2021)
Studio: Dreambox
Submitted by: Tommy-Dawg 18.07.2021 at 12:36
3.95 3.95 (56 votes)
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Page views: 1771 times
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Comments (6)
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S†eelshine   User profile
  27.05.2024 10:10
хороший клип. 3d-шность исходника не так отвлекает, когда уже втянешься в монтаж и приятный трек
S.A. Robert   User profile
  07.10.2021 01:42
Хорошо передана атмосфера трека, нравятся такие клипы.
NIGHT   User profile  Video channel
  02.08.2021 14:52
padre   User profile  Video channel
  20.07.2021 10:35
Прикольно, мне зашло.
SeNniN   User profile
  19.07.2021 01:16
Loved it. Everything flows really well together and you did pull of that atmosphere you were going for really well. 5
telepati   User profile
  18.07.2021 20:02

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