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There are serious spoilers in video!

I started this video shortly after watching the show. Although the title and the song are the same, I thought it was very fitting for the show. Theres a lot here I'm not completely happy with, some small things I didn't adjust/take out again before final render, but overall I'm ok with how it turned out. I'd recommend this show to anyone who hasn't watched it. It really does play with your emotions a lot and I enjoyed the story. Now back to the Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter World grind. When's Iceborne? Thank you and enjoy!

Anime: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Music: Blue Stahli - Armageddon






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3.62 3.62 (69 votes)
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Author: (video created: 12.08.2019)
Submitted by: Crookz 26.08.2019 at 15:32
3.62 3.62 (69 votes)
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Comments (14)
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iris-am   User profile
  16.11.2019 17:07
Я рада - не часто увидишь амв по Гандаму, а тут ещё и блестящий экшен)
crash88ctamv   User profile  Video channel
  01.09.2019 15:18
Not bad
Chono   User profile
  31.08.2019 04:30
Если по честному. То ничего кроме жутко спойлерной концовки мне не понравилось. Вот там и ритм держался и атмосфера драйва и всего такого. В остальном просто красивые перелёты через маски, чересчур частые причём, на мой вкус(хотя сам таким грешил, чо уж греха таить).
Ellafaessa   User profile  Video channel
  30.08.2019 08:46
Давно годного экшена не было). Последний наверное был по тетрадки с БК. С меня 5
TRAIN   User profile  Video channel
  29.08.2019 23:14
Sin7124   User profile
  29.08.2019 21:35
Nice work! 4+
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  29.08.2019 01:07
not my cup of tea
Kroner -AMV-   User profile  Video channel
  28.08.2019 18:13
Crookz wrote:

Thank you, there is no song cut at 1:57.

well I was pretty sure about that but I guess it's one of that time where you just have to blame authors for that xD
Crookz   User profile  Video channel
  28.08.2019 16:22
Kroner -AMV- wrote:
except for the eye masks and the song cut at 1.57 it's a good vid with lots of cool moments, sorry for those things tho

Thank you, there is no song cut at 1:57.
Kroner -AMV-   User profile  Video channel
  28.08.2019 15:47
except for the eye masks and the song cut at 1.57 it's a good vid with lots of cool moments, sorry for those things tho
Crookz   User profile  Video channel
  28.08.2019 02:31
Thank you for the comments!
EGK_   User profile
  28.08.2019 02:03
i love this
`ZeRO   User profile  Video channel
  27.08.2019 19:46
E boy.
Вот это понимаю, хоть в сорца и больший потанцевал, но экшен гуд получился.
portland   User profile
  27.08.2019 06:10
good one Crookz..

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