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Hi, I wanna show you one of my videos of this year, I work about 1 month in it. I hope that you enjoy it and give me any suggestion or advice to improve my editing skill. Thanks. 

Anime: Ball room e youkoso, Kotonoha no Niwa, Koe no Katachi
Music: Florence+ the machine - Shake It Out








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3.06 3.06 (18 votes)
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Author: (video created: 08.02.2019)
Studio: 13StudioHome
Submitted by: athrun 15.07.2019 at 23:02
3.06 3.06 (18 votes)
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Comments (3)
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athrun   User profile
  03.09.2019 00:56
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thanks for the comments and advices
iris-am   User profile
  11.08.2019 11:51
Эффекты с дождем и некоторые другие смотрелись местами не очень, но в целом не так критично и клип в общем понравился, второстепенным персонажам из других аниме хоть и уделяется немного времени, но они предают истории неплохой сюжет и это уже амв по Ballroom e Youkoso с небольшой изюминкой.
okhostok   User profile  Video channel
  16.07.2019 08:32
Hm, for exam section it is obviously 5, because of the effort you put here and the presence of story is a big plus. But there are a lot mistakes that you have done.
Story is a bit ordinary, however weird: the guy breaks up with a woman, then finds another one then flies away, then finds again another who has also lost someone. For me, it was not so interesting however, because the pace is monotonous.
Now about compositing:
1) at 00:07, when glass is broken, the picture moved (expanded) abruptly. This should have been prevented. Color correction of pictures is not so good. Contrast is very low and foreground mask does not match with background colors.
2) At 00:12, you should darken these scenes.
3) At 00:15, you should also darken foreground mask.
4) Look, at 00:21, it is sunny weather , however you put rain footage. Isn't it a bit odd? Better remove that footage
5) 00:25 and future interpolations, do not use motion interpolation if there is no need (it does not yield any meaning).
6) 00:48, did not understand meaning behind it.
7) 00:56 - unnecessary effects.
8) 01:31 - you should use another font with black stroke.
9) 01:33 - I liked composition.
10) 01:44 - great finding (similar faces and body structure these guys have)!
11) 01:46 - raindrops are too many.
12) 01:57 - good composition.
13) 02:14 - you should have made the ghost transparent.

Anyways, good work :)
I recommend you to first learning to see what eyes should see. Read the book "Ron Brinkmann - the Art and Science of Digital Compositing", it will surely help you.
Good luck on your next projects.

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