
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
631Play Kuzo to the Sky75 4.00 2017-05-02
632Play Supersonic40 3.66 2017-05-02
633Play T:Ciphra37 3.66 2017-05-02
634Play Because Of You26 3.69 2017-05-02
635Play Neuromancer36 3.61 2017-05-02
636Play The Monster67 3.88 2017-05-02
637Play Respire22 3.59 2017-05-02
638Play Retaliation189 4.43 2017-05-02
639Play Aevum69 3.92 2017-05-02
640Play Burnout49 3.77 2017-05-02
641Play LegenD145 4.22 2017-05-02
642Play Ignescence24 3.49 2017-05-02
643Play With Lightning Speed150 4.40 2017-05-02
644Play Animegraphy 2012271 4.49 2017-05-02
645Play Nekketsu IMPACT !!126 4.09 2017-05-02
646Play All to myself24 3.65 2017-05-02
647Play Affective schoolgirls410 4.58 2017-05-02
648Play PonyNote44 3.67 2017-05-02
649Play GAME HELL 286 4.30 2017-05-02
650Play Once Upon a Time in Russia296 4.55 2017-05-02
651Play BabyLOLex: Loved34 3.84 2017-05-02
652Play Voltage!236 4.39 2017-05-02
653Play Twenty-Four368 4.26 2017-05-02
654Play Last Goodbye47 4.23 2017-05-02
655Play Boobs90 3.83 2017-05-02
656Play Single Day146 4.29 2017-05-02
657Play Black Impulse116 4.26 2017-05-02
658Play Under ! Where ?404 4.58 2017-05-02
659Play Starving!113 4.11 2017-05-02
660Play Anime Metal Video63 4.20 2017-05-02

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