
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
601Play Soul Recovery119 4.28 2017-05-02
602Play We are nyan225 4.38 2017-05-02
603Play Virtual Gamesanity (Beta)34 3.62 2017-05-02
604Play Blinded Heart73 3.98 2017-05-02
605Play Moonfall72 4.10 2017-05-02
606Play NO SCARED13 3.02 2017-05-02
607Play OK. DREAM Final7 3.20 2017-05-02
608Play Order87 4.03 2017-05-02
609Play Passion Clock32 3.78 2017-05-02
610Play Eternal Fight67 3.97 2017-05-02
611Play Revolution of the Downtrodden18 3.23 2017-05-02
612Play Ultimate Line40 3.80 2017-05-02
613Play Snowball Genocide (Final)136 4.33 2017-05-02
614Play Digital Hell139 4.30 2017-05-02
615Play Cosmical Bond36 3.78 2017-05-02
616Play DUALITY39 3.75 2017-05-02
617Play Birthwrong42 3.65 2017-05-02
618Play You still fly in clouds20 3.55 2017-05-02
619Play Feel alive6 3.11 2017-05-02
620Play Carnival of Blood12 3.21 2017-05-02
621Play Into The Labyrinth870 4.64 2017-05-02
622Play KICK ASS27 3.44 2017-05-02
623Play On-Line Shooter31 3.75 2017-05-02
624Play Steel is my body, Fire is my blood21 3.46 2017-05-02
625Play Alive24 3.57 2017-05-02
626Play Hi-tech Desperados43 3.91 2017-05-02
627Play Get Close49 3.92 2017-05-02
628Play Sacrificial Hope12 3.39 2017-05-02
629Play Harrier29 3.77 2017-05-02
630Play Borderland34 3.87 2017-05-02

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