
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
571Play Ready for the Rave186 4.32 2017-05-02
572Play Light ✩ Tune118 4.22 2017-05-02
573Play Tommy-Gun-Byou86 4.14 2017-05-02
574Play Hunted Down40 3.67 2017-05-02
575Play Rubber Duck136 4.21 2017-05-02
576Play Zero20 3.31 2017-05-02
577Play Louder Than Words300 4.52 2017-05-02
578Play A Piece Of Toast308 4.49 2017-05-02
579Play I'M SO CLASSY136 4.35 2017-05-02
580Play Stray Tracks84 4.31 2017-05-02
581Play Fracture309 4.58 2017-05-02
582Play Underworld47 3.94 2017-05-02
583Play Hooked116 4.25 2017-05-02
584Play The Yuri-ning47 3.84 2017-05-02
585Play Suck at Love42 3.80 2017-05-02
586Play Ninety Nine (Problems)31 3.73 2017-05-02
587Play Inside of Us Around of Us33 4.09 2017-05-02
588Play Addiction for a somber doll50 3.79 2017-05-02
589Play Cover & Dunks77 3.82 2017-05-02
590Play Quiet201 4.37 2017-05-02
591Play Ninja Re Bang Bang Monogatari224 4.45 2017-05-02
592Play Paradox34 3.91 2017-05-02
593Play Airwave53 3.78 2017-05-02
594Play tan(x)193 4.30 2017-05-02
595Play Dissociation57 4.03 2017-05-02
596Play Animegraphy 2013387 4.67 2017-05-02
597Play Guten Taten70 3.95 2017-05-02
598Play Counting Stars112 4.43 2017-05-02
599Play Islander 2 - Helvetios66 4.22 2017-05-02
600Play RoCk'NRollaZ203 4.37 2017-05-02

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