
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
1Play Night of the Full Moon11 4.01 2023-06-25
2Play To my Beloved,8 3.88 2023-06-25
3Play Cybersharingan9 3.81 2023-06-25
4Play Eternal Vespers12 3.90 2023-06-25
5Play Northern Lights5 3.74 2023-06-25
6Play Syntax7 3.80 2023-06-25
7Play Irregular Nation II14 3.71 2023-06-25
8Play Mundane5 3.49 2023-06-25
9Play Cowboy Bebop 0071 3.31 2023-06-25
10Play After Dark5 3.53 2023-06-25
11Play SCREAM5 3.71 2023-06-25
12Play FACTION FORCE8 3.73 2023-06-25
13Play Animegraphy 20229 3.85 2023-06-25
14Play send noots8 3.85 2023-06-25
15Play Cringe_23 4.17 2023-06-25
16Play Anime Magic Hour5 3.71 2023-06-25
17Play Dragon Moves20 4.01 2023-06-25
18Play Invaders3 3.47 2023-06-25
19Play Stelae20 4.05 2023-06-25
20Play Love's Sorrow8 3.79 2023-06-25
21Play Sindonia32 3.97 2023-06-25
22Play Nomura66 4.34 2023-06-25
23Play Anthem of Remembrance83 4.23 2023-06-25
24Play Concerto of Vengeance107 4.23 2023-06-25
25Play Our Future25 4.20 2023-06-25
26Play The Melancholy of Konata Izumi10 4.20 2023-06-25
27Play Attack Of The Otaku59 4.31 2023-06-25
28Play Alternate Eva Opening: Eva Bebop23 4.05 2023-06-25
29Play Auriga174 4.46 2022-05-09
30Play Something Fishy5 3.67 2022-05-09

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