
«Magnus Perfectus» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 14

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
1Play Dasein6 3.42 2018-09-11
2Play Нина4 3.22 2017-01-31
3Play Blithe and Bonny26 3.75 2017-01-26
4Play Wave20 2.91 2017-01-17
5Play Funhouse13 3.83 2016-12-09
6Play Слоник14 3.50 2016-12-05
7Play Medazzaland16 3.39 2016-12-04
8Play Frozen Heart186 4.44 2016-11-05
9Play Into The Labyrinth870 4.64 2016-11-05
10Play GEHIRNSTURMEN45 3.35 2016-11-04
11Play Forgotten15 3.36 2016-11-04
12Play The Feeling Machine44 3.74 2016-11-04
13Play The yellow circle of depression29 3.40 2016-11-04
14Play N-EVER105 4.38 2016-11-04

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