
«Diplomacy of Wolves» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 206

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
1Play Requiem for Love6 3.67 2023-01-30
2Play Rage24 4.28 2023-01-18
3Play My Vision13 3.82 2022-10-23
4Play Dragon Moves20 4.01 2022-06-12
5Play И смысла тоже289 4.56 2021-10-06
6Play Unchained244 4.57 2021-09-02
7Play All that you can't leave behind268 4.59 2021-09-02
8Play Bleached179 4.47 2021-04-11
9Play Вверх5 3.68 2021-04-11
10Play Live130 4.44 2021-04-11
11Play Magic Eye276 4.46 2021-04-11
12Play Dreamland8 3.64 2021-03-24
13Play Zonia19 4.08 2021-01-08
14Play Twilight City19 4.15 2021-01-08
15Play Border of rage4 3.50 2020-12-17
16Play Slow Burn8 3.47 2018-12-06
17Play [U]VERWORLD5 3.58 2018-12-06
18Play LOST in DIMENSION10 3.64 2018-12-06
19Play Dark Machiavelli19 3.84 2018-12-06
20Play Lightning Burst2 3.26 2018-12-06
21Play Magic of Eternity11 3.76 2018-06-29
22Play Fenrir Blood3 3.01 2018-03-27
23Play A Moment Apart15 3.54 2018-02-05
24Play Witness6 3.29 2018-02-05
25Play Lost In Silence2 3.51 2018-02-05
26Play Reflection23 3.68 2018-01-22
27Play Morpheus Fragment33 3.90 2018-01-22
28Play Hopeless6 3.25 2018-01-22
29Play Lucida28 3.97 2018-01-22
30Play Overdose - Outcast20 3.77 2018-01-11

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