
«Diplomacy of Wolves» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 206

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
91Play Vectorman32 4.18 2016-12-27
92Play Mahoromatic - I Will Find You23 3.95 2016-12-27
93Play Pure Thrust134 4.48 2016-12-27
94Play Binary Overdrive125 4.46 2016-12-27
95Play Radical Sequence13 3.62 2016-12-27
96Play Distant Echo69 3.95 2016-12-27
97Play Hidden Palace91 4.06 2016-12-27
98Play Sky Sanctuary52 3.89 2016-12-27
99Play Umbrella Corp147 4.39 2016-12-27
100Play Confession To The Dancefloor211 4.55 2016-12-27
101Play Running Man245 4.56 2016-12-27
102Play Traumerei287 4.57 2016-12-27
103Play F.Y.C396 4.68 2016-12-27
104Play The Witchtrip211 4.41 2016-12-27
105Play My neighbour Figaro-kun177 4.63 2016-12-27
106Play Engel (Remastered)345 4.60 2016-12-27
107Play Pandora493 4.63 2016-12-27
108Play Into The Labyrinth870 4.64 2016-12-27
109Play Metamorphose547 4.61 2016-12-27
110Play Ivy Bridge328 4.67 2016-12-27
111Play Anime's Got Talent416 4.71 2016-12-27
112Play Prayer20 4.13 2016-12-27
113Play Crazy48 4.21 2016-12-27
114Play Alone52 4.38 2016-12-27
115Play Two in the Dark71 4.26 2016-12-27
116Play Perverse Desire34 4.24 2016-12-27
117Play Our Tapes843 4.72 2016-12-27
118Play Fatal/Game46 4.07 2016-12-27
119Play Be.A.Ts.25 3.74 2016-12-27
120Play Shelter [2016 New Years MEP]19 3.68 2016-12-27

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