
«Diplomacy of Wolves» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 206

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
61Play Quiet77 4.09 2017-05-14
62Play Nekketsu IMPACT !!126 4.09 2017-05-14
63Play Yokai32 4.06 2017-05-14
64Play Obscurus Gladius33 4.30 2017-05-14
65Play Let Go5 3.40 2017-03-19
66Play Music of the Heart5 3.22 2017-03-19
67Play Strayed8 3.47 2017-03-19
68Play Fight Through the Heavens8 2.99 2017-03-19
69Play Human6 3.11 2017-03-19
70Play Slice of life11 3.52 2017-02-02
71Play Epiphany26 3.75 2017-02-02
72Play Singularity17 3.85 2017-02-02
73Play Eternally31 3.81 2017-02-02
74Play Red Queen114 4.31 2017-02-02
75Play Numinous186 4.32 2017-02-02
76Play Skullpture48 4.10 2016-12-28
77Play Unsheathed84 4.35 2016-12-28
78Play Nein/nein40 3.71 2016-12-27
79Play Hello91 4.20 2016-12-27
80Play Ivy Tear57 4.13 2016-12-27
81Play Razorfate10 3.46 2016-12-27
82Play Nomura66 4.34 2016-12-27
83Play Eternity13 3.32 2016-12-27
84Play In Shadows67 4.11 2016-12-27
85Play Feldzug M.O.E55 4.13 2016-12-27
86Play Leave it to Fate26 3.42 2016-12-27
87Play Distance [2013 New Years MEP]80 3.92 2016-12-27
88Play Always Hardcore77 4.31 2016-12-27
89Play Magic Pad233 4.53 2016-12-27
90Play Auriga174 4.46 2016-12-27

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