
«Diplomacy of Wolves» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 206

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
31Play Colors11 3.74 2017-12-12
32Play Adscription11 3.51 2017-12-12
33Play Limit Break II: Accel Limits32 3.72 2017-12-05
34Play 婕纶二重奏 (Part II)33 4.21 2017-09-28
35Play Shelter110 4.63 2017-09-28
36Play To break and trust26 3.85 2017-09-25
37Play Twisted Hours21 3.87 2017-09-25
38Play Wake the Dead17 3.93 2017-09-25
39Play Shivers29 3.88 2017-09-25
40Play Valkyrie52 4.09 2017-09-24
41Play Blood Oath85 4.32 2017-09-24
42Play Incandescent Uprising29 3.74 2017-09-24
43Play One More Day13 3.27 2017-09-18
44Play Livin' da Dragon Life12 3.54 2017-09-18
45Play Afterlife3 3.17 2017-09-05
46Play Blue Flame3 3.14 2017-09-05
47Play Eternity15 3.38 2017-08-10
48Play Japan Expo 2017 Live MEP4 3.12 2017-08-10
49Play Kotoba3 3.39 2017-08-10
50Play Deep WΔter66 4.23 2017-07-15
51Play NO.12 3.28 2017-07-06
52Play Dusk23 3.94 2017-05-25
53Play The path of heroes15 3.59 2017-05-25
54Play Dragon size156 4.41 2017-05-25
55Play Áminning29 3.72 2017-05-25
56Play KIZNAIVER10 3.54 2017-05-25
57Play AFFECTION49 4.07 2017-05-25
58Play Ventus Fugit51 3.96 2017-05-14
59Play Ярость25 3.71 2017-05-14
60Play Deviant17 3.64 2017-05-14

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