
«Diplomacy of Wolves» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 206

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
181Play Code: Ecchi163 4.47 2016-12-26
182Play Forever Angel45 4.40 2016-12-26
183Play Utawarehero10 4.06 2016-12-26
184Play De:Light281 4.55 2016-12-26
185Play Bakadance!86 4.44 2016-12-26
186Play Utakami7 3.74 2016-12-26
187Play Consecutive MEP57 4.20 2016-12-26
188Play W.itch for the night67 4.38 2016-12-26
189Play Cross†Point134 4.48 2016-12-26
190Play Yeah!131 4.44 2016-12-26
191Play Re:Action40 3.98 2016-12-26
192Play Act of Genesis243 4.57 2016-12-26
193Play No Mercy56 4.27 2016-12-26
194Play All Night121 4.09 2016-12-26
195Play Discrete Paradise66 4.11 2016-12-26
196Play Permanent Dream73 4.10 2016-12-26
197Play Louder Than Words300 4.52 2016-12-26
198Play Heart140 4.37 2016-12-26
199Play Rubber Duck136 4.21 2016-12-26
200Play Ready for the Rave186 4.32 2016-12-26
201Play Face Your Fears42 3.61 2016-12-26
202Play Tomorrow75 4.10 2016-12-26
203Play MoonFlower112 4.34 2016-12-26
204Play Closer to Hell285 4.58 2016-12-26
205Play All Our Love Lost37 3.60 2016-12-26
206Play The Fox417 4.58 2016-12-26

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