
«Diplomacy of Wolves» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 206

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
121Play We are30 4.11 2016-12-27
122Play Reaching Out20 3.76 2016-12-27
123Play Blinded Heart73 3.98 2016-12-27
124Play Sail On125 4.39 2016-12-27
125Play Quantum Ripples250 4.45 2016-12-27
126Play Stay61 4.17 2016-12-27
127Play Technologic M@D14 3.43 2016-12-27
128Play Snowball Genocide (Beta)92 4.27 2016-12-27
129Play Moonfall72 4.10 2016-12-27
130Play Architecht116 4.30 2016-12-27
131Play Beaten Down19 4.20 2016-12-27
132Play Без тоски72 4.39 2016-12-27
133Play Sincerity325 4.62 2016-12-27
134Play Delinquent136 4.33 2016-12-27
135Play Draw With Me376 4.74 2016-12-27
136Play The way of redemption39 4.06 2016-12-27
137Play Vagabond130 4.20 2016-12-27
138Play Die Another Day32 4.20 2016-12-27
139Play My Bitches624 4.66 2016-12-27
140Play Building Steam30 4.28 2016-12-27
141Play W.U.N72 4.36 2016-12-27
142Play Black Warrior4 4.03 2016-12-27
143Play Dream of Alchemist87 4.46 2016-12-26
144Play Our Miracle100 4.01 2016-12-26
145Play Unbreakable Girls41 3.73 2016-12-26
146Play Whoarriors127 4.22 2016-12-26
147Play Hooked116 4.25 2016-12-26
148Play Fact and Fiction98 4.27 2016-12-26
149Play Angels on the Battlefield108 4.09 2016-12-26
150Play Give Me Your World36 3.79 2016-12-26

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