
«VovanKoperativ» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 263

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
91Play Affective schoolgirls410 4.58 2012-10-05
92Play Ge-No-Cide44 3.73 2012-10-04
93Play Fate Network Beta Version 2.8377 4.24 2012-09-25
94Play Envenomed34 3.88 2012-08-30
95Play Our Tapes843 4.72 2012-08-27
96Play Ballad of the Nice Guy287 4.58 2012-08-03
97Play Real Cool Club22 4.15 2012-07-21
98Play Nightmare53 3.95 2012-07-14
99Play The Shrink! Colorful Therapy50 4.24 2012-07-14
100Play Ganseki No Kobushi (A Rock Lee Profile)35 4.23 2012-07-14
101Play The Perfect Pair100 4.34 2012-06-29
102Play PaperHeart383 4.71 2012-06-20
103Play Hang On21 3.60 2012-06-13
104Play Vagabond130 4.20 2012-06-13
105Play In Terminis177 4.46 2012-06-13
106Play Номер54 4.20 2012-06-12
107Play Metamorphose547 4.61 2012-06-10
108Play D•REZZED88 4.21 2012-06-10
109Play All Or Nothing46 4.29 2012-06-10
110Play Hell Games34 3.82 2012-06-08
111Play Feel Love134 4.20 2012-06-07
112Play In the embrace of the night27 3.81 2012-06-04
113Play Magic Eye276 4.46 2012-05-28
114Play Intoxicated121 4.28 2012-05-26
115Play Skirmish 2.017 3.47 2012-04-18
116Play Galaxy Bounce 201286 4.37 2012-04-15
117Play Highschool of the Dead45 3.88 2012-04-08
118Play The shatters of reflection236 4.52 2012-04-05
119Play Alone52 4.38 2012-03-30
120Play Orion372 4.50 2012-03-23

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