
«VovanKoperativ» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 263

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
241Play Rumble in the New York53 4.31 2011-10-14
242Play fu logic!87 4.38 2011-10-14
243Play ty logika 2253 4.59 2011-10-14
244Play Viva Aizen!87 4.39 2011-10-14
245Play Confused Memories47 4.26 2011-10-14
246Play Clarissa252 4.54 2011-10-14
247Play Diving into darkness24 3.66 2011-10-14
248Play INspire31 4.22 2011-10-14
249Play Gimme More194 4.52 2011-10-14
250Play Give Me More57 4.29 2011-10-14
251Play Sexy221 4.45 2011-10-14
252Play Rammte40 4.09 2011-10-14
253Play Pure Thrust134 4.48 2011-10-14
254Play Running Man245 4.56 2011-10-14
255Play Out of Control89 4.35 2011-10-14
256Play Allegretto16 3.68 2011-10-14
257Play Bakadance!86 4.44 2011-10-14
258Play De:Light281 4.55 2011-10-14
259Play Yeah!131 4.44 2011-10-14
260Play The Clap23 3.91 2011-10-14
261Play Break56 4.31 2011-10-14
262Play Trollex: After Vortex8 3.26 2011-10-14
263Play Vortex: Recycled75 4.23 2011-10-14

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