
«VovanKoperativ» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 263

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
121Play I Heart Tsundere129 4.10 2012-03-17
122Play H for HATE7 3.52 2012-03-13
123Play Hi Cerebellum76 4.22 2012-03-10
124Play Warp102 4.31 2012-02-27
125Play Fallen Nations40 4.06 2012-02-22
126Play LieA521 4.11 2012-01-31
127Play Prisoner of Darkness83 4.20 2012-01-10
128Play Пепел151 4.40 2012-01-03
129Play Shades of253 4.45 2011-12-30
130Play Boobs90 3.83 2011-12-30
131Play The Flower of Dream13 3.38 2011-12-22
132Play You are not alone99 4.37 2011-12-04
133Play Год АМВ85 4.41 2011-11-25
134Play Heroes of Tomorrow56 4.10 2011-11-22
135Play Under ! Where ?404 4.58 2011-11-16
136Play The Stage135 4.49 2011-10-22
137Play Traumerei287 4.57 2011-10-22
138Play Safety dance175 4.50 2011-10-16
139Play Paradox2 3.62 2011-10-15
140Play ChillOut (Director's Cut)99 4.47 2011-10-15
141Play Soul Rock20 4.07 2011-10-14
142Play DANSU192 4.52 2011-10-14
143Play .cream63 4.26 2011-10-14
144Play Vogue Girl (из серии Neko:Sexy Style)2 3.82 2011-10-14
145Play Summer Party11 3.89 2011-10-14
146Play Shake THAT!!!66 4.34 2011-10-14
147Play Saturday Night Fight Club29 4.21 2011-10-14
148Play Switchback7 3.68 2011-10-14
149Play Don't Stop33 4.02 2011-10-14
150Play Prognosis123 4.38 2011-10-14

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