
«Turbo» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 151

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
1Play Stardust2 0.00 2024-05-07
2Play Dance with me11 0.00 2024-05-03
3Play Run Makoto Run59 4.73 2023-09-19
4Play Cybersharingan9 3.81 2023-05-24
5Play Dreams That Can't Be Frozen5 3.58 2023-03-12
6Play Rewind Time6 3.98 2022-05-29
7Play Nomicon8 3.53 2022-05-14
8Play Contemporary Dog46 4.46 2022-03-19
9Play Million Flowers9 3.81 2022-01-22
10Play SM★SH7 3.29 2021-05-05
11Play ANIMA19 4.01 2021-04-05
12Play Dead End29 4.12 2021-03-29
13Play longing.9 3.67 2021-03-13
14Play Underwater20 4.11 2021-03-05
15Play GoD;Less7 3.81 2020-12-30
16Play Vivid Lights23 3.77 2020-11-01
17Play 65shadesofsync11 3.85 2020-10-22
18Play Enflame22 3.84 2020-07-08
19Play Hanami16 3.80 2020-07-06
20Play 魔 性 舞 者 - HypnoDancer59 4.30 2020-06-12
21Play Our Little Dark Age16 3.93 2020-05-23
22Play Дора дура31 4.14 2020-05-22
23Play set me free14 3.98 2020-05-18
24Play Theater of darkness: The end8 3.74 2020-05-12
25Play Simulation5 3.51 2020-05-11
26Play CELL31 4.25 2020-05-09
27Play Napoleon Bonaparte18 3.89 2020-04-13
28Play Flowers7 3.75 2020-04-05
29Play Onigiri17 3.91 2020-03-30
30Play Dreadend29 4.01 2019-09-29

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