
«Chono» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 79

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
61Play Drove Through Flower-Girl To Get Paradise28 4.17 2011-10-14
62Play The Conspiracy of Law74 4.39 2011-10-14
63Play Bustled Up29 4.02 2011-10-14
64Play Synesthesia²55 4.39 2011-10-14
65Play Flowers14 4.09 2011-10-14
66Play Ulver7 3.92 2011-10-14
67Play Rerun44 4.26 2011-10-14
68Play Between Two Worlds45 4.23 2011-10-14
69Play Swords Dragons SuperHeroes SuperPower31 4.00 2011-10-14
70Play From the Ashes102 4.38 2011-10-14
71Play Image10 3.99 2011-10-14
72Play Tin:)19 4.13 2011-10-14
73Play Unsynchronous Delirium7 3.66 2011-10-14
74Play Muse24 4.14 2011-10-14
75Play Beast Within131 4.47 2011-10-14
76Play Forgiven5 3.97 2011-10-14
77Play RADIO KAMI27 4.04 2011-10-14
78Play Полынь-трава15 4.11 2011-10-14
79Play Crossfire14 3.92 2011-10-14

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