
«Chono» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 79

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
31Play RWBY "White" Trailer211 4.59 2013-02-16
32Play Affective schoolgirls410 4.58 2013-02-10
33Play Retaliation189 4.43 2013-02-06
34Play Strntium23 3.45 2012-12-27
35Play Petal147 4.40 2012-12-12
36Play Lili (Remake)67 4.16 2012-10-21
37Play Mateotis77 4.18 2012-10-14
38Play Life in the pain51 3.84 2012-09-19
39Play Ooop... it's Hyakko18 4.27 2012-09-12
40Play The Shrink! Colorful Therapy50 4.24 2012-07-16
41Play (This is) RANDOMNESS !?178 4.31 2012-07-16
42Play Evaporate110 4.31 2012-07-12
43Play Noctis48 3.85 2012-06-08
44Play Aurora Borealis45 4.00 2012-05-03
45Play Dawn of Ashes16 4.05 2012-04-13
46Play Новый Клип256 4.48 2012-04-09
47Play Hay time...27 4.21 2012-04-07
48Play ААААААААААААА!47 4.33 2011-10-14
49Play Fade To Blue43 4.17 2011-10-14
50Play Demonmaker3 3.78 2011-10-14
51Play DISCHARGE6 3.72 2011-10-14
52Play Eternal Wanderer22 4.10 2011-10-14
53Play Wolf's Pain (remastered)54 4.29 2011-10-14
54Play Trauer81 4.34 2011-10-14
55Play Paranoia Drift67 4.32 2011-10-14
56Play Silencio7 3.64 2011-10-14
57Play The Wonders At Your Feet47 4.20 2011-10-14
58Play ChillOut (Director's Cut)99 4.47 2011-10-14
59Play PencilHead421 4.70 2011-10-14
60Play Bustling17 4.16 2011-10-14

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