
«Bill Ein» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 205

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
1Play Toxic62 4.37 2019-08-03
2Play Feldzug M.O.E55 4.13 2019-07-09
3Play Vetus Memoria43 4.17 2019-07-09
4Play Numinous187 4.32 2019-06-18
5Play Umbrella Corp147 4.39 2019-03-23
6Play The Witchtrip211 4.41 2016-08-10
7Play Heart in White18 3.71 2016-07-16
8Play Girlfriend45 4.05 2016-05-29
9Play Flare49 4.00 2016-05-29
10Play Annoying fascination58 4.06 2016-05-29
11Play Silkworm Song117 4.25 2016-05-29
12Play Frozen Heart186 4.44 2016-05-29
13Play Mono no Aware46 4.08 2016-05-09
14Play Who Are You? Keep me from the...94 4.33 2016-02-07
15Play It's been so long36 4.13 2016-01-19
16Play Sintesis - Kanbaru19 3.76 2016-01-02
17Play Namida55 4.09 2016-01-02
18Play The Man Who Thought Much11 3.39 2016-01-02
19Play «Mekakucity Actors»31 3.95 2015-08-15
20Play Anime's Got Talent416 4.71 2015-07-10
21Play AniMix - Full project33 4.09 2015-06-15
22Play EvAbridged 2.0 Shinji is (not) a Pussy100 4.54 2015-04-27
23Play EvAbridged 2.0 (Trailer)32 4.25 2015-04-19
24Play EvAbridged 1.0 This is (not) a Parody160 4.57 2015-04-19
25Play Neglected fields44 4.20 2015-03-31
26Play Nomura66 4.34 2015-03-21
27Play The Winner139 4.34 2015-03-21
28Play Ru.Comix 2.5: After Party160 4.29 2015-01-15
29Play Ru.Comix 3.5178 4.42 2015-01-15
30Play Anthem of Remembrance83 4.23 2014-12-17

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