
«Bill Ein» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 205

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
91Play My Bitches624 4.66 2011-10-13
92Play Anime Munters164 4.55 2011-10-13
93Play Hello World34 4.32 2011-10-13
94Play Gimme More194 4.52 2011-10-13
95Play Metal-Panda!44 4.39 2011-10-13
96Play Berserk - Sentance5 3.62 2011-10-13
97Play ChillOut (Director's Cut)99 4.47 2011-10-13
98Play D-ON!387 4.61 2011-10-13
99Play Target Up24 4.21 2011-10-13
100Play Nightmare38 4.02 2011-10-13
101Play Can Always Kill Excel4 3.55 2011-10-13
102Play Black Music Club76 4.42 2011-10-13
103Play This Is Halloween379 4.61 2011-10-13
104Play Sfrizzomania18 4.11 2011-10-13
105Play Will You Give it to Me?17 4.00 2011-10-13
106Play Anxiety10 3.85 2011-10-13
107Play Betamax Cascade12 4.09 2011-10-13
108Play Seiji Warheart7 3.85 2011-10-13
109Play The Harassment of Kyon66 4.38 2011-10-13
110Play Crazy for Death7 3.93 2011-10-13
111Play чЫопаПало35 4.06 2011-10-13
112Play Taivas - Skies On Fire66 4.30 2011-10-13
113Play Eliminate, Extirpate, Asphyxiate...35 4.34 2011-10-13
114Play Faraway9 3.97 2011-10-13
115Play Bad Apple!330 4.67 2011-10-13
116Play Help!85 4.49 2011-10-13
117Play Continuous Play22 4.00 2011-10-13
118Play The Moonlight Story19 3.91 2011-10-13
119Play МаLLинки259 4.57 2011-10-13
120Play Work Be (The Movie)53 4.38 2011-10-13

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