
«Bill Ein» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 205

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
31Play Vacant Heart129 4.32 2014-12-17
32Play Oops, Eren did it again146 4.29 2014-12-17
33Play ME!ME!ME!553 4.70 2014-12-17
34Play Ru.Comix 3214 4.22 2014-03-02
35Play Fracture309 4.58 2014-02-19
36Play Louder Than Words300 4.52 2014-02-19
37Play Urban Ragnarok32 3.94 2014-02-05
38Play Faceless96 4.13 2014-02-03
39Play На самом деле я Бэтмен26 3.97 2014-01-20
40Play Other Blue82 4.24 2013-11-08
41Play Young and Beautiful105 4.31 2013-10-27
42Play Psycho Forma Kosugi31 3.85 2013-09-08
43Play In Another Life When we are Both Lived in Schrodinger Box152 4.34 2013-05-28
44Play Madoka im Wunderland52 3.77 2013-04-16
45Play Galaxy Bounce 201286 4.37 2013-04-15
46Play Affective schoolgirls410 4.58 2013-04-15
47Play Into The Labyrinth870 4.64 2013-04-15
48Play Digital Hell139 4.30 2013-04-15
49Play One Last Breath24 3.74 2013-04-15
50Play Kuro shite147 4.42 2013-01-14
51Play Lili (Remake)67 4.16 2012-10-22
52Play Новый Клип256 4.48 2012-09-11
53Play Rear Window Animation11 3.49 2012-09-01
54Play Our Tapes843 4.72 2012-08-27
55Play SCATMAN66 4.27 2012-08-26
56Play The Madness of Duke Venomania68 3.79 2012-08-21
57Play A brainless video199 4.46 2012-07-27
58Play Lord's Prayer18 3.95 2012-07-27
59Play (This is) RANDOMNESS !?178 4.31 2012-07-14
60Play Futuristic Lover177 4.41 2012-05-26

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