
«Bill Ein» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 205

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
181Play Sein Sonne49 4.23 2011-10-13
182Play Cirno's Perfect Math Class8 3.81 2011-10-13
183Play AMV Hell 3: The Motion Picture26 3.95 2011-10-13
184Play Crossfire14 3.92 2011-10-13
185Play Silence (Director's Cut)13 3.87 2011-10-13
186Play Kagami Eated Your Soul9 3.95 2011-10-13
187Play Lost Dreams (Revisited)58 4.29 2011-10-13
188Play S-UP Complex30 4.12 2011-10-13
189Play Vectorman32 4.18 2011-10-13
190Play Надежда51 4.29 2011-10-13
191Play Sappy Self-Indulgence17 3.91 2011-10-13
192Play Evangelion Opus (Remake)54 4.17 2011-10-13
193Play The Wonders At Your Feet47 4.20 2011-10-13
194Play Condemned Memoir79 4.41 2011-10-13
195Play Ordained From Above64 4.33 2011-10-13
196Play Clarissa252 4.54 2011-10-13
197Play Engel (Remastered)345 4.60 2011-10-13
198Play Auriga174 4.46 2011-10-13
199Play Moshi Moshi57 4.27 2011-10-13
200Play Joined by Blood41 4.21 2011-10-13
201Play Festival of Life49 4.34 2011-10-13
202Play Whispers In The Dark117 4.44 2011-10-13
203Play Ian Fleming's Property of a Lady132 4.51 2011-10-13
204Play Part of You, Shadow of Me191 4.54 2011-10-13
205Play Magic Pad233 4.53 2011-10-13

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