Index > Registration of musical artists for Fast Start 2010


Here you can register for Fast Start 2010. Please fill in all asterisk-marked fields with correct information.

Rules for music artists:
1) Any band/singer, irrespective of their status, level of prominence or music genre, can participate in the contest
2) Only one composition per band/singer can be entered
3) Any composition can be withdrawn before the creation period begins (i.e. before the 1st of March, 2010)
4) To make sure that the composition was sent by its author(s) and not by some other person, the author(s) must provide information about First Start 2010 contest on their official website or page (Vkontakte, MySpace, LiveJournal, Twitter, etc.)

Some remarks:
1) There is no guarantee that the composition you enter will be used in a music video – a creator must choose to work with it first. That’s why it is recommended to add the most successful and popular composition of yours so as to increase its chance to be chosen for music video.
2) The list of compositions approved for participation is available on the following page: the list of contest tracks
3) It takes some time to check the tracks added (1 to 3 days).

Detailed information concerning the contest can be found on the following page: Rules of Fast Start 2010. Feel free to ask the contest organizers any questions via

Registration of musical artists for Fast Start 2010 has been closed!

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