
Последние комментарии lokkiclu

61) In Another Life When we are Both Lived in Schrodinger Box lokkiclu | (1 | 1) | 08.05.2013 18:23
Interesting video, I love your use of effects to manipulate the atmosphere but at the same time I can't really say I understood the message or what you were trying to put the emphasis on. I can try to hint where it's meant to aim, but overall it's too vague.

Not trying to spoil the mood cause I'm well aware we need more intelligent forms of entertainment nowadays, but perhaps a clue or something would've been useful. I give you a 4 nonetheless, this is clearly something special.

62) Rockin' Layer:00 lokkiclu | (0 | 0) | 06.05.2013 19:33
I'm not sure I understand what's going on (...at all) but I love this lol!

63) Queen and Jack lokkiclu | (1 | 1) | 06.05.2013 19:29
I think this is one of the best videos I've ever seen. It's not the most original concept, sure, and it gets random at times (very lol), but there's something about the vibe of the song which flows so well with the footage that makes me love it. A sort of mysterious atmosphere.
Definitely gives the anime a fresh look, and I wish you good luck in the contest! A well deserved 5 from me.

64) Digital Hell lokkiclu | (0 | 0) | 06.05.2013 19:24
Well you already know what I think about this Jazzy, it's quite original despite the fact it's a crossover after all.

And ofc, it'll most likely do amazing in the contest but I'll wait until the results are posted. :3 Winner desu, gogogo! 5 all the way

65) Birthwrong lokkiclu | (1 | 1) | 08.04.2013 16:54
Oh this is so old. XD Nice to see it uploaded here, go usss

66) Title Goes Here lokkiclu | (1 | 1) | 17.03.2013 19:36
padre написал(а):
Это 5.

Большое спасибо!

Whiteha написал(а):
The best of the works on LUp contest, IMHO.

Many thanks

Thanks everyone for the comments, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. I appreciate the feedback. I'm doing my best to translate every single one lol

67) Title Goes Here lokkiclu | (0 | 1) | 09.03.2013 01:10
Yoshi_Ryuichi написал(а):
O m f g . . .
I have an old sick computer and the same videocard. There are artifacts on the screen sometimes, while I play the video games.
Author, can you imagine what kind of butthurt you caused to me ? XD
It is a cool work with a cool track, but I love and hate you at the same time!

Oh dear, I don't know whether I should feel good or bad. XD My apologies, Yoshi!! I'm happy to hear you liked the video though. Thanks!

68) Title Goes Here lokkiclu | (0 | 1) | 07.03.2013 20:07
IrenSS написал(а):

Anyway, you won't be angry with me, if I give you a 4, will you?

Obviously not, thanks!

GionToji написал(а):
This is simply great~
I love it!

mah boi ♥

69) Title Goes Here lokkiclu | (3 | 1) | 06.03.2013 23:45
Maniaki написал(а):

девочка? wow this makes this vid look even better now.
GJ but dont get taken away with this "genre", it'll ruin my interest in you.

Understood, thank you.

70) Title Goes Here lokkiclu | (1 | 1) | 06.03.2013 17:43
Astter написал(а):
До просмотра: "Хватит клепать на моногатари! Надоели!"
После просмотра: "Ладно, ладно, продолжайте."

5, конечно же. Дико рад, что из выжатого исходника сумели сделать столько толковую и, хоть и громко, но ведь правда, крутую вещь.

Я рад это слышать, спасибо!

sirenaim написал(а):

I really like the tiny bits of humor and it's a nice change to see something non-romance or pure action coming out of this anime, good job~

Nothing better than a bit of humor involved, thanks Mounia :D

71) Title Goes Here lokkiclu | (0 | 1) | 06.03.2013 16:38
Siar_Mortal написал(а):
Delighted comment goes here. 5
Слава богу, что есть ещё на свете девочки, способные делать что-то кроме плаксивых кроссоверов.

Haha, I see what you did there! Спасибо вам большое!

72) VIRUS lokkiclu | (1 | 1) | 05.03.2013 16:53
Frame написал(а):

I think you're right, that my fault . Maybe later we try to load subtitles

That would be great, thanks!

73) The Devil Inside Me lokkiclu | (1 | 1) | 05.03.2013 16:10
It's not bad, but I feel it didn't do the song justice. Keep working!

74) VIRUS lokkiclu | (0 | 1) | 05.03.2013 12:11
I'm too scared to watch the full thing, but from what I've seen it looks awesome.
P.S. I think it would've been nice if we also had English subtitles for this, since the international audience (like me) won't be able to understand certain parts.

75) Shoot Me! lokkiclu | (1 | 1) | 01.03.2013 18:32
My favorite so far! Fun video, a pleasure to watch. :D

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