
Последние комментарии VideoBeats

31) StupiD VideoBeats | (15 | 1) | 12.08.2020 15:23
I would have put it in top 5 JE lol

32) Vie en rose VideoBeats | (0 | 0) | 30.07.2020 23:19
I remembered this video a while ago and I still love it :3

33) Hanami VideoBeats | (1 | 1) | 07.07.2020 19:23
well made, but like many other dynamic, up beat amvs. didn't like the colors, but that seems to be a trend that i don't understand anyways ^^

34) Starlit Waves VideoBeats | (0 | 0) | 01.06.2020 16:31
Cool song, but that grading really wasn't necessary :p

35) Vortex Online VideoBeats | (0 | 0) | 22.05.2020 14:48
altermann big respect for using aria

36) set me free VideoBeats | (0 | 0) | 20.05.2020 16:44
Really like the combo and it's well edited :3

37) Где моя велотачка, чувак? VideoBeats | (0 | 0) | 18.05.2020 03:02
Thx for taking the time to make a translation :3

38) Superposition VideoBeats | (2 | 0) | 17.05.2020 14:53
always in for some lesbian propaganda
Jokes aside it's nice simple vid and the first with that anime that I really enjoyed :3

39) Bitter Almonds VideoBeats | (2 | 0) | 14.05.2020 15:11
That was great! Good sync, structure, effects and narration. Was really immerged from start to end.

40) Tulpa VideoBeats | (2 | 1) | 10.05.2020 03:35
Sempai3607 написал(а):

Guy create girl in his head and dreaming about their future in dream house, ammm what is random here?

Ye but that's already made clear with the scene selection. Using that text is kinda superfluous in my opinion and only distracts. Also text is most of the time way to much in your face story telling wise for me but maybe that's just me who likes to think about stuff on my own :p

41) Tulpa VideoBeats | (1 | 1) | 10.05.2020 02:45
Nice one :3 I hope someone is going to translate the lyrics :p The end was a little abrupt though. Mainly because of the strange fade in the music. All in all it's well structured and I liked the effects you used on her. I didn't really like the random implementation of text at 1:07.
What I also liked was that idea of using the teacher from Euphonium as him being older cause it really fits. One last thing would be that you can really tell that it's another girl at 1:45 xD GJ overall and GL in the rankings :3

42) HEAVENS FALL VideoBeats | (4 | 0) | 08.05.2020 17:00
Great visuals and i can appreciate the effort, but i didn't really enjoy watching it cause it felt like a showreel more than an amv, cause of the lack of connection between video and audio. I don't mean that it's not connected at all but not in an interesting way. And in the end thats what amvs are all about in my opinion.

43) Wilder VideoBeats | (1 | 0) | 06.05.2020 00:56
ting ting

44) Absolute VideoBeats | (0 | 0) | 28.04.2020 01:37
The audio quality situation is actually quite interesting: Both here and in the file itself at 4 mins the highs are distorted really badly, but not as much in the rest of the vid. Still noticable at 2:30 though for example. On youtube it's not that prominent for some reason. Might be cause of youtube compression killing high frequencies?
The Video itself was nice to watch although i was kinda laughing when she got red eyes xD In my opinion it's not too long btw, like this it already kinda felt rushed for me sometimes. All in all def one of my favorites so far :3

45) Cheer Power VideoBeats | (1 | 0) | 10.04.2020 19:31
fun vid

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