
Последние комментарии Radical_Yue

16) Swing Box Radical_Yue | (6 | 0) | 28.09.2016 06:59
A serious opinion (not based on aspect ratios) but this video doesn't do enough to acknowledge the style of the music or capture the pace.
I appreciate the attempt at visual effects work stylization but it's sloppy at best and the sources don't fit. Beyond people moving (which yes, the song does talk about) and noting the fact that there are indeed horns being played, there is little connection that makes me think "Oh yeah, this is swing."
While it's not my absolute favorite video ever personally, I'm So Classy did a good job capturing the style and feel of what is swing. The editor missed that boat on this particular video. Poorly selected sources, odd cuts, lack of sync, sloppy effects work and of course the aspect ratios.

17) Swing Box Radical_Yue | (7 | 0) | 26.09.2016 16:47
Poor Kaleido Star :( Maybe one day people will learn about aspect ratios...

18) Zuzuzu Radical_Yue | (2 | 0) | 23.08.2016 03:05
pic4arts написал(а):

Well, if you vote for Leolide and he votes for himself then I'd say that's enough votes to win VCA Editor of the Year in a landslide! :D Congrats Leo!

19) Pas Mal Radical_Yue | (4 | 1) | 17.07.2016 05:35
That was just chaotic, crazy, random fun times. Great attitude and holy shit, that masking.
I demand you guys change your studio to "Sora To THE MOTHER FUCKIN' MASKING".

20) Onii-chan sosu ka soe wo Radical_Yue | (0 | 1) | 02.06.2016 00:01
Leo, get your find edges bullshit out of here. Save that shit effect for Azexous. Go play with Umaru-chan.

21) Lost in memories Radical_Yue | (6 | 1) | 06.05.2016 17:59
Eazy написал(а):
Poor Kyon, his girlfriends keep dying or killing him. : c

This! OK, can someone explain why Kyon is the timetraveling manwhore? I'm convinced that every time he gets tired of boning his girlfriend he traveled back in time to save, he just jumps to a new time and finds another girlfriend to bone and save.

22) 婕纶二重奏 (Part I) Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 03.05.2016 20:53
That was just a ton of fun to watch! :D

23) Deconstruction Star MEP Radical_Yue | (5 | 2) | 01.05.2016 20:15
gta_iv86 написал(а):
You enter this into the BIGgest contest of the year and expect ppl to suck your dick over it, im not gonna insult you or this piece of work thats making me consider suicide, oh no you wanted constructive criticism So lemme give you some, this amv is so raw its still screaming to die or it could be because the lack of sync, and you can tell the lack of communication between editors on this aswell, very unpleasing to the eye this whole MESS is dont get why you entered this into BC but hey your choice, Now there is some amazing constructive ciritsm on your youtube grade amv. Have a good one!


24) I hate you, I love you... Radical_Yue | (1 | 0) | 27.03.2016 21:46
Are you fucking kidding me?

I Hate You I Love You

25) Cooking By The Book Radical_Yue | (2 | 0) | 22.03.2016 19:14
I'll just leave this here....

26) Bitch I Just Got Out Radical_Yue | (1 | 0) | 28.02.2016 21:51
Phlashbak написал(а):

No one ever notices me though :(

Maybe because you're a douche. Stop being a douche, Kiet.

27) Fly to the Sky Radical_Yue | (3 | 0) | 28.02.2016 09:18
Pretty trance song + whored out bullshit anime openings = sad yue

Oceanlab deserves better :(

28) Bitch I Just Got Out Radical_Yue | (4 | 1) | 28.02.2016 09:17

29) Stay With Me Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 27.01.2016 20:34
Oh my god, that poster is amazing. She looks like an insane ex-girlfriend screaming at the dude to "STAY WITH ME!!!!!!"

30) Evolution Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 16.01.2016 01:29
Gene Starwind 21122 написал(а):

Hey Radical_Yue,

I applied quiet a few filters in avspmod and a lot of these shows such as Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, and so forth don't have remastered editions. Could you possibly help me out with what filters I could have applied. I tried comparing my footage to what l33tmeatwad had on his site but I'm still not sure what I could have done different. I'm still trying to learn this process of cleaning up really old footage from DVD.


For one, I know for a fact that both Gundam Wing and Outlaw Star have remasters available since I have both of them.
And two, it's going to vary from source to source. You've still got nasty artifacts and obvious interlacing based off the jagged edges. These are even easily seen in the screen caps you selected. As an editor who has been around since usage of DVD footage (including cleaning it) was the major norm, I assumed you'd know this. I don't really feel like going source by source since again, everything is going to require different filtering based on what you're working with.

Not only that, but you've squished any and all 16:9 footage to 4:3 as opposed to properly cropping it. It appears that some cropping was attempted but it's still wrong.

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