
Last comments Kroner -AMV-

16) False Solitude Kroner -AMV- | (3 | 1) | 19.05.2020 07:34

First of all: I liked it! I like the concept, the progression, the atmosphere and how you placed events. Also I really like the anime source choice, when I was SURE it was squeezed like a lemon you used it for something original that, imo, fit a lot with your purpose.
In term of visuals it has also cool ideas so it was interesting. I had no problem at all understanding the concept, and I saw it at 5.00 amv when I woke up completely stoned.

On the more technical side there were issues that bother me a bit but I'm sure that for those who didn't catch the story at first were really relevant.
1) the aspect rateo: why??? Totally fine with the 2.35:1 format but this is like 2.67:1 which made me confused
2) clocks placement: there are issues in the positiong of some on them that were quite obvious
3) the "love story" was a bit distracting, it's not bad, not at all, but it opens to different solutions that can distract the viewer to understand the main theme, but I can relate to the need to show more things in a single vid so it's not a big issue to me.
In general you could add scenes were the character was phisically there to make the concept more solid (for example on the bridge during the hiroshima impact), i would ask for more direct interaction too but the anime hasn't this kind of clips I guess

In general it's one of the vids I've enjoyed the most so far, this is a very personal thought, but we can say it suits my taste and I appreciate how it was "built", the narration structure was really good to me, BIG GG

17) Metronome Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 1) | 15.05.2020 16:57
cool ideas, I like it, I just think sync is a little bit weak sometimes, for example at 0.38. GL

18) Simulation Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 11.05.2020 21:05

19) Tulpa Kroner -AMV- | (3 | 1) | 11.05.2020 15:06
A lot of work here, gratz for accomplish such a effortful vid and good luck in the contest. There are things I couldn't enjoy and one of that is the song choice, even if think it fit the mood of the vid. I would like to explain that because I think that probably we're all going to be unfair judging this aspect. It's not that you can't use a foreign song, and actually we're joining a russian contest so russian songs should be more than accepted and I also think that we should not evaluate as a "mistake" if you didn't add subtitles. To me the problem is that we cannot get involved totally in the vid because we're constantly distracted by something we can't understand, it's not that we have to match lyrics with the vids or we have to understand the song words everytime, but I got distracted by the music and the impossibility of understanding it probably influenced my view. As I said this is not a problem of the vid, and I hope everyone will think the same while judging, but is a problem for me as a viewer who try to get involved and enjoy the vid as an entire thing.
On the vid itself, imho is kinda too "rich", there are too many sources too much visible for the same characters. The story is interesting and your efforts are really noticeable and appreciated but I think that if you had fewer animes everything could result so much merged.
Second time I saw the vid I actually got the story a lot better and there were cool ideas honestly. Good luck again ;)
0.28-0.29......why does he have boobs????

20) CELL Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 09.05.2020 13:52
Really enjoyed this one as a trailer. GL ;)

21) Melancholy x Psychopathy Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 07.05.2020 23:10
chrismiura wrote:
Thanks to everyone for the comments ... I promise I will improve.

good luck ;)

22) ALIUS Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 07.05.2020 22:55
Strannick610 wrote:
Kroner -AMV-, As you wish. Depending on the tasks that the author wants to receive, it doesn’t matter if the viewer understands it. In general, an anime music video does not necessarily come down to the "entertainment" of the viewer. Perhaps the author wants to cause irritation, disgust, devastation in the viewer due to not observing the form expected by the audience. Although this greatly depends on the characteristics of the audience. Synchronization is not at all feral, these are just a manipulative device (conditioned reflex) in conditions of the “clip thinking” of society, an overabundance of media content. An author can contrast himself with these tendencies of the “spirit of the times” and make content without adhering to relative rules. In general, everyone will decide what to do and will be right in his own way.

well ofc you're right, but we're still talking about a competition, art is art and it's not related to universal rules, but in a competition we have to focus on something to judge, so if we pick our risks we also have to take our responsability if we "fail". But honestly we're bringing the concept too far, I think she just sacrified sync for a better storytelling, and she didn't for the art sake but just for "lower" reasons. There's no need in general to bring the discussion to abstract when the causes are that simple. She did her choice, I did mine, everyone did their, now we have to judge the results. No hate here ofc, just want to stay on the main topic ;)

23) ALIUS Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 07.05.2020 21:44
Strannick610, Encruzio,
How can be sync NOT relevant in an anime music video?

I personally agree with Sempai3607, actually, the vid is interesting even if I didn't understand the story at a first review and I had to read the comments, but the lack of sync and that song cut around 2.11 limit my entertainment. Sorry, the story was still cool and the idea too, but I'm going to be the one saying "that's not my cup of tea" this time. Good luck anyway and I just want to add that despite that I appreciate a lot your efforts,

24) Melancholy x Psychopathy Kroner -AMV- | (5 | 0) | 07.05.2020 15:35
I raised the volume since I couldn’t ear any sound and I thought it was my problem.....but when it started.....you almost killed me

25) Voyager Kroner -AMV- | (2 | 0) | 05.05.2020 23:39
best poster, no doubt

26) Higher & Further Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 04.05.2020 11:12
Sometimes I had the impression that everything was TOO epic for the situation but I liked it overall, there were interesting things and your efforts are noticeable, seems it has some french influence btw, is that just an impression?

27) Breathing Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 03.05.2020 13:32
In bocca al lupo!

28) 6 AM Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2020 17:42
great vid, one of my fav so far. Song is really cool af, sync is great and the theme is interesting . I'm just not sure on that find edges(?) effect and the use of multiple sources so different between them, expecially when there are big sequences of 3-gatsu no Lion in the middle of the vid that made me ask if I was looking to an anime mix or not

29) Orphanage Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 29.04.2020 16:27
kottai wrote:
Thank you so much for your advices and comments! I will take in consideration using a better musical source for the horror atmosphere in the future

Pick the one you like it dude, just be aware that someone can disagree with that, I did the same “mistake” with eternity 2 years ago, but I don’t regret it

30) Orphanage Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 29.04.2020 12:07
The vid is not bad, even if is something we’re used to in horror category you did a good job with comps, atmosphere and there are some nice details. song cuts are not that good tho, but most important DUDE THAT SONG!!!!!!!! XD
Good luck btw, the vid is quite solid

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